serverSideRendering Property


Indicates whether the window level is processed on the server-side or the client-side.

Object.defineProperty(WindowLevelAction.prototype, 'serverSideRendering', 
	get: function(), 
	set: function(value) 
serverSideRendering: boolean; 

Property Value

true to make the window level process get executed on the server side; otherwise, false to execute window level process on the client-side.


The difference between the process of the server-side and the client-side is only apparent on the 3D generated slices. The reason is due to generated slices with a thickness greater than 1. The server-side rendering will process every pixel included in the output result. However, the client-side, will process on the final output of the generated 3D slices. As a result, on the client-side the window level is applied on the pixels after they are combined together and rendered into a 2D image.

The advantage of server-side rendering is that it will give a more accurate window leveling result. However, the client-side provides faster performance.


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