public DicomDataSet(
string path
- (instancetype)initWithTemporaryDirectory:(NSString *)path;
public DicomDataSet(String path)
String^ path
The location of the temporary files. DICOM uses temporary files during the course of creating a file. If this parameter is null, the DICOM temporary files are kept in the directory Windows places its own temporary files. If this parameter is not null, the temporary files are placed in the specified directory.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Dicom;
public void LoadEnumerateSample()
string dicomFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "DICOM", "image3.dcm");
//Make sure to initialize the DICOM engine, this needs to be done only once
//In the whole application
using (DicomDataSet ds = new DicomDataSet())
//Load DICOM File
ds.Load(dicomFileName, DicomDataSetLoadFlags.None);
//Insert patient name element, if it doesn't already exist
DicomElement element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PatientName, false);
if (element == null)
element = ds.InsertElement(null, false, DicomTag.PatientName, DicomVRType.PN, false, 0);
//The dataset should include the patient name element or an error occurred
element = ds.FindLastElement(null, DicomTag.PatientName, false);
Debug.Assert(element != null);
//There can be only one patient element in the root level
element = ds.FindPreviousElement(null, false);
Debug.Assert(element == null);
element = ds.FindNextElement(null, false);
Debug.Assert(element == null);
element = ds.FindFirstElement(null, DicomTag.PatientName, false);
//Since the patient name element is in the root level,
//GetRootElement will return the same element.
DicomElement element1 = ds.GetRootElement(element);
Debug.Assert((element1.Tag == element.Tag), "GetRootElement should return same element");
//Since the patient name element has no parent then GetParentElement will return null
element1 = ds.GetParentElement(element);
Debug.Assert(element1 == null, "GetParentElement should return null");
//Since the patient name element has no children then GetChildElement will return null
element1 = ds.GetChildElement(element, false);
Debug.Assert(element1 == null, "GetChildElement should return null");
element1 = ds.GetFirstElement(element, false, false);
Debug.Assert(element1 != null, "GetFirstElement Can't return null in this case");
element1 = ds.GetLastElement(element, false, false);
Debug.Assert(element1 != null, "GetLastElement Can't return null in this case");
element1 = ds.GetPreviousElement(element, false, true);
DicomElement element2 = ds.GetNextElement(element, false, true);
Debug.Assert(ds.GetElementLevel(element) == 0);
Debug.Assert(ds.IsVolatileElement(element) == false);
//Patient Name is not the only element in this level
Debug.Assert((element1 != null) && (element2 != null));
//Delete the patient name element
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
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