Is this page helpful?
Notifies the instance when the status of the 3D volume creation has changed.
get: function(),
set: function(value)
statusChanged: LeadEvent;
StatusChanged is fired under the following conditions:
Parameter | Type | Description |
sender | var | The source of the event |
e | StatusChangedEventArgs | The event data |
import { MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example } from "../MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example";
export class Cell3D_Example {
constructor() { = (medicalViewer, authenticationCode) => {
this.medicalViewer = medicalViewer;
// we are going to get the cell that contains the polygon in order to generate the panoramic cell.
var cell = this.medicalViewer.layout.cells.get_item(0);
var _frame = cell.frames.get_item(cell.currentOffset);
var cell3D = new lt.Controls.Medical.Cell3D(medicalViewer, cell.divID + "_Cell3D");
cell3D.seriesInstanceUID = cell.seriesInstanceUID;
cell3D.studyInstanceUID = cell3D.studyInstanceUID + "_3D";
var threed = "";
// create the engine.
cell3D.object3D = new lt.Controls.Medical.Object3DEngine(cell.divID + "_3D_Volume");
// add the request 3D data event which will act as a proxy between the engine and the server.
var engine3D = cell3D.object3D;
engine3D.add_request3DData(function (sender, args) {
switch (args.type) {
// the engine is requesting the current progress value.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.creationProgress:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
request3DDataPost.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var percent = parseInt(JSON.parse(this.responseText));
if (engine3D.progress != 100)
engine3D.progress = percent;
};"POST", threed + "CheckProgress", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var progressSettings = {
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
// the engine is requesting the creation of the 3D object.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.create3DObject:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
;"POST", threed + "Create3DObject", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var seriesInstanceUID = "";
var create3DOptions = {
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
options: { PatientsOptions: {}, SeriesOptions: { SeriesInstanceUID: seriesInstanceUID }, StudiesOptions: {} },
renderingType: 0,
extraOptions: { UserData2: "" }
// the engine is requesting an image that contains the 3D rendered volume.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.render:
cell3D.image.src = args.JSON;
// the engine is requesting deleting the 3D volume.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.delete3DObject:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
request3DDataPost.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
};"POST", threed + "End3DObject", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var endObjectSettings = {
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
// this event is fired when the status of the 3D volume changed.
engine3D.add_statusChanged(function (sender, args) {
switch (args.status) {
case lt.Controls.Medical.Object3DStatus.ready:
cell3D.URL = threed + "/Get3DImage?auth=" + authenticationCode;
// starts the engine, which will trigger the 3D volume creation process.
setTimeout(function () {
alert('this demo has a timer that will dispose the 3D object in 30 seconds, the time has lapsed... changed the timeout to make the 3D stay longer.');
}, 30000);
this.viewerExample = new MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example(;
export class MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example {
constructor(callback) {
var _this = this;
// LEADTOOLS ImageViewer to be used with this example
this.medicalViewer = null;
// Generic state value used by the examples
this.timesClicked = 0;
this.authenticationCode = "";
// Set the LEADTOOLS license. Replace this with your actual license file
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
// Create an image viewer inside the imageViewerDiv element
var imageViewerDiv = document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv");
var createOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv);
var aspPath = "";
this.medicalViewer = new lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer(imageViewerDiv, 2, 2);
var cell = new lt.Controls.Medical.Cell(this.medicalViewer, null, 1, 1);
// Set the show border to "true", to show a border around the cell.
// Add the cell to the viewer.
// [optional] Select the cell (it can also be selected by clicking on it.)
cell.fullDownload = false;
cell.marginFramesCount = 3;
var self = this;
// we are now going to to download an image from leadtools medical viewer demo web site, you need to change this to download images from your database.
