Working with Basic Directory Key Elements

DICOM Dir Data Sets may contain special Data Elements called key elements. A key element is a Data Element that also contains special information about other key elements in the Data Set and their relative location within the Data Set.

Key elements all have the DicomTagType.Item tag and they must be one of the following types:


Patient key element


Study key element


Series key element


Image key element


Overlay key element


Modality-LUT key element


VOI-LUT key element


Curve key element


Topic key element


Visit key element


Results key element


Interpretation key element


Study Component key element


Print Queue key element


Film session key element


Film box key element


Image box key element


Private key element

LEADTOOLS maintains the DICOM Dir Data Set as a tree; however, all key elements are stored at the same level of the tree. The specialized information included in a key element maintains information on key element children, non-key element children, parent key elements, and the logical relationships between the elements.

LEADTOOLS provides special methods for searching the DICOM Dir Data Set, maneuvering through the Data Set, inserting and deleting key elements, and manipulating key elements. To work with key elements, you should create a Data Set of type DicomClassType.BasicDirectory.

For maneuvering through the DICOM Dir Data Set, use the following:








LEADTOOLS provides the following methods for searching the DICOM Dir Data Set:





To insert new key elements, use DicomDataSet.InsertKey.

To delete key elements, use DicomDataSet.DeleteKey.

To determine the type of a specific key element, use DicomDataSet.GetKeyValue. These methods work the same way as the corresponding DicomDataSet.xxxElement methods. Please note however, that it is important that you use DicomDataSet.DeleteKey when deleting a key element. Trying to delete a key element using DicomDataSet.DeleteElement will remove the specified key element and any information about any related key elements, but it will not remove the child key elements.

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