Leadtools.Ocr Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Ocr.ImageType Specifies the image type for OCR recognition.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrEngineType.LEAD LEAD specifies the LEADTOOLS OCR Module - LEAD Engine. Internally, the OCR library inside Leadtools.Ocr.LEADEngine.dll is used.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrModuleType Specifies the type of OCR module.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrRuntimeFileMode.Close Close the file after reading
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrRuntimeFileMode.Exists Check to see if the file exists
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrRuntimeFileMode.Open Open the file for reading
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Barcode Barcode zone. Currently, the engine does not auto-detect barcode zones. Instead, call the BarcodeReader to detect the barcode zone area(s) automatically, if needed, and add an OcrZone object with OcrZoneType.Barcode to the page. For future use by LEADTOOLS.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Cmc7 CMC7 zone filling method. ConnectCode MICR CMC7 font is based on the CMC-7 (ISO 1004) industry standard.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.FieldData Field data zone (for example, the name, address, and date fields in passports and identity cards). Field data uses capital letters, digits, and separators. Currently, the engine does not auto-detect field data zones. Set field data manually if a zone is known to contain field data. After a zone with field data is recognized, call IOcrZoneCharacters to parse the row data.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Graphic Zone containing graphics (Not sure).
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Icr ICR (Intelligent Character Recognition) zone. Handwritten text and numbers.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Micr MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition) zone. Check processing. Currently, the engine does not auto-detect MICR zones. Instead, use MICRCodeDetectionCommand to detect the MICR zone area automatically, if needed, and add an OcrZone object with OcrZoneType.Micr to the page. After the zone with MICR data is recognized, call the ExtractMicrData method to parse the row data into an OcrMicrData object.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Mrz MRZ (Machine Readable Zone). Only applicable to passports and identity cards. Travel passports worldwide are MRPs (machine-readable passports). They are standardized by the ICAO Document 9303 (endorsed by the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission as ISO/IEC 7501-1) and have a special machine-readable zone (MRZ). MRZs are usually at the bottom of the identity page at the beginning of a passport. MRZ text uses capital letters and digits separated by one or more \< characters (for example, `P<OcrZoneType.Mrz to the page. After a zone with MRZ data is recognized, call IOcrZoneCharacters to parse the row data.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.None No recognition zone.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Omr OMR (Optical Markup Recognition) zone.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Table Table type zone.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrZoneType.Text Flowing text type zone.

Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.OcrOmniPageArabic LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine with Additional Languages support is required to use this feature.
Leadtools.Ocr.OcrSupportLockedExceptionType.OcrOmniPageAsian LEADTOOLS OCR Module - OmniPage Engine Asian support is required to use this feature.

Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

Namespace Change

Leadtools.Ocr namespace in v20 replaces Leadtools.Forms.Ocr in v19.

Members Change

v19 v20
OcrEngineType.Advantage OcrEngineType.LEAD
OcrEngineType.Professional OcrEngineType.OmniPage
OcrEngineType.Arabic OcrEngineType.OmniPageArabic
Help Version 22.0.2023.7.17
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