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// here we got the authentication Code that we need to retrieve the images from leadtools database.
self.authenticationCode = this.responseText;
var encodedAuthenticationCode = self.authenticationCode;
// we get here the object retrieve address that points to a service that retireves the information and the images from the server.
var objectRetrieveAddress = aspPath + "api/retrieve";
var objectRetrieveQueryAddress = aspPath + "api/query";
var studyInstanceUID = "";
// this is the series instance UID that contains all the frames that will be retrieved.
var seriesInstanceUID = "";
cell.seriesInstanceUID = seriesInstanceUID;
cell.studyInstanceUID = studyInstanceUID;
// we are generating the address for retrieving the instances information.
var queryArchive = objectRetrieveQueryAddress;
queryArchive += "/FindInstances";
var getStackRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
getStackRequest.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
var instanceIndex = 0;
// if instance count is zero, then the study doesn't exist on the server.
var instanceCount = json.length;
// add frames based on the size of the number of instances.
for (instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < instanceCount; instanceIndex++) {
var cellFrame = new lt.Controls.Medical.Frame(cell);
// loop through every frame, and prepare the data.
for (instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < instanceCount; instanceIndex++) {
cellFrame = cell.get_frames().get_item(instanceIndex);
var pageInfo = json[instanceIndex].Pages[0];
cellFrame.imagePosition = pageInfo.ImagePositionPatientArray;
cellFrame.imageOrientation = pageInfo.ImageOrientationPatientArray;
if (pageInfo.PixelSpacingPatientArray != null && pageInfo.PixelSpacingPatientArray.length == 2) {
// now, this is the MRTI info that contains the image information, width, height, tiles....etc.
var mrtiInfo = new lt.Controls.Medical.MRTIImage();
// The image dpi.
mrtiInfo.fullDpi = lt.LeadSizeD.create(150, 150);
// the tile size, recommended value is 256
mrtiInfo.tileSize = lt.LeadSizeD.create(512, 512);
mrtiInfo.frameIndex = 0;
// does this image support window leve.
mrtiInfo.supportWindowLevel = true;
// different resolution for the image.
var resolutions = [{ "width": 512, "height": 512 }, { "width": 256, "height": 256 }, { "width": 128, "height": 128 }, { "width": 64, "height": 64 }];
mrtiInfo.resolutions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < resolutions.length; i++) {
mrtiInfo.resolutions[i] = lt.LeadSizeD.create(resolutions[i].width, resolutions[i].height);
// the image width and height.
// the image full size.
mrtiInfo.fullSize = lt.LeadSizeD.create(cellFrame.get_width(), cellFrame.get_height());
// now we need the image URL,
var imageUri = objectRetrieveAddress;
imageUri += "/GetImageTile?auth=";
imageUri += encodedAuthenticationCode;
// this the image instance UID, change this if you want to retrieve anything else.
imageUri += "&instance=" + json[instanceIndex].SOPInstanceUID;
mrtiInfo.imageUri = imageUri;
// set this info to the cell frame.
cellFrame.mrtiInfo = mrtiInfo;
// now we need to set the information for the image so we can do window level.
var imageInfo = new lt.Controls.Medical.DICOMImageInformation();
// set the image width and height.
imageInfo.width = 512;
imageInfo.height = 512;
// bits per pixel for the image
imageInfo.bitsPerPixel = 16;
// low and high bit.
imageInfo.lowBit = 0;
imageInfo.highBit = 11;
// other information, setting some of them to zero means that the toolkit will try and calculate it by itself, but you can always get those values from the DicomDataSet.
imageInfo.modalityIntercept = -1024;
imageInfo.modalitySlope = 1;
imageInfo.minValue = 0;
imageInfo.maxValue = 0;
imageInfo.windowWidth = 200;
imageInfo.windowCenter = 40;
imageInfo.signed = false;
imageInfo.photometricInterpretation = 'MONOCHROME2';
imageInfo.firstStoredPixelValueMapped = 0;
// set these information to the frame.
