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OnReceiveData Method

Notifies a connection when a Data message was received.
protected virtual void OnReceiveData( 
   byte presentationID, 
   DicomDataSet cs, 
   DicomDataSet ds 
- (void)onReceiveData:(uint8_t)presentationID commandSet:(null_unspecified LTDicomDataSet *)cs dataSet:(nullable LTDicomDataSet *)ds; 
virtual void OnReceiveData(  
   byte presentationID, 
   DicomDataSet^ cs, 
   DicomDataSet^ ds 


The Presentation Context ID. The ID provides information about both the class type of the data and the Transfer Syntax to use when transferring the data.

A DicomDataSet object that contains the Command Set which specifies the actual command message.

A DicomDataSet object that contains the actual data. This may be a null reference (Nothing in VB) if no Data Set is included.


This is a low level means of receiving DICOM messages and data. It allows you to process messages yourself, instead of using the high level message processing methods provided. This method is called for each DicomNet.SendCXXX or DicomNet.SendNXXX method provided by LEADTOOLS.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Dicom; 
public struct MSG 
   public IntPtr hwnd; 
   public uint message; 
   public IntPtr wParam; 
   public IntPtr lParam; 
   public uint time; 
   public System.Drawing.Point p; 
public enum WaitReturn 
class Utils 
   [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] 
   static extern bool PeekMessage(out MSG lpMsg, IntPtr hWnd, 
                                  uint wMsgFilterMin, uint wMsgFilterMax, 
                                  uint wRemoveMsg); 
   static extern bool TranslateMessage([In] ref MSG lpMsg); 
   static extern IntPtr DispatchMessage([In] ref MSG lpmsg); 
   const uint PM_REMOVE = 1; 
   public static WaitReturn WaitForComplete(double mill, WaitHandle wh) 
      TimeSpan goal = new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(mill).Ticks); 
         MSG msg = new MSG(); 
         if (PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
            TranslateMessage(ref msg); 
            DispatchMessage(ref msg); 
         if (wh.WaitOne(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0), false)) 
            return WaitReturn.Complete; 
         if (goal.CompareTo(new TimeSpan(DateTime.Now.Ticks)) < 0) 
            return WaitReturn.Timeout; 
      } while (true); 
class Client : DicomNet 
   DicomExceptionCode _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success; 
   AutoResetEvent waitEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false); 
   public Client() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.None) 
   public DicomExceptionCode LastError 
         return _LastError; 
   public bool Wait() 
      WaitReturn ret; 
      _LastError = DicomExceptionCode.Success; 
      ret = Utils.WaitForComplete((5 * 60) * 1000, waitEvent); 
      return (ret == WaitReturn.Complete); 
   protected override void OnConnect(DicomExceptionCode error) 
      _LastError = error; 
   protected override void OnReceiveAssociateAccept(DicomAssociate association) 
   protected override void OnReceiveData(byte presentationID, DicomDataSet cs, DicomDataSet ds) 
      DicomElement element; 
      Debug.Assert(cs != null, "Command set should not be null"); 
      Debug.Assert(ds != null, "Dataset should not be null"); 
      element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PatientID, true); 
      Debug.Assert(ds != null, "Element (PatientID) should not be null"); 
      Debug.Assert(ds.GetStringValue(element, 0) == "ID", "PatientID should be ID"); 
class ServerConnection : DicomNet 
   public bool TestData = false; 
   public ServerConnection() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.None) 
   protected override void OnReceiveAssociateRequest(DicomAssociate association) 
      DicomAssociate retAssociation = new DicomAssociate(false); 
      Debug.Assert(association.Called == "ServerTest", "Called AETitle should be ServerTest"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.Calling == "ClientTest", "Calling AETitle should be ClientTest"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementClass == "1.2.840.114257.1", "Implementation class should be 1.2.840.114257.1"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.ImplementationVersionName == "1", "Implementation version should be 1"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.MaxLength == 0x100000, "Max length should be 0x100000"); 
      Debug.Assert(association.GetAbstract(1) == DicomUidType.VerificationClass, "Presentation index 1 should be " + DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
      Debug.Assert(association.GetTransfer(1, 0) == DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian, "Abstract Syntax (1,0) should be " + DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
      // Build our Association Accept 
      retAssociation.Called = association.Called; 
      retAssociation.Calling = association.Calling; 
      retAssociation.ImplementClass = association.ImplementClass; 
      retAssociation.ImplementationVersionName = association.ImplementationVersionName; 
      for (int x = 0; x < association.PresentationContextCount; x++) 
         byte id = association.GetPresentationContextID(x); 
         string abSyntax = association.GetAbstract(id); 
         string trSyntax = DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian; 
