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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace

Inheritance Hierarchy


Overview and description of Leadtools Controls Medical classes, and enumerations.


Class Description
Class ActionCommand The action taking place on the image inside the medical viewer.
Class AutomationImageViewer The image viewer control.
Class AutomationInteractiveAction This class represents the automation action that is used to draw various annotation objects on the cell / image.
Class AutomationInteractiveMode This class represents the interactive mode that is used to draw annotation objects on the cell / image.
Class Cell This class represents the cell that is used to display one or more images along with their accessories (annotation, overlay text, border...etc).
Class Cell3D This class represents the cell that is used to display the 3D image output.
Class CellEventArgs The CellEventArgs class provides data for multiple cell events.
Class CellExplodedEventArgs The CellEventArgs class provides data for the AfterCellExploded and BeforeCellExploded events.
Class CellGridLayout Represents the class responsible arranging the sub-cells in a grid form, or symmetrical form.
Class CellItem The sub-cell used to display an image frame, along with its accessories (annotations, overlay text, border, etc.).
Class CephalometricCell The cell used to generate a cephalometric view of the 3D volume.
Class ChunkData Represents the class that contains the data and information about the chunk that is used to tile together with other tiles to form the whole image.
Class ChunkLoadedEventArgs The ChunkLoadedEventArgs class provides data for the ChunkLoaded event.
Class CinePlayer Represents a class that contains the tool that controls the cine feature (animation), with various properties that control how the animation works.
Class CobbAngle This class connects two annotation lines and displays the angle between them.
Class CrossHairAction This class represents the cross hair action that is used to interactively synchronize the attached MPR cells to the mouse position.
Class CrossHairInteractiveMode This class represents the interactive mode that is used to draw annotation objects on the cell / image.
Class CTRTool CTRTool represents a drawable control that measures the cardiothoracic ratio.
Class Cursor3DAction This class represents the 3D cursor action that is used to interactively pinpoint the location of a point on an image, and mark where that point lies in other images that were captured from a different angle.
Class Cursor3DInteractiveMode This class represents the 3D cursor action that is used to interactively pinpoint the location of a point on an image, and mark where that point lies in others images that were captured from a different angle.
Class CutLines Represents a drawable control to display cross cut-lines that slice a 3D object into two generated images.
Class Derivative3D Represents a cell used to hold generated derived slices from the 3D volume.
Class DICOMImageInformation Gets the class that contains the image data, as well as information about the image.
Class DICOMImageInformationRenderer This class represents the engine responsible for rendering the image using the specified window level parameters.
Class Drawable The base class for all items that can be drawn on the SubCell.
Class EmptyCell This class represents a vacant area that can be used to display a cell.
Class Frame This class contains all the information needed for any specified frame in the series loaded inside a Cell.
Class FrameAttachedEventArgs The FrameAttachedEventArgs class provides data for the FrameAttached event.
Class FrameChangedEventArgs The FrameChangedEventArgs class provides data for the FrameChanged event.
Class FramePosition This class contains the position and orientation arrays for a set of images.
Class FrameRequestedSrcEventArgs Provides data for FrameRequestedSrc.
Class GridLayout Represents the class responsible for arranging the cells in a grid form.
Class HistogramGeneratedEventArgs The HistogramGeneratedEventArgs class provides data for the HistogramGenerated event.
Class ImageProcessing This class contains some of the medical image processing methods.
Class ImageProcessingReadyEventArgs The ImageProcessingReadyEventArgs class provides data for the ImageProcessingReady event.
Class ImageURLChangedEventArgs The CellEventArgs class provides data for the ImageURLChanged event.
Class ImageViewerZoomInteractiveMode An interactive mode to handle zooming for an active ImageViewerItem.
Class LayoutManager Represents the class responsible for adding cells to the medical viewer.
Class LayoutManagerItem This class represents the an item of the layout manager LayoutManager.
Class LeadLine This class represents a line starting from Point1 and ending with Point2.
Class LeadMatrix3D A Tensor (3D Matrix) that contains 3 matrices m1, m2, and m3 with additional information about the offset for each axis (x, y, and z). The last value of m3 is denoted m44, which represents whether the matrix is referring to a point (location), or a vector (direction).
Class LeadPoint3D This class represents a three dimensional point.
Class LineProfileAction This class represents the line profile action that is used to interactively draw a line on the image and generate a profile of the image data where the line crosses in the image.
Class LineProfileInteractiveMode This class represents the line profile action that is used to interactively draw a line on the image and generate a profile of the image data where the line crosses in the image.
Class LineProfileObject This class contains information about the line profile drawn on the cell, and contains properties that help editing the line position.
Class MagnifyAction This class represents the magnify action that is used to show a magnify glass that zooms part of the image for closer diagnosis.
Class MagnifyGlassInteractiveMode Represents the interactive mode that allows the user to see a magnify glass using the mouse or by touching and dragging.
Class MatchedFrameEventArgs The MatchedFrameEventArgs class provides data for MatchedFrames.
