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DicomExceptionCode Enumeration

Represents the possible return values for LEADTOOLS DICOM methods.
public enum DicomExceptionCode 
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTDicomErrorCode) { 
	LTDicomErrorCodeSuccess = 0,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeSupportLocked = 1,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNoMemory = 2,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeOpen = 3,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeRead = 4,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeWrite = 5,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeSeek = 6,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeEnd = 7,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeFormat = 8,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeParameter = 9,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeImage = 10,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCompression = 11,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePhotometricInterpretation = 12,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeConversion = 13,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeRange = 14,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBitsPerPixel = 15,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeQualityFactor = 16,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeDICOMDIRFolder = 200,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeFile = 201,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeFileId = 202,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeJ2KLocked = 203,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeLutDescriptorMissing = 204,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeModalityLutMissing = 205,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBadPixelRepresentation = 206,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePaletteColorLutDataMissing = 207,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeFeatureNotSupported = 208,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeVoiLutMissing = 209,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeOverlayAttributesMissing = 210,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeOverlayActivationLayerMissing = 211,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeOverlayDataMissing = 212,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidStructSize = 213,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNULLPointer = 214,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeImageProcessingAssemblyMissing = 215,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCryptoLibraryLoadFailed = 216,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidMacTransferSyntax = 217,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateKeyLoadFailed = 218,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCertificateLoadFailed = 219,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCertificateReadFailed = 220,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeKeysMismatch = 221,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidMacAlgorithm = 222,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidEncryptionAlgorithm = 223,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeMacIDNumberAllocateFailed = 224,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCryptoLibFailure = 225,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeMacParameterMissing = 226,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeMacIDNumberMissing = 227,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeUnknownMacAlgorithm = 228,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeSignatureMissing = 229,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidSignature = 230,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCmpCodecMissing = 231,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeJ2KCodecMissing = 232,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCantReplaceExistingCharacterSet = 233,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrintSCUClassNotSupported = 301,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrintSCUTimeout = 302,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrintSCUAssociateRQRejected = 303,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrintSCUFailureStatus = 304,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeSopInstanceUidAlreadyExists = 305,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeIncompatibleListOfImages = 306,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBadPDUType = 17,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBadPDULength = 18,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBadPDUID = 19,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetFailure = 29,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetAccess = 30,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetAddressInUse = 31,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetAddressNotAvailable = 32,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetAddressNotSupported = 33,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetConnectionAborted = 34,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetConnectionRefused = 35,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetConnectionReset = 36,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetDestinationRequired = 37,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetArgumentIncorrect = 38,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetBlockingOperationInProgress = 39,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetBlockingCanceled = 40,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetInvalidSocket = 41,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetSocketAlreadyConnected = 42,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNoMoreFile = 43,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetMessageSize = 44,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetDown = 45,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetReset = 46,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetUnReach = 47,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNoBuffers = 48,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNotConnected = 49,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNotSocket = 50,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetOperationNotSupported = 51,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetProtocolNotSupported = 52,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetProtocolType = 53,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetShutdown = 54,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetSocketNotSupported = 55,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetTimeout = 56,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetWouldBlock = 57,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetHostNotFound = 58,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNoData = 59,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNoRecovery = 60,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetNotInitialised = 61,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetSystemNotReady = 62,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetTryAgain = 63,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetVersionNotSupported = 64,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeNetSecurityBreach = 65,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInternalError = 66,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeSecurityLocked = 67,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSLibraryNotLoaded = 68,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeBadSecurityMode = 69,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeAnnotationFailure = 70,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeAnnotationSupport = 71,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeAnnotationAssemblyMissing = 72,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTagAlreadyExists = 73,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeAnnotationFileDoesntExist = 74,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCloseNotify = 128,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnexpectedMessage = 129,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSBadRecordMac = 130,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSDecryptFailed = 131,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSRecordOverflow = 132,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSDecompressionFailure = 133,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSHandshakeFailure = 