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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools Controls Medical enumerations.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration CanDo3DStatus The CanDo3DStatus enumeration values represent a cell's eligibility to create any form of 3D object result (for example, MPR, Panoramic, or 3D volume).
Enumeration CellMPRType Describes the type of the cell based on its location and orientation in the 3D space.
Enumeration CellsArrangement CellsArrangement that represents how the cell arrangement is handled.
Enumeration ColorType Describes the color type of a pixel and whether it is gray or colored.
Enumeration DrawablePart Enumeration to represent the drawable item components.
Enumeration ExplodeType This enumeration lists the different behaviors possible when a cell in the Medical Viewer is double-clicked (exploded).
Enumeration FrameArrangement FrameArrangement values that represent how the frames arrangement is handled.
Enumeration FrameChangingFlag A flag that specifies to the engine if a frame change should be processed.
Enumeration HorizontalAlignmentType Describes the horizontal alignment type of the cell.
Enumeration Interactive3DAction Represents the available actions that can be applied to the 3D volume.
Enumeration MedicalViewerSizeMode MedicalViewerSizeMode represents the different size modes supported for the images inside the medical viewer.
Enumeration MPRStatus MPRStatus enumeration that represents the cell eligibility to create MPR cells.
Enumeration Object3DStatus The status of 3D object creation.
Enumeration OperationType Enumeration that represents the projection type of the 3D volume.
Enumeration OrientationFace Specifies the 3D volume's face.
Enumeration OverlayAlignment OverlayAlignment enumeration represents the placement of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
Enumeration OverlayTextType OverlayTextType enumeration represents the type of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
Enumeration PanoramicPolygonState The state of the PanoramicPolygon.
Enumeration PlayingDirection Describes the cine player feature playing direction, which determine what next frame is displayed next.
Enumeration PolygonPart A panoramic polygon part.
Enumeration projectionMethod Specifies the projection method.
Enumeration ProjectionOrientationType Describes the projection orientation of the patient, and whether it is face-to-face or face-to-back.
Enumeration Requested3DDataType Specifies the requested data type.
Enumeration ScrollType Describes the scroll type and how to handle scrolling through a grid layout of frames when using the mouse wheel.
Enumeration SortOrder Describes the order of which sorting is used to arrange the images inside the cell.
Enumeration SortType Describes the sorting method used to arrange the images inside the cell.
Enumeration StackSynchronizationCriteria A class that represents the critiera that is used to synchronize multiple series.
Enumeration VerticalAlignmentType Describes the vertical alignment type of the cell.
Enumeration VolumeType Describes the type of the 3D volume that is rendered on the 3D cell.
Enumeration WindowLevelPaletteType WindowLevelPaletteType enumeration that represents the different window level built-in palettes supported by the medical web viewer.
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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly
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