Class MedicalSpyGlassInteractiveMode Represents the interactive mode that allows the user to view a modified version of the image through the magnifying glass using the mouse or by touching and dragging.
Class MedicalViewer Represents a LEADTOOLS Medical Viewer control for displaying medical images.
Class Menu The menu user interface displayed on the viewer.
Class MenuItem Menu item added to the user interface to be displayed on the viewer.
Class MenuItemSelectedEventArgs Provides data for MenuItemSelected.
Class MPRCell This class represents a cell that shows generated MPR frames.
Class MPRFrameRequestedEventArgs Provides data for MPRFrameRequested.
Class MPRVolumeProperties Contains properties for the 3D object's MPR volume.
Class MRTIImage This class contains all the information that is used to create an MRTI compatible display for tiling and low resolution imaging for the medical viewer.
Class MRTISubCell This class represent the MRTI sub-cell that is used to display an image frame along with their accessories (annotation, overlay text, border...etc), using the MRTI technology.
Class Object3DEngine The 3D engine control which handles all 3D-related rendering.
Class OffsetAction This class represents the offset action that is used to interactively translate (pan) the image in or out.
Class OrientationChangedEventArgs The OrientationChangedEventArgs class provides data for OrientationChanged.
Class OverlayText This class represents the overlay text, which is a text string that is shown above the sub-cell.
Class PanoramicAction Initializes a new instance of the PanoramicAction with default parameters.
Class PanoramicCell The cell used to display the panoramic output resulting from the PanoramicPolygon.
Class PanoramicChangedEventArgs Provides data for the PanoramicUpdated event.
Class PanoramicPolygon The panoramic polygon used to draw the cell's output image.
Class ParaxialSlice Represents the paraxial slice which is laid out on top of the PanoramicPolygon.
Class PolygonEditEventArgs Provides data for Clicked events.
Class ProbeToolAction This class represents the probe tool action that allows the user to display the pixel value pointed to by the mouse.
Class ProbeToolEventArgs The ProbeToolEventArgs class provides data for the ProbeToolUpdated event.
Class ProbeToolInteractiveMode Represents that interactive mode that allows the user to display the pixel value pointed to by the mouse.
Class ProgressLoading This class represents the progress bar that appears to the left side of the cell, showing how many frames have been loaded so far.
Class ReferenceLine This class contains the engine that calculates the reference line using the specified parameters.
Class Request3DDataEventArgs Provides data for Request3DData.
Class RotationTool Represents a drawable click-and-drag control to display a rotation gauge on the center of the image.
Class ScaleAction This class represents the scale action that is used to interactively zoom the image in or out.
Class ScrollChangedEventArgs The ScrollChangedEventArgs class provides data for ScrollChanged.
Class Series This class represents the cell that is used to display an image with its accessories (annotation, overlay text, border...etc).
Class ShutterObject This class highlights areas marked by a closed annotation object and dim the areas outside these objects.
Class SliceFrame Contains all the information for a 3D server generated slice that exists in the Derivative3D.
Class SortingOperation This class contains information needed to sort multiple data sets according to one or more criteria in ascending or descending order.
Class SpyGlassAction This class represents the spy glass action that allows the user to show a modified version of the image through the magnify glass using the mouse or by touching and dragging.
Class SpyGlassEventArgs The CellEventArgs class provides data for the ImageRequested event.
Class SpyGlassPositionChangedEventArgs The SpyGlassPositionChangedEventArgs class provides data for ScrollChanged.
Class StackAction This class represents the stack action that is used to interactively scroll through the cell frames up or down.
Class StackChangedEventArgs The SpyGlassPositionChangedEventArgs class provides data for ScrollChanged.
Class StackInteractiveMode Represents that interactive mode that allows the user to scroll through the cell frames using the mouse or the touch.
Class StackSynchronization This class contains the methods that allows the synchronization between 2 or more series.
Class StatusChangedEventArgs Provides data for StatusChanged.
Class STLCell The cell that is used to display a 3D mesh stored in an STL file format.
Class SubCell This class represents the sub-cell that is used to display an image frame along with their accessories (annotation, overlay text, border...etc).
Class TickBox This class represents a tick box that appears on the medical viewer cell, which can be used for any custom user interaction, such as multiple selection and categorizing cells.
Class Tools This class contains static helper methods.
Class TransformItemAction This class represents the action that is used to transform the cell items by allowing the user to interactively move and resize them.
Class TransformItemInteractiveMode This class represents the action that is used to transform the cell items by allowing the user to interactively move and resize them.
Class Volume3DInformation Represents the volume information used to render the 3D volume on the server side.
Class VolumeProperties Contains properties for the 3D object's VRT/MIP volume.
Class WindowLevelAction This class represents the window level action that is used to interactively update the window level width and center of the image.
Class WindowLevelData Represents the data needed by the window level interactive mode for adjusting the window level of the image.
Class WindowLevelInfomation Contains image data and other information about the image.
Class WindowLevelInteractiveMode Represents that interactive mode that allows the user to adjust the window level of the image using the mouse or by touching and dragging.