134,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSBadCertificate = 135,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnsupportedCertificate = 136,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertificateRevoked = 137,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertificateExpired = 138,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertificateUnknown = 139,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSIllegalParameter = 140,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnknownCa = 141,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSAccessDenied = 142,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSDecodeError = 143,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSDecryptError = 144,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSExportRestriction = 145,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSProtocolVersion = 146,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInsufficientSecurity = 147,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInternalError1 = 148,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUserCanceled = 149,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSNoRenegotiation = 150,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSNoKeepalive = 151,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSClosedControlled = 152,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToGetIssuerCert = 160,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToGetCrl = 161,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToDecryptCertSignature = 162,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToDecryptCrlSignature = 163,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey = 164,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertSignatureFailure = 165,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCrlSignatureFailure = 166,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertNotYetValid = 167,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertHasExpired = 168,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCrlNotYetValid = 169,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCrlHasExpired = 170,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSErrorInCertNotBeforeField = 171,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSErrorInCertNotAfterField = 172,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSErrorInCrlLastUpdateField = 173,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSErrorInCrlNextUpdateField = 174,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSOutOfMem = 175,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSDepthZeroSelfSignedCert = 176,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSSelfSignedCertInChain = 177,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToGetIssuerCertLocally = 178,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSUnableToVerifyLeafSignature = 179,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertChainTooLong = 180,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertRevoked = 181,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidCa = 182,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSPathLengthExceeded = 183,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidPurpose = 184,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertUntrusted = 185,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSCertRejected = 186,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSSubjectIssuerMismatch = 187,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSAkidSkidMismatch = 188,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSAkidIssuerSerialMismatch = 189,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSKeyusageNoCertsign = 190,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSApplicationVerification = 191,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidCtx = 192,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidCtxVerifyDepth = 193,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidCtxVerifyMode = 194,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTLSInvalidCtxCafile = 195,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadOption = 100,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadLength = 101,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLLocalIccard = 102,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLRemoteIccard = 103,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadMsgid = 104,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadVersion = 105,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadMutualAuthMethod = 106,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadCommblockLength = 107,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLReceivedNak = 108,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLMsgTransmission = 109,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLPeerSmallLength = 110,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLLocalSmallLength = 111,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLDecrypt = 112,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLBadMac = 113,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLRndNoForSessionKeyExpected = 114,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeISCLPeerRefuseClose = 115,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateCreatorGroupInvalid = 235,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateCreatorDataElementAlreadyExists = 236,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateCreatorDataElementMissing = 237,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateCreatorElementsAllAllocated = 238,  
	LTDicomErrorCodePrivateCreatorElementInvalid = 239,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeEncapsulatedDocumentMissing = 240,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeInvalidElementLength = 241,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeEncapsulatedDocumentFailure = 242,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeEncapsulatedDocumentInvalidType = 243,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeIpv4Ipv6Conflict = 307,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeJlsFilterMissing = 308,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidFormat = 400,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlModuleListMissing = 401,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidIodList = 402,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidIodModuleItem = 403,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlModuleNotFound = 404,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidModuleElement = 405,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidModuleList = 406,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidModulelistModuleAttribute = 407,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidIodListModuleAttribute = 408,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidIodListIodAttribute = 409,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidElementList = 410,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidElementListItemAttribute = 411,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidUidListItemAttribute = 412,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidConceptGroupList = 413,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidContextGroupAttribute = 414,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeXmlInvalidCodedConceptAttribute = 415,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeElementAlreadyExists = 416,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeTransferSyntaxNotSupported = 417,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeCanceled = 418,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeClassNotFound = 419,  
	LTDicomErrorCodeJP2CodecMissing = 420,  
 LTDicomErrorCodeTooManyOpenFiles = 421,  
 LTDicomErrorCodeDiskFull = 422,  
 LTDicomErrorCodeNetHostUnreachable = 423 
public enum DicomExceptionCode 
public enum class DicomExceptionCode   
0Success Success.
1SupportLocked Dicom support is locked. You must unlock the Medical Support.
2NoMemory Insufficient memory.
3Open Error opening the file.
4Read Error reading the file.
5Write Error writing to a file.
6Seek Error during search.
7End Error - end of file.
8Format Improper file format.
9Parameter Incorrect parameter.
10Image Improper image.
11Compression Improper compression.
12PhotometricInterpretation Improper photometric type.
13Conversion Error converting the file.
14Range Out of range.
15BitsPerPixel Improper bits per pixel.
16QualityFactor Improper quality factor.
17BadPDUType Improper PDU type.
18BadPDULength Improper PDU length.
19BadPDUID Improper PDU ID.
29NetFailure Network failure.
