public byte[] GetBinaryValue(
DicomElement element,
int length
array<byte>^ GetBinaryValue(
DicomElement^ element,
int length
An item in the Data Set.
Number of bytes, from the binary value, to retrieve.
Buffer that contains the binary value associated with the specified item in the Data Set, or null if the method couldn't get the binary value.
If the length specified by the DicomElement.Length property is greater than [length](" id="lengthparameterlink" class="popuplink.html), then the binary value returned will be truncated to the smaller length. If the length specified by DicomElement.Length is less than [length](" id="lengthparameterlink" class="popuplink.html), then the entire binary value of element will be returned. This method can be called for every Value Representation, and it will return the exact value in the Value Field (unconverted).
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
public void DicomSetGetValueTest()
//Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once
//In the whole application
using (DicomDataSet dicomDataset = new DicomDataSet())
dicomDataset.Initialize(DicomClassType.Undefined, DicomDataSetInitializeType.ExplicitVRLittleEndian);
DicomElement element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.CineRate, DicomVRType.IS, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetIntValue(element, new int[] { 30 }, 1);
int[] value = dicomDataset.GetIntValue(element, 0, 1);// can also call GetLongValue
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 30);
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.ChannelMaximumValue, DicomVRType.OB, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetByteValue(element, new byte[] { 55 }, 1);
byte[] value = dicomDataset.GetByteValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 55);
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PregnancyStatus, DicomVRType.US, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetShortValue(element, new short[] { 2 }, 1);
short[] value = dicomDataset.GetShortValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 2);
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.SliceLocation, DicomVRType.DS, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetDoubleValue(element, new double[] { 10.5 }, 1);
double[] value = dicomDataset.GetDoubleValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 10.5);
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PresentationPixelMagnificationRatio, DicomVRType.FL, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetFloatValue(element, new float[] { 3.2F }, 1);
float[] value = dicomDataset.GetFloatValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 3.2F);
// Or you can use this overload
dicomDataset.SetFloatValue(element, 4.0F);
value = dicomDataset.GetFloatValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert(value[0] == 4.0F);
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.InstanceCreationDate, DicomVRType.DA, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomDateValue[] newvalue = new DicomDateValue[1];
newvalue[0].Year = 2004;
newvalue[0].Month = 1;
newvalue[0].Day = 8;
dicomDataset.SetDateValue(element, newvalue);
DicomDateValue[] value = dicomDataset.GetDateValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert((value[0].Year == 2004) && (value[0].Month == 1) && (value[0].Day == 8));
// Or you can use the SetDateValue overload that takes a single DicomDateValue
dicomDataset.SetDateValue(element, new DicomDateValue(1961, 6, 5));
value = dicomDataset.GetDateValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert((value[0].Year == 1961) && (value[0].Month == 6) && (value[0].Day == 5));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.InstanceCreationTime, DicomVRType.TM, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomTimeValue[] newvalue = new DicomTimeValue[1];
newvalue[0].Hours = 2;
newvalue[0].Minutes = 3;
newvalue[0].Seconds = 5;
dicomDataset.SetTimeValue(element, newvalue);
DicomTimeValue[] value = dicomDataset.GetTimeValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert((value[0].Hours == 2) && (value[0].Minutes == 3) && (value[0].Seconds == 5));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.AcquisitionDateTime, DicomVRType.DT, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomDateTimeValue[] newvalue = new DicomDateTimeValue[1];
newvalue[0].Year = 2004;
newvalue[0].Month = 1;
newvalue[0].Day = 8;
newvalue[0].Hours = 2;