// scroll to the middle of the series.
cell.currentOffset = instanceCount >> 1;
};"POST", queryArchive, true);
getStackRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var queryParams = {
"PatientsOptions": {},
"StudiesOptions": {},
"SeriesOptions": { "SeriesInstanceUID": seriesInstanceUID }
var findInstanceData = {
authenticationCookie: encodedAuthenticationCode,
options: queryParams,
extraOptions: { UserData2: "" }
// We are trying here to get an image from the Leadtools database, we need to login and get the authentication code."POST", "", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
// we log in as a 'guest', after calling the below line, we will receive the authentication code sent via 'onreadystatechange' above.
xhttp.send(JSON.stringify({ userName: 'guest', password: 'guest', userData: '' }));
var exampleButton = document.getElementById("exampleButton");
exampleButton.addEventListener("click", function () {
// Run the example
if (callback)
callback(_this.medicalViewer, _this.authenticationCode);
///<reference path="../../../static/LT/Leadtools.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="../../../static/LT/Leadtools.Controls.d.ts"/>
///<reference path="../../../static/LT/Leadtools.Controls.Medical.d.ts"/>
import { MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example } from "../MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example";
export class Cell3D_Example {
private viewerExample;
private medicalViewer;
constructor() {
this.viewerExample = new MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example(;
private run = (medicalViewer: lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer, authenticationCode: string) => {
this.medicalViewer = medicalViewer;
// we are going to get the cell that contains the polygon in order to generate the panoramic cell.
var cell: lt.Controls.Medical.Cell = this.medicalViewer.layout.cells.get_item(0);
var _frame: lt.Controls.Medical.Frame = cell.frames.get_item(cell.currentOffset);
var cell3D: lt.Controls.Medical.Cell3D = new lt.Controls.Medical.Cell3D(medicalViewer, cell.divID + "_Cell3D");
cell3D.seriesInstanceUID = cell.seriesInstanceUID;
cell3D.studyInstanceUID = cell3D.studyInstanceUID + "_3D";
var threed = "";
// create the engine.
cell3D.object3D = new lt.Controls.Medical.Object3DEngine(cell.divID + "_3D_Volume");
// add the request 3D data event which will act as a proxy between the engine and the server.
var engine3D: lt.Controls.Medical.Object3DEngine = cell3D.object3D;
engine3D.add_request3DData(function (sender, args: lt.Controls.Medical.Request3DDataEventArgs) {
switch (args.type) {
// the engine is requesting the current progress value.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.creationProgress:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
request3DDataPost.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var percent = parseInt(JSON.parse(this.responseText));
if (engine3D.progress != 100)
engine3D.progress = percent;
};"POST", threed + "CheckProgress", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var progressSettings =
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
// the engine is requesting the creation of the 3D object
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.create3DObject:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();;"POST", threed + "Create3DObject", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var seriesInstanceUID = ""
var create3DOptions = {
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
options: { PatientsOptions: {}, SeriesOptions: { SeriesInstanceUID: seriesInstanceUID }, StudiesOptions: {} },
renderingType: 0,
extraOptions: { UserData2: "" }
// the engine is requesting an image that contains the 3D rendered volume.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.render:
cell3D.image.src = args.JSON;
// the engine is requesting deleting the 3D volume.
case lt.Controls.Medical.Requested3DDataType.delete3DObject:
var request3DDataPost = new XMLHttpRequest();
request3DDataPost.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
};"POST", threed + "End3DObject", true);
request3DDataPost.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var endObjectSettings =
authenticationCookie: authenticationCode,
// this event is fired when the status of the 3D volume changed.
engine3D.add_statusChanged(function (sender, args: lt.Controls.Medical.StatusChangedEventArgs) {
switch (args.status) {
case lt.Controls.Medical.Object3DStatus.ready:
cell3D.URL = threed + "/Get3DImage?auth=" + authenticationCode;
// starts the engine, which will trigger the 3D volume creation process.
setTimeout(function () {
alert('this demo has a timer that will dispose the 3D object in 30 seconds, the time has lapsed... changed the timeout to make the 3D stay longer.')
