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Leadtools.Dicom Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Dicom enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration ChangeTransferSyntaxFlags Specifies how the compression will be performed.
Enumeration ClientPortUsageType Specifies if a DICOM Client (SCU) will use secure DICOM TLS communication when an SCP reconnects to the client.
Enumeration DicomAbortReasonType Specifies the reason for the Association aborting.
Enumeration DicomAbortSourceType Specifies the source of the Association aborting.
Enumeration DicomAgeReferenceType Represents the possible age reference types.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationCompoundGraphicType Represents the value of the "Compound Graphic Type" (0070,0294) element in a "Compound Graphic Sequence" item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationDashStyleType Represents the value of the "Line Dashing Style" element (0070,0254) in a "Line Style Sequence" (0070,0232) item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationFillModeType Represents the value of the "Fill Mode" element (0070,0257) in a "Fill Style Sequence" (0070,0233) item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationFillOptions Controls the behavior of reading (i.e. GetCompoundGraphicInformation) and writing (i.e SetCompoundGraphicInformation) DicomFillStyle objects
Enumeration DicomAnnotationHorizontalAlignmentType Identifies the horizontal alignment for "Horizontal Alignment" element (0070,0242) in the "Text Style Sequence" (0070,0231).
Enumeration DicomAnnotationLineOptions Controls the behavior of reading (i.e. GetCompoundGraphicInformation) and writing (i.e SetCompoundGraphicInformation) DicomLineStyle objects
Enumeration DicomAnnotationOptions Flags that control the behavior of reading (i.e. GetCompoundGraphicInformation) and writing (i.e SetCompoundGraphicInformation) DICOM annotations
Enumeration DicomAnnotationShadowStyleType Represents the value of the "Shadow Style" element (0070, 0244) in a "Line Style Sequence" (0070,0232) item and "Text Style Sequence" (0070,0231) item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationTextOptions Controls the behavior of reading (i.e. GetCompoundGraphicInformation) and writing (i.e SetCompoundGraphicInformation) DicomTextStyle objects
Enumeration DicomAnnotationTickAlignmentType Represents the value of the "Tick Alignment" element (0070,0274) in a "Compound Graphic Sequence" item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationTickLabelAlignmentType Represents the value of the "Tick Label Alignment" element (0070,0279) in a "Compound Graphic Sequence" item.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationType Represents the value of the attribute "Graphic Type" (0070,0023) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
Enumeration DicomAnnotationUnitsRelativityType Represents the new waveform sample interpretation.
Enumeration DicomAnnotationVerticalAlignmentType Identifies the vertical alignment for "Vertical Alignment" element (0070,0243) in the "Text Style Sequence" (0070,0231).
Enumeration DicomAssociateAcceptResultType Specifies the result of a Presentation Context in an Associate Accept.
Enumeration DicomAssociateRejectReasonType Specifies the reason for the Association rejection.
Enumeration DicomAssociateRejectResultType Specifies the type of the Association rejection.
Enumeration DicomAssociateRejectSourceType Specifies the source of the Association rejection.
Enumeration DicomAutoScaleDataFlags Specifies the type of DicomAutoScaleData returned with a call to GetAutoScaleData.
Enumeration DicomCertificateFormat Specifies the format in which the digital certificate should be saved.
Enumeration DicomChannelStatusType Represents the channel status
Enumeration DicomCharacterSetType Represents the character set type
Enumeration DicomClassType Represents the constants that are used to indicate the Class Information Object Definitions.
Enumeration DicomCommandPriorityType Represents the possible priority levels of the message.
Enumeration DicomCommandStatusType Represents the possible command status types.
Enumeration DicomCommandType Represents the possible Command Set types.
Enumeration DicomContextGroupTableInsertFlags Flags that control the behavior of the Insert and InsertCodedConcept methods, that are used to insert new context groups and coded concepts to the context group table.
Enumeration DicomContextIdentifierType Represents an internal LEADTOOLS table of the Context Groups defined by the DICOM Content Mapping Resource (DCMR).
Enumeration DicomCopyFlags Flags that give additional information associated with the DicomElement.
Enumeration DicomDataSetFlags Specifies the Meta-header and Transfer Syntax flags.
Enumeration DicomDataSetInitializeFlags Specifies the Value Representation, byte order, and other options used when initializing a Data Set.
Enumeration DicomDataSetInitializeType Specifies the Value Representation and byte order of the Data Set.
Enumeration DicomDataSetLoadFlags Specifies the Meta-header and Transfer Syntax flags.
Enumeration DicomDataSetSaveFlags Specifies Meta-header flags, Transfer Syntax flags, and other flags that indicate the file characteristics to use when saving the file.
Enumeration DicomDirInsertFileCommand Specifies values that control the insertion of DICOM files to the Directory.