30NetAccess The address is a broadcast address
31NetAddressInUse The address is already in use
32NetAddressNotAvailable The address is not available from the local computer
33NetAddressNotSupported The address family is not supported
34NetConnectionAborted The virtual circuit was aborted
35NetConnectionRefused The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected
36NetConnectionReset The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side
37NetDestinationRequired A destination address is required
38NetArgumentIncorrect The namelen argument is incorrect
39NetBlockingOperationInProgress A blocking operation is in progress
40NetBlockingCanceled The blocking call was canceled
41NetInvalidSocket The socket has not been bound with bind
42NetSocketAlreadyConnected The socket is already connected
43NetNoMoreFile No more file descriptors are available
44NetMessageSize The datagram is larger than the maximum supported
45NetDown The network subsystem has failed
46NetReset The connection must be reset
47NetUnReach The network can't be reached from this host at this time
48NetNoBuffers No buffer space is available
49NetNotConnected The socket is not connected
50NetNotSocket The descriptor is not a socket
51NetOperationNotSupported The type does not support connection-oriented service
52NetProtocolNotSupported The specified protocol is not supported
53NetProtocolType The specified protocol is the wrong type
54NetShutdown The socket has been shut down
55NetSocketNotSupported The type is not supported in this address family
56NetTimeout Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection
57NetWouldBlock The socket is marked as nonblocking and the requested operation would block
58NetHostNotFound Authoritative Answer Host not found
59NetNoData Valid name = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., no data record of requested type
60NetNoRecovery Nonrecoverable errors
61NetNotInitialised The system was not initialized
62NetSystemNotReady Not ready for network communication
63NetTryAgain Non-Authoritative Host not found, or server failed
64NetVersionNotSupported The version requested is not provided by this implementation
65NetSecurityBreach There is a cryptographic error.
66TLSInternalError TLS internal error
67SecurityLocked DICOM Security Features are locked
68TLSLibraryNotLoaded TLS and/or CRY DLL not loaded
69BadSecurityMode ISCL operation attempted on TLS object
70AnnotationFailure Annotation error
71AnnotationSupport Annotation support is locked
72AnnotationAssemblyMissing Annotation dll is missing
73TagAlreadyExists LEAD private creator element already exists
74AnnotationFileDoesntExist Requested annotation file or page does not exist
100ElementLengthOdd Element Length Odd
100ISCLBadOption Bad option
101ISCLBadLength Bad length
102ISCLLocalIccard Error in the local IC card
103ISCLRemoteIccard Error in the remote IC card
104ISCLBadMsgid Bad message ID
105ISCLBadVersion Bad version number
106ISCLBadMutualAuthMethod Bad mutual authentication mode
107ISCLBadCommblockLength Bad communication block length
108ISCLReceivedNak Received a 'Not Acknowledged' message
109ISCLMsgTransmission Error in the message transmission
110ISCLPeerSmallLength Peer small length
111ISCLLocalSmallLength Local small length
112ISCLDecrypt Decryption error
113ISCLBadMac Bad message authentication code
114ISCLRndNoForSessionKeyExpected Round number for session key expected.
115ISCLPeerRefuseClose Peer refused close request.
128TLSCloseNotify Error in close notification
129TLSUnexpectedMessage Unexpected message
130TLSBadRecordMac Bad record message authentication code
131TLSDecryptFailed Decryption failed
132TLSRecordOverflow Record overflow
133TLSDecompressionFailure Decompression failed
134TLSHandshakeFailure Handshake failed
135TLSBadCertificate Bad certificate
136TLSUnsupportedCertificate Unsupported certificate
137TLSCertificateRevoked Certificate revoked
138TLSCertificateExpired Certificate Expired
139TLSCertificateUnknown Certificate unknown
140TLSIllegalParameter Illegal parameter
141TLSUnknownCa Unknown certificate authenticator
142TLSAccessDenied Access denied
143TLSDecodeError Error decoding
144TLSDecryptError Decryption error
145TLSExportRestriction Export restriction
146TLSProtocolVersion Wrong protocol version
147TLSInsufficientSecurity Insufficient security
148TLSInternalError1 Internal error Call LEAD
149TLSUserCanceled User cancelled
150TLSNoRenegotiation No renegotiation
151TLSNoKeepalive "Windows Sockets provider" does not support the use of keep-alives.
152TLSClosedControlled An error occurred and the connection was closed gracefully.