// medicalViewer.emptyDivs.items.collectionChanged.add( (sender, e) => {
// var index = 0;
// var div;
// var length = e.newItems.length;
// if (e.get_action() === lt.NotifyLeadCollectionChangedAction.add) {
// for (; index < length; index++) {
// var emptyCell: lt.Controls.Medical.EmptyCell = e.newItems[index];
// div = emptyCell.div;
// (<any>div.emptyCell) = emptyCell;
// //div.addEventListener('mouseup', this.clicked);
// }
// }
// });
export class MedicalViewer_MultiFrame_Example {
// LEADTOOLS ImageViewer to be used with this example
protected medicalViewer: lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer = null;
// Generic state value used by the examples
public timesClicked: number = 0;
public authenticationCode: string = "";
constructor(callback?: (medicalViewer: lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer, authenticationCode: string) => void) {
// Set the LEADTOOLS license. Replace this with your actual license file
lt.RasterSupport.setLicenseUri("", "EVAL", null);
// Create an image viewer inside the imageViewerDiv element
const imageViewerDiv: HTMLDivElement = <HTMLDivElement>document.getElementById("imageViewerDiv");
const createOptions: lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions = new lt.Controls.ImageViewerCreateOptions(imageViewerDiv);
var aspPath = "";
this.medicalViewer = new lt.Controls.Medical.MedicalViewer(imageViewerDiv, 2, 2);
var cell = new lt.Controls.Medical.Cell(this.medicalViewer, null, 1, 1);
// Set the show border to "true", to show a border around the cell.
// Add the cell to the viewer.
// [optional] Select the cell (it can also be selected by clicking on it.)
cell.fullDownload = false;
cell.marginFramesCount = 3;
var self = this;
// we are now going to to download an image from leadtools medical viewer demo web site, you need to change this to download images from your database.
var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhttp.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
// here we got the authentication Code that we need to retrieve the images from leadtools database.
self.authenticationCode = this.responseText;
var encodedAuthenticationCode = self.authenticationCode;
// we get here the object retrieve address that points to a service that retireves the information and the images from the server.
var objectRetrieveAddress = aspPath + "api/retrieve";
var objectRetrieveQueryAddress = aspPath + "api/query";
var studyInstanceUID = "";
// this is the series instance UID that contains all the frames that will be retrieved.
var seriesInstanceUID = ""
cell.seriesInstanceUID = seriesInstanceUID;
cell.studyInstanceUID = studyInstanceUID;
// we are generating the address for retrieving the instances information.
var queryArchive = objectRetrieveQueryAddress;
queryArchive += "/FindInstances";
var getStackRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
getStackRequest.onreadystatechange = function (data) {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
var json = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
var instanceIndex = 0;
// if instance count is zero, then the study doesn't exist on the server.
var instanceCount = json.length;
// add frames based on the size of the number of instances.
for (instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < instanceCount; instanceIndex++) {
var cellFrame = new lt.Controls.Medical.Frame(cell);
// loop through every frame, and prepare the data.
for (instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < instanceCount; instanceIndex++) {
cellFrame = cell.get_frames().get_item(instanceIndex);
var pageInfo = json[instanceIndex].Pages[0];
cellFrame.imagePosition = pageInfo.ImagePositionPatientArray;
cellFrame.imageOrientation = pageInfo.ImageOrientationPatientArray;
if (pageInfo.PixelSpacingPatientArray != null && pageInfo.PixelSpacingPatientArray.length == 2) {
// now, this is the MRTI info that contains the image information, width, height, tiles....etc.
var mrtiInfo = new lt.Controls.Medical.MRTIImage();
// The image dpi.
mrtiInfo.fullDpi = lt.LeadSizeD.create(150, 150);
// the tile size, recommended value is 256
mrtiInfo.tileSize = lt.LeadSizeD.create(512, 512);
mrtiInfo.frameIndex = 0;
// does this image support window leve.
mrtiInfo.supportWindowLevel = true;
// different resolution for the image.
var resolutions = [{ "width": 512, "height": 512 }, { "width": 256, "height": 256 }, { "width": 128, "height": 128 }, { "width": 64, "height": 64 }];
mrtiInfo.resolutions = [];
for (var i = 0; i < resolutions.length; i++) {
mrtiInfo.resolutions[i] = lt.LeadSizeD.create(resolutions[i].width, resolutions[i].height);
// the image width and height.
