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DicomNet Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomNet.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomNet Initializes a new instance of the DicomNet class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Accept Accepts a connection request from an SCU.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Breathe For Windows platforms, this implements a standard Windows Message pump.
Public Method Close Closes the connection between an associated SCU and SCP.
Public Method CloseForced Closes an ISCL connection.
Public Method Connect Connects an Called AE to an Calling AE.
Public Method GetClient Returns the DICOM Network object of the SCU at the specified index.
Public Method GetClientCount Returns the number of SCUs connected to the SCP.
Public Method GetCommandSet Returns a DicomDataSet containing the Command Set portion of a DIMSE DICOM message.
Public Method GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength Returns the communication block length agreed upon during mutual authentication.
Public Method GetIsclIndexForEncryption Gets the index of the encryption key used for encryption.
Public Method GetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication Gets the index of the mutual authentication key used during the mutual authentication process.
Public Method GetIsclPeerAuthenticationData Gets the authentication data the peer computer sent during mutual authentication.
Public Method GetIsclPeerEncryption Returns the encryption mode the sender used when sending a message.
Public Method GetIsclPeerMac Returns the MAC type the sender used when sending a message.
Public Method GetIsclPeerRequestedMessageLength Gets the length of the message sent unsuccessfully by a peer computer.
Public Method GetIsclStatus Returns the internal ISCL status when an error occurs.
Public Method GetLastIsclOrTlsError Returns the code of the last occurring ISCL or TLS error.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetOpenSslVersion Gets information about the availability and version of the OpenSSL libraries
Public Method GetQueueSend Returns the number of bytes in the send queue.
Public Method GetServer Returns the DICOM Network object of the SCP.
Public Method GetTlsAuthenticationAlgorithm Returns the mutual authentication mode or algorithm for the specified cipher suite.
Public Method GetTlsCipherSuite Returns the cipher suite agreed upon during the TLS protocol.
Public Method GetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex Returns the cipher suite present at the specified index.
Public Method GetTlsEncryptionAlgorithm Returns the encryption mode (DES, 3DES, etc.) for the specified cipher suite.
Public Method GetTlsEncryptionKeyLength Returns the effective length, in bits, of the encryption key associated with the specified cipher suite (56 for DES, etc.).
Public Method GetTlsIntegrityAlgorithm Returns the Message Authentication Code (MAC) algorithm for the specified cipher suite.
Public Method GetTlsKeyExchangeAlgorithm Returns the key exchange algorithm for the specified cipher suite.
Public Method GetTlsMutualAuthenticationKeyLength Returns the effective length, in bits, of the mutual authentication key associated with the specified cipher suite.
Public Method Initialize Changes security options from the defaults.
Public Method IsActivated Determines whether the connection has been activated.
Public Method IsAssociated Determines whether the connection has been associated.
Public Method IsConnected Determines whether a connection has been established.
Public Method IsIsclQueueEmpty Determines whether the ISCL transmission queue is empty.
Public Method Listen Establishes a connection for listening for incoming connection requests.
Public Method SendAbort Sends an Abort message to a connection.
Public Method SendAssociateAccept Sends an Associate Accept message to a connection.
Public Method SendAssociateReject Sends an Associate Reject message to a connection.
Public Method SendAssociateRequest Sends an Associate Request message to a connection.
Public Method SendCCancelRequest Sends a C-CANCEL-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCEchoRequest Sends a C-ECHO-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCEchoResponse Sends a C-ECHO-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCFindRequest Sends a C-FIND-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCFindResponse Sends a C-FIND-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCGetRequest Sends a C-GET-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCGetResponse Sends a C-GET-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCMoveRequest Sends a C-MOVE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCMoveResponse Sends a C-MOVE-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCStoreRequest Sends a C-STORE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendCStoreResponse Sends a C-STORE-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendData Sends a Data message to a connection.
Public Method SendNActionRequest Sends an N-ACTION-REQ message to a peer member of a connection
Public Method SendNActionResponse Sends an N-ACTION-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNCreateRequest Sends an N-CREATE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNCreateResponse Sends an N-CREATE-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNDeleteRequest Sends an N-DELETE-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNDeleteResponse Sends an N-DELETE-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNGetRequest Sends an N-GET-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNGetResponse Sends an N-GET-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNonSecureIscl Sends data over an ISCL connection, unsecured. The data is not encrypted and the message has no authentication code.
Public Method SendNReportRequest Sends an N-EVENT-REPORT-REQ message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNReportResponse Sends an N-EVENT-REPORT-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNSetRequest Sends an N-GET-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendNSetResponse Sends an N-SET-RSP message to a peer member of a connection.
Public Method SendReleaseRequest Sends a Release Request message to a connection.
Public Method SendReleaseResponse Sends a Release Response message to a connection.
Public Method ServerClose Closes a client DicomNet in a multi-threaded environment.
Public Method SetIsclAuthenticationData Sets the authentication data used during the mutual authentication process.
Public Method SetIsclDefaultEncryptionMode Sets the encryption mode used by the ISCL operations.
Public Method SetIsclDefaultSigningMode Sets the current message authentication code (MAC) type.