Enumeration Description
Enumeration CanDo3DStatus The CanDo3DStatus enumeration values represent a cell's eligibility to create any form of 3D object result (for example, MPR, Panoramic, or 3D volume).
Enumeration CellMPRType Describes the type of the cell based on its location and orientation in the 3D space.
Enumeration CellsArrangement CellsArrangement that represents how the cell arrangement is handled.
Enumeration ColorType Describes the color type of a pixel and whether it is gray or colored.
Enumeration DrawablePart Enumeration to represent the drawable item components.
Enumeration ExplodeType This enumeration lists the different behaviors possible when a cell in the Medical Viewer is double-clicked (exploded).
Enumeration FrameArrangement FrameArrangement values that represent how the frames arrangement is handled.
Enumeration FrameChangingFlag A flag that specifies to the engine if a frame change should be processed.
Enumeration HorizontalAlignmentType Describes the horizontal alignment type of the cell.
Enumeration Interactive3DAction Represents the available actions that can be applied to the 3D volume.
Enumeration MedicalViewerSizeMode MedicalViewerSizeMode represents the different size modes supported for the images inside the medical viewer.
Enumeration MPRStatus MPRStatus enumeration that represents the cell eligibility to create MPR cells.
Enumeration Object3DStatus The status of 3D object creation.
Enumeration OperationType Enumeration that represents the projection type of the 3D volume.
Enumeration OrientationFace Specifies the 3D volume's face.
Enumeration OverlayAlignment OverlayAlignment enumeration represents the placement of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
Enumeration OverlayTextType OverlayTextType enumeration represents the type of the overlay text displayed on top of each frame.
Enumeration PanoramicPolygonState The state of the PanoramicPolygon.
Enumeration PlayingDirection Describes the cine player feature playing direction, which determine what next frame is displayed next.
Enumeration PolygonPart A panoramic polygon part.
Enumeration projectionMethod Specifies the projection method.
Enumeration ProjectionOrientationType Describes the projection orientation of the patient, and whether it is face-to-face or face-to-back.
Enumeration Requested3DDataType Specifies the requested data type.
Enumeration ScrollType Describes the scroll type and how to handle scrolling through a grid layout of frames when using the mouse wheel.
Enumeration SortOrder Describes the order of which sorting is used to arrange the images inside the cell.
Enumeration SortType Describes the sorting method used to arrange the images inside the cell.
Enumeration StackSynchronizationCriteria A class that represents the critiera that is used to synchronize multiple series.
Enumeration VerticalAlignmentType Describes the vertical alignment type of the cell.
Enumeration VolumeType Describes the type of the 3D volume that is rendered on the 3D cell.
Enumeration WindowLevelPaletteType WindowLevelPaletteType enumeration that represents the different window level built-in palettes supported by the medical web viewer.

See Also

Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly

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Leadtools.Controls.Medical Assembly
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