// the image full size.
mrtiInfo.fullSize = lt.LeadSizeD.create(cellFrame.get_width(), cellFrame.get_height());
// now we need the image URL,
var imageUri = objectRetrieveAddress;
imageUri += "/GetImageTile?auth=";
imageUri += encodedAuthenticationCode;
// this the image instance UID, change this if you want to retrieve anything else.
imageUri += "&instance=" + json[instanceIndex].SOPInstanceUID;
mrtiInfo.imageUri = imageUri;
// set this info to the cell frame.
cellFrame.mrtiInfo = mrtiInfo;
// now we need to set the information for the image so we can do window level.
var imageInfo = new lt.Controls.Medical.DICOMImageInformation();
// set the image width and height.
imageInfo.width = 512;
imageInfo.height = 512;
// bits per pixel for the image
imageInfo.bitsPerPixel = 16;
// low and high bit.
imageInfo.lowBit = 0;
imageInfo.highBit = 11;
// other information, setting some of them to zero means that the toolkit will try and calculate it by itself, but you can always get those values from the DicomDataSet.
imageInfo.autoScaleIntercept = -1024;
imageInfo.autoScaleSlope = 1;
imageInfo.minValue = 0;
imageInfo.maxValue = 0;
imageInfo.windowWidth = 200;
imageInfo.windowCenter = 40;
imageInfo.signed = false;
imageInfo.photometricInterpretation = 'MONOCHROME2';
imageInfo.firstStoredPixelValueMapped = 0;
// set these information to the frame.
// scroll to the middle of the series.
cell.currentOffset = instanceCount >> 1;
}"POST", queryArchive, true);
getStackRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
var queryParams =
"PatientsOptions": {},
"StudiesOptions": {},
"SeriesOptions": { "SeriesInstanceUID": seriesInstanceUID }
var findInstanceData = {
authenticationCookie: encodedAuthenticationCode,
options: queryParams,
extraOptions: { UserData2: "" }
// We are trying here to get an image from the Leadtools database, we need to login and get the authentication code."POST", "", true);
xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8');
// we log in as a 'guest', after calling the below line, we will receive the authentication code sent via 'onreadystatechange' above.
xhttp.send(JSON.stringify({ userName: 'guest', password: 'guest', userData: '' }));
const exampleButton = document.getElementById("exampleButton");
exampleButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Run the example
if (callback)
callback(this.medicalViewer, this.authenticationCode);
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<title>3D Cell Example</title>
<script src=""
integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Controls.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Engine.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Designers.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Rendering.Javascript.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Main.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Effects.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Document.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Document.Viewer.js"></script>
<script src="../../LT/Leadtools.Controls.Medical.js"></script>
body {
font-family: 'Segoe UI', sans-serif;
#imageViewerDiv {
border: 1px solid #888;
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
background-color: #eee;
<!-- All demo files are bundled and appended to the window -->
<script src="../../bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body oncontextmenu="return false;">
<p>Create a 3D volume.</p>
<p>Run the example, and generat the 3d volume, use the left mouse button to rotate the 3D volume.</p>
<button type="button" id="exampleButton">Run Example</button>
<div id="imageViewerDiv"></div>
<div id="output"></div>
window.onload = () => {
const example = new window.examples.MedicalViewer.Cell3D();
Help Collections
Raster .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Document .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Medical Web Viewer .NET
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Media Foundation .NET | C API | Transforms
Supported Platforms
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Imaging, Medical, and Document
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Imaging, Medical, and Document
HTML5 JavaScript Libraries
Imaging, Medical, and Document