160TLSUnableToGetIssuerCert "Unable to get issuer certificate"
161TLSUnableToGetCrl "Unable to get CRL"
162TLSUnableToDecryptCertSignature "Unable to decrypt certificate signature"
163TLSUnableToDecryptCrlSignature "unable to decrypt CRL signature"
164TLSUnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey "unable to decode issuer public key"
165TLSCertSignatureFailure "Certificate signature failure"
166TLSCrlSignatureFailure "Error TLS CRL Signature Failure"
167TLSCertNotYetValid "Error TLS Certificate Not Yet Valid"
168TLSCertHasExpired "Error TLS Certificate Has Expired"
169TLSCrlNotYetValid "Error TLS CRL Not Yet Valid"
170TLSCrlHasExpired "Error TLS CRL Has Expired"
171TLSErrorInCertNotBeforeField "Error TLS Error In Certificate Not Before Field"
172TLSErrorInCertNotAfterField "Error TLS Error In Certificate Not After Field"
173TLSErrorInCrlLastUpdateField "Error TLS Error In CRL Last Update Field"
174TLSErrorInCrlNextUpdateField "Error TLS Error In CRL Next Update Field"
175TLSOutOfMem "Error TLS Out Of Memory"
176TLSDepthZeroSelfSignedCert "Error TLS Depth Zero Self Signed Certificate"
177TLSSelfSignedCertInChain "Error TLS Self Signed Certificate In Chain"
178TLSUnableToGetIssuerCertLocally "Error TLS Unable To Get Issuer Certificate Locally".
179TLSUnableToVerifyLeafSignature "Error TLS Unable To Verify Leaf Signature".
180TLSCertChainTooLong "Error TLS Certificate Chain Too Long".
181TLSCertRevoked "Error TLS Certificate Revoked".
182TLSInvalidCa "Error TLS Invalid CA".
183TLSPathLengthExceeded "Error TLS Path Length Exceeded".
184TLSInvalidPurpose "Error TLS Invalid Purpose".
185TLSCertUntrusted "Error TLS Certificate Untrusted".
186TLSCertRejected "Error TLS Certificate Rejected".
187TLSSubjectIssuerMismatch "Error TLS Subject Issuer Mismatch".
188TLSAkidSkidMismatch "Error TLS AKID SKID Mismatch".
189TLSAkidIssuerSerialMismatch "Error TLS AKID Issuer Serial Mismatch".
190TLSKeyusageNoCertsign "Error TLS Keyusage No Certsign".
191TLSApplicationVerification "Error TLS Application Verification".
192TLSInvalidCtx "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context".
193TLSInvalidCtxVerifyDepth "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context Verify Depth".
194TLSInvalidCtxVerifyMode "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context Verify Mode".
195TLSInvalidCtxCafile "Error TLS Invalid SSL Context CA File".
200DICOMDIRFolder The destination folder of the DICOMDIR File is not specified = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., or the specified folder does not exist.
201File The file does not reside in the destination folder of the DICOMDIR File or in a subfolder of it = DicomExceptionCodeHelper., or the file does not exist.
202FileId The File ID of the specified file is invalid. Refer to the RejectInvalidFileID property for more information.
203J2KLocked J2K support is locked.
204LutDescriptorMissing LUT descriptor is missing.
205ModalityLutMissing Modality LUT is missing.
206BadPixelRepresentation Bad pixel representation.
207PaletteColorLutDataMissing Palette color LUT is missing.
208FeatureNotSupported Feature not supported.
209VoiLutMissing VOI LUT is missing.
210OverlayAttributesMissing Overlay attributes are missing.
211OverlayActivationLayerMissing Overlay activation layer element is missing.
212OverlayDataMissing Overlay data element is missing.
213InvalidStructSize Invalid structure size.
214NULLPointer NULL pointer.
215ImageProcessingAssemblyMissing LTIMG DLL is missing.
216CryptoLibraryLoadFailed Failed to load the underlying cryptographic library.
217InvalidMacTransferSyntax Unable to change to the MAC Calculation Transfer Syntax.
218PrivateKeyLoadFailed Failed to load the private key from the specified file.
219CertificateLoadFailed Failed to load the digital certificate from the specified file.
220CertificateReadFailed Failed to read the digital certificate from the Data Set.
221KeysMismatch The specified private key does not match the public key in the specified digital certificate.
222InvalidMacAlgorithm The specified Digital Signature Security Profile does not allow the use of the specified MAC Algorithm.
