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DicomPrintScu Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by DicomPrintScu.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor DicomPrintScu Initializes a new instance of the DicomPrintScu class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Abort Aborts the Association.
Public Method Associate Connects to the Print SCP and then establishes the DICOM Association.
Public Method CreateFilmBox Requests the Print SCP to create a Basic Film Box SOP Instance.
Public Method CreateFilmSession Requests the Print SCP to create a Basic Film Session SOP Instance.
Public Method CreateOverlayBox Requests the Print SCP to create a Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance.
Public Method CreatePresentationLut Requests the Print SCP to create a Presentation LUT SOP Instance.
Public Method DeleteFilmBox Requests the Print SCP to delete the current Basic Film Box SOP Instance.
Public Method DeleteFilmSession Requests the Print SCP to delete the current Basic Film Session SOP Instance.
Public Method DeleteOverlayBox Requests the Print SCP to delete the specified Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance.
Public Method DeletePresentationLut Requests the Print SCP to delete the specified Presentation LUT SOP Instance.
Public Method FreeAnnotationBoxesInstanceUids Frees the memory allocated for storing the SOP Instance UIDs of the Basic Annotation Box SOP Instances created by the Print SCP when a Film Box is created.
Public Method FreeImageBoxesInstanceUids Frees the memory allocated for storing the SOP Instance UIDs of the Basic Grayscale/Color Image Box SOP Instances created by the Print SCP when a Film Box is created.
Public Method GetAbortInformation Gets information about the Abort message received by the Print SCU.
Public Method GetAnnotationBoxesCount Returns the number of the Basic Annotation Box SOP Instances created by the Print SCP when a Film Box is created.
Public Method GetAnnotationBoxInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the specified Basic Annotation Box SOP Instance.
Public Method GetAssociateRejectInformation Gets information about the Association rejection.
Public Method GetDefaultFilmBoxParameters returns a DicomFilmBoxParameters object with its properties set to default values.
Public Method GetDefaultFilmSessionParameters Returns a DicomFilmSessionParameters object with its properties set to default values.
Public Method GetDefaultImageBoxParameters Returns a DicomImageBoxParameters object with its properties set to default values.
Public Method GetDefaultOverlayBoxParameters Returns a DicomOverlayBoxParameters object with its properties set to default values.
Public Method GetFilmBoxInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the current Basic Film Box SOP Instance.
Public Method GetFilmSessionInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the current Basic Film Session SOP Instance.
Public Method GetImageBoxesCount Returns the number of the Basic Grayscale/Color Image Box SOP Instances created by the Print SCP when a Film Box is created.
Public Method GetImageBoxInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the specified Basic Grayscale/Color Image Box SOP Instance.
Public Method GetLastOperationStatus Returns the status code specified in the response of the Print SCP.
Public Method GetOverlayBoxInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the last created Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance.
Public Method GetPresentationLutInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the last created Presentation LUT SOP Instance.
Public Method GetPrinterConfiguration Queries the Print SCP for the printer configuration information and returns the retrieved information.
Public Method GetPrinterInformation Queries the Print SCP for information about the printer and returns the retrieved information.
Public Method GetPrintJobInformation Queries the Print SCP for information about the specified Print Job and returns the retrieved information.
Public Method GetPrintJobInstanceUid Returns the SOP Instance UID of the last Print Job SOP Instance.
Public Method IsClassSupported Determines whether the specified SOP/Meta SOP Class is supported on the Association.
Public Method OnPrinterReport Called when a printer status report is received from the Print SCP.
Public Method OnPrintJobReport Called when a Print Job status report is received from the Print SCP.
Public Method OnStatus Called to indicate the status of the Print SCU.
Public Method PrintFilmBox Requests the Print SCP to print the current Film Box.
Public Method PrintFilmSession Requests the Print SCP to print all the Film Boxes that belong to the current Film Session.
Public Method Release Releases the Association and closes the connection.
Public Method SetTimeout Sets the timeout value for communicating with the Print SCP.
Public Method UpdateAnnotationBox Requests the Print SCP to update the specified Basic Annotation Box SOP Instance.
Public Method UpdateFilmBox Requests the Print SCP to update the current Basic Film Box SOP Instance.
Public Method UpdateFilmSession Requests the Print SCP to update the current Basic Film Session SOP Instance.
Public Method UpdateImageBox Requests the Print SCP to update the specified Basic Grayscale/Color Image Box SOP Instance.
Public Method UpdateOverlayBox Requests the Print SCP to update the specified Basic Print Image Overlay Box SOP Instance.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all resources used by the DicomPrintScu.
Protected Method Finalize This member overrides Finalize.

See Also

DicomPrintScu Class

Leadtools.Dicom Namespace

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