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Series Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see Series members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property automation Gets the AnnAutomation associated with the series.
Public Property borderThickness Indicates the border size of the sub-cell.
Public Property exploded Specifies whether the cell should be exploded to cover the entire layout, or restored to original state.
Public Property frameOfReferenceUID Gets or sets the series frame of references UID.
Public Property highlightedSubCellBorderColor The border color of the highlighted sub-cell.
Public Property imageViewer Gets the AutomationImageViewer object of this cell.
Public Property inverted Indicates whether the series is inverted.
Public Property name Name of this item.
Public Property patientName Gets or sets the Patient name of the series loaded in the cell.
Public Property selectedBorderColor Indicates the border color of the series when selected.
Public Property selectedItems Gets the LeadCollection of the selected sub-cells inside the cell.
Public Property selectedSubCellBorderColor Indicates the sub-cell's color when the parent cell is selected.
Public Property seriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the series instance UID of the series loaded in the cell.
Public Property seriesNumber Gets or sets the series number that is loaded inside this cell.
Public Property showFrameBorder Indicates whether to show a border around each sub-cell.
Public Property studyInstanceUID Gets or sets the study instance UID of the cell
Public Property unselectedBorderColor Indicates the cell's color when unselected.

See Also

Series Class

Leadtools.Controls.Medical Namespace

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