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GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength Method

Returns the communication block length agreed upon during mutual authentication.
public int GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength() 
int GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength();  

Return Value

The communication block length agreed upon during mutual authentication.


Using a block size that is too small or too big could impact performance.


This is a comprehensive sample that shows how to use DICOM Secure communication using ISCL.

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using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
public struct MSG 
   public IntPtr hwnd; 
   public uint message; 
   public IntPtr wParam; 
   public IntPtr lParam; 
   public uint time; 
   public System.Drawing.Point p; 
public enum WaitReturn 
class Utils 
   [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] 
   static extern bool PeekMessage(out MSG lpMsg, IntPtr hWnd, 
                                  uint wMsgFilterMin, uint wMsgFilterMax, 
                                  uint wRemoveMsg); 
   static extern bool TranslateMessage([In] ref MSG lpMsg); 
   static extern IntPtr DispatchMessage([In] ref MSG lpmsg); 
   const uint PM_REMOVE = 1; 
   public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(double mill, WaitHandle wh) 
      TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks); 
         MSG msg = new MSG(); 
         if (PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
            TranslateMessage(ref msg); 
            DispatchMessage(ref msg); 
         if (wh.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), false)) 
            return WaitReturn.Complete; 
         if (goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0) 
            return WaitReturn.Timeout; 
      } while (true); 
   public static void SetupISCL(DicomNet net, string authData) 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(1, 11619789628100321); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(2, 34217865672122111); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(3, 1605935625518899689); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(4, 138217077775855676); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(5, 9117318694593010212); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(6, 3485297985488245687); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(7, 1533287511573403981); 
      net.SetIsclMutualAuthenticationKey(8, 5604839976916070822); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(1, 8079278526052745737); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(2, 1312864321990916052); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(3, 7190959962252002117); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(4, 3619524191167482890); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(5, 3466658849848898336); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(6, 8474124475946342520); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(7, 7725464453540259890); 
      net.SetIsclEncryptionKey(8, 4320705344832296668); 
      byte[] data = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(authData); 
      net.SetIsclAuthenticationData(data, data.GetLength(0)); 
// Secure client (ISCL) 
public class Client : DicomNet 
   readonly AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
   public Client() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.Iscl) 
      const string authData = "LEAD client ISCL"; 
      Utils.SetupISCL(this, authData); 
   public bool Wait() 
      WaitReturn ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((2 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent); 
      return (ret == WaitReturn.Complete); 
   protected override void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error) 
   protected override void OnSecureLinkReady(DicomExceptionCode error) 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Encryption is               : {0}", GetIsclPeerEncryption()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Peer Mac                         : {0}", GetIsclPeerMac()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Communication Block Length is    : {0}", GetIsclCommunicationBlockLength()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Encryption             : {0}", GetIsclIndexForEncryption()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Is Iscl Queue Empty                   : {0}", IsIsclQueueEmpty()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Index For Mutual Authentication  : {0}", GetIsclIndexForMutualAuthentication()); 
      Console.WriteLine("Iscl Status is                        : {0}", GetIsclStatus()); 
      //We can also call  GetIsclPeerAuthenticationData() to Get the Peer Authentication Data 
   protected override bool GetChallengeIscl(ref long challenge, long parameter) 
      challenge = 0x0123456789ABCDE1; 
      return true; 
   protected override bool InternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, ref long response, long parameter) 
      response = challenge + 1; 
      return true; 
   protected override bool ExternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, long response, long parameter) 
      if (response == (challenge + 1)) 
         return true; 
      return false; 
   protected override void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association) 
   protected override void OnReceiveReleaseResponse() 
   protected override void OnReceiveCEchoResponse(byte presentationID, int messageID, string affectedClass, DicomCommandStatusType status) 
      Debug.Assert(presentationID == 1, "Presentation id should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(messageID == 1, "Message ID should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(affectedClass == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Affected class should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
// Secure server client (ISCL) 
public class ServerConnection : DicomNet 
   public ServerConnection() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.Iscl) 
      const string authData = "LEAD ServerConnection ISCL"; 
      Utils.SetupISCL(this, authData); 
   protected override bool GetChallengeIscl(ref long challenge, long parameter) 
      challenge = 0x0123456789ABCDE1; 
      return true; 
   protected override bool InternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, ref long response, long parameter) 
      response = challenge + 1; 
      return true; 
   protected override bool ExternalAuthenticateIscl(long challenge, long response, long parameter) 
      if (response == challenge + 1) 
         return true; 
      return false; 
   protected override void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association) 
      DicomAssociate retAssociation = new DicomAssociate(false); 
      Debug.Assert(association.Called == "ServerTest", "Called AETitle should be ServerTest"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.Calling == "ClientTest", "Calling AETitle should be ClientTest"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementClass == "1.2.840.114257.1", "Implementation class should be 1.2.840.114257.1"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementationVersionName == "1", "Implementation version should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.MaxLength == 0x100000, "Max length should be 0x100000"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.GetAbstract(1) == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Presentation index 1 should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
      Debug.Assert(association.GetTransfer(1, 0) == DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, "Abstract Syntax (1,0) should be " + DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
      // Build our Association Accept 
      retAssociation.Called = association.Called; 
      retAssociation.Calling = association.Calling; 
      retAssociation.ImplementClass = association.ImplementClass; 
      retAssociation.ImplementationVersionName = association.ImplementationVersionName; 
      for (int x = 0; x < association.PresentationContextCount; x++) 
         byte id = association.GetPresentationContextID(x); 
         string abSyntax = association.GetAbstract(id); 
         string trSyntax = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian; 
         retAssociation.AddPresentationContext(id, 0, abSyntax); 
         if (association.GetTransferCount(id) > 0) 
            trSyntax = association.GetTransfer(id, 0); 
         retAssociation.AddTransfer(id, trSyntax); 
   protected override void OnReceiveReleaseRequest() 
   protected override void OnReceiveCEchoRequest(byte presentationID, int messageID, string affectedClass) 
      Debug.Assert(presentationID == 1, "Presentation id should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(messageID == 1, "Message ID should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(affectedClass == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Affected class should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
      SendCEchoResponse(presentationID, messageID, DicomUidType.VerificationClass, DicomCommandStatusType.Success); 
public class Server : DicomNet 
   readonly AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
   public Server() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.None) 
   protected override void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error) 
      ServerConnection client = new ServerConnection(); 
public void ISCLSecuritySample() 
   using (Server server = new Server()) 
      using (Client client = new Client()) 
         server.Listen("", 106, 1); // start server 
         client.Connect("", 1006, "", 106); // connect to secure server 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("Connection timed out"); 
         Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected"); 
         // Wait for authenication 
         if (!client.Wait()) 
            Debug.Fail("Connection timed out waiting for authenication"); 
         // If secure link is established you can now do your regular 
         // dicom communications. 
         // Send associate request 
         DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true); 
         associate.Called = "ServerTest"; 
         associate.Calling = "ClientTest"; 
         associate.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1"; 
         associate.ImplementationVersionName = "1"; 
         associate.MaxLength = 0x100000; 
         associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
         associate.AddTransfer(1, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("SendAssociateRequest timed out"); 
         // Send Echo Request 
         byte pid = client.Association.FindAbstract(DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
         client.SendCEchoRequest(pid, 1, DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("SendCEchoRequest timed out"); 
         // SendReleaseRequest 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("SendReleaseRequest timed out"); 

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