         retAssociation.AddPresentationContext(id, 0, abSyntax); 
         if (association.GetTransferCount(id) > 0) 
            trSyntax = association.GetTransfer(id, 0); 
         retAssociation.AddTransfer(id, trSyntax); 
   protected override void OnReceiveData(byte presentationID, DicomDataSet cs, DicomDataSet ds) 
      DicomDataSet csResponse = new DicomDataSet(); 
      DicomElement element; 
      short[] v; 
      if (!TestData) 
      Debug.Assert(cs != null, "Command set should not be null"); 
      Debug.Assert(ds != null, "Dataset should not be null"); 
      // Check command 
      element = cs.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.MessageID, true); 
      Debug.Assert(element != null, "Element (MessageID) should not be null"); 
      v = cs.GetShortValue(element, 0, 1); 
      Debug.Assert(v[0] == 1, "Command Field should be 1"); 
      element = cs.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.Priority, true); 
      Debug.Assert(element != null, "Element (Priority) should not be null"); 
      v = cs.GetShortValue(element, 0, 1); 
      Debug.Assert(v[0] == (short)DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium, "Priority should be 0"); 
      // Check Dataset 
      element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PatientID, true); 
      Debug.Assert(element != null, "Element (PatientID) should not be null"); 
      Debug.Assert(ds.GetStringValue(element, 0) == "ID", "PatientID should be ID"); 
      cs.InitializeCommandSet(DicomCommandType.CFind, false); 
      SendData(presentationID, csResponse, ds); 
class Server : DicomNet 
   ServerConnection client; 
   public Server() 
       : base(null, DicomNetSecurityMode.None) 
   public bool TestData 
         if (client == null) 
            return false; 
         return client.TestData; 
         if (client != null) 
            client.TestData = value; 
   protected override void OnAccept(DicomExceptionCode error) 
      client = new ServerConnection(); 
public void SendDataSample() 
   using (Server server = new Server()) 
      using (Client client = new Client()) 
         // Connect to server 
         server.Listen("", 104, 1); // start server 
         client.Connect(null, 1000, "", 104); // connect to server 
                                                       // Over here we can access the host (client or SCU) address by calling client.HostAddress  
                                                       // and its port by calling client.HostPort. We can also access the peer (server or SCP) 
                                                       // address by calling client.PeerAddress and its port by calling client.PeerPort 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("Connection timed out"); 
         Debug.Assert(client.LastError == DicomExceptionCode.Success, "Connection failed"); 
         Debug.Assert(client.IsConnected(), "Client not connected"); 
         // Send associate request 
         DicomAssociate associate = new DicomAssociate(true); 
         long[] attributes = new long[4]; 
         associate.Called = "ServerTest"; 
         associate.Calling = "ClientTest"; 
         associate.ImplementClass = "1.2.840.114257.1"; 
         associate.ImplementationVersionName = "1"; 
         associate.MaxLength = 0x100000; 
         associate.AddPresentationContext(1, 0, DicomUidType.VerificationClass); 
         associate.AddTransfer(1, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
         associate.AddPresentationContext(3, 0, DicomUidType.PatientRootQueryFind); 
         associate.AddTransfer(3, DicomUidType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for connection to finish 
            Debug.Fail("SendAssociateRequest timed out"); 
         byte pid = client.Association.FindAbstract(DicomUidType.PatientRootQueryFind); 
         DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet(); 
         DicomDataSet cs = new DicomDataSet(); 
         DicomElement element; 
         cs.InitializeCommandSet(DicomCommandType.Undefined, true); 
         element = cs.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.Priority, true); 
         if (element == null) 
            element = cs.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.Priority, DicomVRType.UN, false, 0); 
         cs.SetConvertValue(element, DicomCommandPriorityType.Medium.ToString(), 1); 
         element = cs.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.MessageID, true); 
         if (element == null) 
            element = cs.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.MessageID, DicomVRType.UN, false, 0); 
         cs.SetConvertValue(element, "1", 1); 
         ds.Initialize(DicomClassType.PatientRootQueryPatient, DicomDataSetInitializeType.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); 
         element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PatientID, true); 
         if (element == null) 
            element = ds.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PatientID, DicomVRType.UN, false, 0); 
         ds.SetStringValue(element, "ID", DicomCharacterSetType.Default); 
         server.TestData = true; 
         client.SendData(pid, cs, ds); 
         if (!client.Wait()) // wait for NActionRequest to finish 
            Debug.Fail("SendData timed out"); 
         server.TestData = false; 

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