223InvalidEncryptionAlgorithm The specified Digital Signature Security Profile does not allow the use of the encryption algorithm implied by the specified keys.
224MacIDNumberAllocateFailed All possible values for the MAC ID Number are already used in the associated MAC Parameters Sequence.
225CryptoLibFailure The underlying cryptographic library failed.
226MacParameterMissing Failed to verify the Digital Signature because one or more of the MAC Parameters are missing.
227MacIDNumberMissing Failed to verify the Digital Signature because no MAC Parameters Sequence Item is referenced.
228UnknownMacAlgorithm Failed to verify the Digital Signature because the specified MAC Algorithm is unknown.
229SignatureMissing Failed to verify the Digital Signature because the Signature is missing.
230InvalidSignature The Digital Signature is invalid or at least one of the Digital Signatures in the Data Set is invalid.
231CmpCodecMissing Leadtools.Codecs.Cmp.dll is missing.
232J2KCodecMissing Leadtools.Codecs.J2k.dll is missing.
233CantReplaceExistingCharacterSet Can't replace Existing Character Set.
235PrivateCreatorGroupInvalid The private creator group number is invalid.
236PrivateCreatorDataElementAlreadyExist The private creator data element already exists.
236PrivateCreatorDataElementAlreadyExists The private creator data element already exists.
237PrivateCreatorDataElementMissing The private creator data element is missing.
238PrivateCreatorElementsAllAllocated All private creator elements have been allocated for this group.
239PrivateCreatorElementInvalid The private creator data element is invalid.
240EncapsulatedDocumentMissing The encapsulated document is missing.
241InvalidElementLength The element length is invalid.
242EncapsulatedDocumentFailure Failed to extract the encapsulated document.
243EncapsulatedDocumentInvalidType The type must be PDF or CDA.
301PrintSCUClassNotSupported The required SOP/Meta SOP Class is not supported on the Association (refer to the method itself)
302PrintSCUTimeout Timed out (refer to the Timeout property)
303PrintSCUAssociateRQRejected The Association request was rejected by the Print SCP (refer to the Associate method)
304PrintSCUFailureStatus The response of the Print SCP specifies a Failure status code (the operation was not performed).
305SopInstanceUidAlreadyExists SOP Instance UID already exists.
306IncompatibleListOfImages The list of images in the dataset must all have the same width, height, and bits per pixel.
307Ipv4Ipv6Conflict Both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses have been passed to the same method
308JlsFilterMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.Jls.dll is missing
400XmlInvalidFormat The LeadDicomTables XML file contains invalid XML
401XmlModuleListMissing The LeadDicomTables XML file missing the moduleList section
402XmlInvalidIodList The LeadDicomTables XML iodList section is invalid
403XmlInvalidIodModuleItem The LeadDicomTables XML file IOD entry contains an invalid module
404XmlModuleNotFound The LeadDicomTables XML file IOD entry references a module that is not defined in the moduleList
405XmlInvalidModuleElement The LeadDicomTables XML file moduleList contains an invalid element
406XmlInvalidModuleList The LeadDicomTables XML moduleList section is invalid
407XmlInvalidModulelistModuleAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML moduleList <Module> contains an invalid attribute
408XmlInvalidIodListModuleAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML iodList contains an invalid module
409XmlInvalidIodListIodAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML iodList contains an invalid attribute
410XmlInvalidElementList The LeadDicomTables XML elementList is invalid
411XmlInvalidElementListItemAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML elementList contains an invalid attribute
412XmlInvalidUidListItemAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML uidList contains an invalid attribute
413XmlInvalidConceptGroupList The LeadDicomTables XML contextgroup section is invalid
414XmlInvalidContextGroupAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML contextgroup section contains an invalid group attribute
415XmlInvalidCodedConceptAttribute The LeadDicomTables XML contextgroup section contains an invalid coded concept attribute
416ElementAlreadyExists The DICOM Element already exists
417TransferSyntaxNotSupported DICOM Transfer Syntax is not supported
418Canceled Operation was canceled
419ClassNotFound DICOM class not found
420JP2CodecMissing The Leadtools.Jpeg2000.dll is missing
421TooManyOpenFiles Too many open files
422DiskFull The disk is full
423NetHostUnreachable The net host is unreachable
424LtfilMissing The Leadtools.Codecs.dll library is missing
425ClassNotSupported Class is not supported

Target Platforms

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Leadtools.Dicom Assembly
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