Enumeration DicomDirInsertFileStatus Specifies the status of inserting a DICOM file to the Directory.
Enumeration DicomDirKeyType Specifies the type of a key element.
Enumeration DicomEncapsulatedDocumentType Specifies the type of a DicomEncapsulatedDocument.
Enumeration DicomExceptionCode Represents the possible return values for LEADTOOLS DICOM methods.
Enumeration DicomGetImageFlags Represents the values that control the behavior of the GetImage and GetImages methods.
Enumeration DicomGetValueResult Specifies the possible result of GetValue
Enumeration DicomImageCompressionType Represents the values that indicates the type of compression.
Enumeration DicomImagePhotometricInterpretationType Represents the Photometric constant.
Enumeration DicomInsertElementAndSetValueResult Specifies the possible result of DicomDataSet.InsertElementAndSetValue
Enumeration DicomIodType Represents the type of Information Object Definition you are working with.
Enumeration DicomIodUsageType Represents the constants that are used to indicate the usage of Information Object Definitions.
Enumeration DicomIsclEncryptionMethodType Specifies the ISCL encryption mode.
Enumeration DicomIsclMutualAuthenticationMode Specifies the mutual authentication mode.
Enumeration DicomIsclSigningMethodType Specifies the message authentication code (MAC) type.
Enumeration DicomJpeg2000CompressionControl Represents how to control the compression of JPEG 2000 files.
Enumeration DicomJpeg2000ProgressionsOrder Indicates the order of progression.
Enumeration DicomJpeg2000RegionOfInterest Represents the region of interest to use.
Enumeration DicomMacAlgorithm Specifies the MAC Algorithm (0400,0015). This is the algorithm that should be used to generate the MAC.
Enumeration DicomModuleType Represents the constants that are used to indicate the Module Information Object Definitions
Enumeration DicomNetFlags Specifies options for DICOM communication.
Enumeration DicomNetIpTypeFlags Specifies which Internet Protocol Version will be supported with DICOM Communication.
Enumeration DicomNetSecurityMode Specifies the security mode to use when initializing the network structure.
Enumeration DicomOpenSslOptionsFlags Specifies restrictive and bug workaround options.
Enumeration DicomOpenSslVerificationFlags Specifies the verification mode to be used.
Enumeration DicomPaletteColorLutType Represents the type of a Palette Color Lookup Table.
Enumeration DicomPduType DICOM PDU Type (Type of data that was sent or received over a DICOM connection).
Enumeration DicomPrintScuPrintManagementClassFlags Specifies Print Management SOP/Meta SOP Classes.
Enumeration DicomPrintScuStatus Specifies the status of the Print SCU.
Enumeration DicomRangeType Represents the possible DICOM date and time range types.
Enumeration DicomRoleSupport Specifies whether a role is supported for a Presentation Context in the DICOM Associate.
Enumeration DicomSecurityCertificateExceptionCode A list of errors that can occur during the certificate exchange/verification phase of TLS DICOM Security negotiation.
Enumeration DicomSecurityProfile Specifies the Digital Signature Security Profile with which to conform when creating the Digital Signature.
Enumeration DicomSetImageFlags Represents the values that control the behavior of the InsertImage and SetImage methods.
Enumeration DicomSetOverlayFlags Specifies the behavior of SetOverlayAttributes.
Enumeration DicomSslMethodType Specifies the SSL method type used for security verification.
Enumeration DicomTemporalPointType Specifies the type of values TemporalPointCount represents.
Enumeration DicomTemporalRangeType Represents the value of the "Temporal Range Type" (0040,A130) element.
Enumeration DicomTestConformanceFlags Indicates errors associated with the DicomElement.
Enumeration DicomTlsAuthenticationMethodType Specifies the authentication mode or algorithm.
Enumeration DicomTlsCertificateType Specifies the certificate type.
Enumeration DicomTlsCipherSuiteType Specifies the type of cipher suite used in the TLS security.
Enumeration DicomTlsEncryptionMethodType Specifies the encryption mode or algorithm.
Enumeration DicomTlsExchangeMethodType Specifies the key exchange algorithm.
Enumeration DicomTlsMacMethodType Specifies the message authentication code (MAC) algorithm.
Enumeration DicomUIDCategory Represents the type of UID
Enumeration DicomVRRestriction Represents the restrictions on the length.
Enumeration DicomVRType Represents the value Representations supported by DICOM.
Enumeration DicomWaveformOriginalityType Represents the current waveform originality for the waveform group.
Enumeration DicomWaveformSampleInterpretationType Represents the new waveform sample interpretation.
Enumeration TextAnnotationJustificationType Represents the new waveform sample justification.
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Leadtools.Dicom Assembly
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