newvalue[0].Minutes = 3;
newvalue[0].Seconds = 5;
dicomDataset.SetDateTimeValue(element, newvalue);
DicomDateTimeValue[] value = dicomDataset.GetDateTimeValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert((value[0].Hours == 2) && (value[0].Minutes == 3) && (value[0].Seconds == 5));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PatientAge, DicomVRType.AS, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomAgeValue[] newvalue = new DicomAgeValue[1];
newvalue[0].Number = 25;
newvalue[0].Reference = DicomAgeReferenceType.Days;
dicomDataset.SetAgeValue(element, newvalue);
DicomAgeValue[] value = dicomDataset.GetAgeValue(element, 0, 1);
Debug.Assert((value[0].Number == 25));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PatientName, DicomVRType.PN, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetStringValue(element, "John Doe", DicomCharacterSetType.Default);
Debug.Assert(dicomDataset.GetElementValueCount(element) == 1);
Debug.Assert(dicomDataset.GetStringValue(element, 0) == "John Doe");
byte[] inPreamble = new byte[128];
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
inPreamble[i] = (byte)i;
dicomDataset.SetPreamble(inPreamble, 0, 128);
byte[] outPreamble = dicomDataset.GetPreamble(128);
// Or you can use this overload which takes an offset
dicomDataset.GetPreamble(out outPreamble, 0, 128);
Debug.Assert(inPreamble.Length == outPreamble.Length);
element = dicomDataset.FindFirstElement(element, DicomTag.NumberOfRemainingSubOperations, true);
if (element != null)
//We don't really need to do this
byte[] inBinaryValue = new byte[2];
inBinaryValue[0] = 0;
inBinaryValue[1] = 1;
dicomDataset.SetBinaryValue(element, inBinaryValue, 2);
byte[] outBinaryValue = dicomDataset.GetBinaryValue(element, 2);
Debug.Assert((outBinaryValue[0] == 0) && (outBinaryValue[1] == 1));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.StudyDate, DicomVRType.DA, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomDateValue date1 = new DicomDateValue();
date1.Day = 1;
date1.Month = 2;
date1.Year = 2005;
DicomDateRangeValue[] newvalue = new DicomDateRangeValue[1];
newvalue[0].Date1 = date1;
newvalue[0].Type = DicomRangeType.Lower;
dicomDataset.SetDateRangeValue(element, newvalue);
DicomDateRangeValue value = dicomDataset.GetDateRangeValue(element, 0);
Debug.Assert((value.Type == DicomRangeType.Lower) && (value.Date1.Year == 2005));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.StudyTime, DicomVRType.TM, false, 0);
if (element != null)
DicomTimeValue time1 = new DicomTimeValue();
time1.Hours = 2;
time1.Minutes = 1;
time1.Seconds = 3;
DicomTimeRangeValue[] newvalue = new DicomTimeRangeValue[1];
newvalue[0].Time1 = time1;
newvalue[0].Type = DicomRangeType.Lower;
dicomDataset.SetTimeRangeValue(element, newvalue);
DicomTimeRangeValue value = dicomDataset.GetTimeRangeValue(element, 0);
Debug.Assert((value.Type == DicomRangeType.Lower) && (value.Time1.Hours == 2));
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PatientID, DicomVRType.LO, false, 0);
if (element != null)
dicomDataset.SetConvertValue(element, "154-4485", 1);
Debug.Assert(dicomDataset.GetConvertValue(element) == "154-4485");
element = dicomDataset.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.SelectorULValue, DicomVRType.UL, false, 0);
if (element != null)
// Set two unsigned integer values (minimum and maximum unsigned 32-bit values)
long[] values = new long[] { 0, 4294967295 };
dicomDataset.SetLongValue(element, values, 2);
string s = dicomDataset.GetConvertValue(element);
Debug.Assert(dicomDataset.GetConvertValue(element) == "0\\4294967295");
dicomDataset.Save(Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Test.dcm"), DicomDataSetSaveFlags.None);
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
GetBinaryValue(DicomElement,IntPtr,Int32) Method
GetBinaryValue(DicomElement,Byte[],Int32,Int32) Method
GetByteValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetShortValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetLongValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetIntValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetFloatValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetDoubleValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetAgeValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetDateValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
GetTimeValue(DicomElement,Int32,Int32) Method
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