Public Method SetIsclEncryptionKey Sets an encryption key at the specified index in the array of encryption keys.
Public Method SetIsclEncryptionKeyIndex Sets the index of the encryption key to be used for encryption.
Public Method SetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication Sets the index of the mutual authentication key to be used during the mutual authentication process.
Public Method SetIsclMaxCommunicationBlockLength Sets the maximum communication block length that can be sent/received by the current entity.
Public Method SetIsclMaxMessageLength Sets the maximum message length that can be processed (sent and received) by the current entity.
Public Method SetIsclMutualAuthenticationAlgorithm Sets the mutual authentication mode.
Public Method SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey Sets a mutual authentication key at the specified index in the array of authentication keys.
Public Method SetTlsCipherSuiteByIndex Sets the cipher suite for the specified index.
Public Method SetTlsClientCertificate Sets a certificate for the client.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Shutdown Shuts down the LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB Startup Initializes the LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the DicomNet.
Protected Method ExternalAuthenticateIscl Determines whether the response code is a valid response for the challenge code.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.
Protected Method GetChallengeIscl Generates a random number.
Protected Method InternalAuthenticateIscl Generates a response code, based on the specified challenge code.
Protected Method OnAccept Notifies a listening connection (SCP) that it can accept pending connection requests.
Protected Method OnBeforeSendCommandSet Notifies a connection before the Command Set portion of a DIMSE DicomNet:SendXxxResponse is transmitted.
Protected Method OnClose Notifies a member of a connection that the connection was closed.
Protected Method OnConnect Notifies the SCU that the connection attempt is complete.
Protected Method OnNonSecureReceivedIscl This method is called after data sent in non-secure mode is received.
Protected Method OnNonSecureSendIscl This method is called after data has been sent using the SendNonSecureIscl method.
Protected Method OnPrivateKeyPassword This method is called by SetTlsClientCertificate whenever the private key file is password-encrypted in order to obtain the password.
Protected Method OnReceive Notifies a connection that data was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveAbort Notifies a connection that an Abort message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateAccept Notifies a connection that an Associate Accept message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateReject Notifies a connection that an Associate Reject message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveAssociateRequest Notifies a connection that an Associate Request message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCCancelRequest Notifies a connection that a C-CANCEL-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCEchoRequest Notifies a connection that a C-ECHO-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCEchoResponse Notifies a connection that a C-ECHO-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCFindRequest Notifies a connection that a C-FIND-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCFindResponse Notifies a connection that a C-FIND-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCGetRequest Notifies a connection that a C-GET-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCGetResponse Notifies a connection that a C-GET-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCMoveRequest Notifies a connection that a C-MOVE-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCMoveResponse Notifies a connection that a C-MOVE-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCStoreRequest Notifies a connection that a C-STORE-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveCStoreResponse Notifies a connection that a C-STORE-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveData Notifies a connection when a Data message was received.
Protected Method OnReceivedISCLPacket Notifies a connection when a Data message is received in ISCL mode.
Protected Method OnReceiveNActionRequest Notifies a connection that an N-ACTION-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNActionResponse Notifies a connection that an N-ACTION-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNCreateRequest Notifies a connection that an N-CREATE-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNCreateResponse Notifies a connection that an N-CREATE-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNDeleteRequest Notifies a connection that an N-DELETE-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNDeleteResponse Notifies a connection that an N-DELETE-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNGetRequest Notifies a connection that an N-GET-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNGetResponse Notifies a connection that an N-GET-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNReportRequest Notifies a connection that an N-EVENT-REPORT-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNReportResponse Notifies a connection that an N-EVENT-REPORT-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNSetRequest Notifies a connection that an N-SET-REQ command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveNSetResponse Notifies a connection that an N-SET-RSP command was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveReleaseRequest Notifies a connection that a Release Request message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveReleaseResponse Notifies a connection that a Release Response message was received.
Protected Method OnReceiveUnknown Notifies a connection that an unknown command was received.
Protected Method OnSecureLinkReady This method is called when an ISCL or TLS secured connection is successfully established.
Protected Method OnSend Notifies a connection that data was sent.
Protected Method OnVerify A callback that provides information during the certificate exchange/verification phase of TLS DICOM Security negotiation and optionally controls the verification process.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Association Gets the DICOM Association for the DICOM Network object.
Public Property DefaultSocketOptions Gets the default DICOM socket options.
Public Property Flags Get or set options for DICOM communication.
Public Property HostAddress Gets the IP address of the host computer (the SCP's address).
Public Property HostPort Gets the port number of the host (the SCP's port).
Public Property IpType Returns the DicomNetIpTypeFlags used in a Connect or a Listen
Public Property OptimizedMemorySend Gets or sets the option to optimize memory usage when sending data sets to a server This option works when DicomNetSecurityMode is set to None
Public Property PeerAddress Gets the IP address of the peer computer of the connection (the SCU's address).
Public Property PeerPort Gets the port number of the peer computer of the connection (the SCU's port).
Public Property SecurityMode Gets the security mode used to initialize the network structure.
Public Property SocketOptions Gets or sets the DICOM Socket options.

See Also

DicomNet Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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