Leadtools.Wia Assembly Changes


Version Changes: 21 to 22

New Members (version 22)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 22)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 20 to 21

New Members (version 21)

The following members have been added:


Removed Members (version 21)

The following members have been removed:


Version Changes: 19 to 20

New Members (version 20)

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireSimple(WiaVersion,IntPtr,object,WiaDeviceType,WiaAcquireFlags,WiaProperties) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.

Removed Members (version 20)

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireSimple(WiaVersion,IntPtr,object,WiaDeviceType,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.

Version Changes: 18 to 19

New Members

The following members have been added:

Name Description
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.Acquire(IntPtr,object,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireEvent Occurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the Acquire or AcquireSimple methods and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the EndOfPage flag through the Flags member of the WiaAcquireEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireFileEvent Occurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the AcquireToFile method and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the EndOfPage flag through the Flags member of the WiaAcquireFileEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireSimple(WiaVersion,IntPtr,object,WiaDeviceType,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireToFile(IntPtr,object,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source directly to file(s).
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumCapabilitiesEvent Occurs for each found capability of the currently selected WIA source after calling the EnumCapabilities method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumDevicesEvent Occurs for each found WIA device after calling the EnumDevices method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumFormatsEvent Occurs for each found supported transfer format of the currently selected WIA source after calling the EnumFormats method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumItemsEvent Occurs for each found WIA child item after calling the EnumChildItems method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg(IntPtr,WiaDeviceType,WiaSelectSourceFlags) Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a WIA hardware device for image acquisition.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertiesEvent Occurs while setting each property inside the WiaProperties structure after calling the SetProperties method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.StartVideoPreview(IntPtr,bool) Starts the video preview inside the window handle specified through the owner parameter.

Removed Members

The following members have been removed:

Name Description
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.Acquire(IWin32Window,object,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireEvent Occurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.Acquire(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window,System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquireFlags) or Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireSimple(Leadtools.Wia.WiaVersion,System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window,System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaDeviceType,Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquireFlags) methods and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquiredPageFlags flag through the Flags member of the Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquireEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireFileEvent Occurs for each page acquired from the currently selected WIA source using the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireToFile(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window,System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquireFlags) method and it will also get called for each end of page to provide the user with the Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquiredPageFlags flag through the Flags member of the Leadtools.Wia.WiaAcquireFileEventArgs event argument to indicate the end of each page transfer.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireSimple(WiaVersion,IWin32Window,object,WiaDeviceType,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireToFile(IWin32Window,object,WiaAcquireFlags) Acquires one or more images from a WIA source directly to file(s).
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumCapabilitiesEvent Occurs for each found capability of the currently selected WIA source after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumCapabilities(System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaEnumCapabilitiesFlags) method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumDevicesEvent Occurs for each found WIA device after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumDevices method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumFormatsEvent Occurs for each found supported transfer format of the currently selected WIA source after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumFormats(System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaEnumFormatsFlags) method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumItemsEvent Occurs for each found WIA child item after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.EnumChildItems(System.Object) method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__acquireEvent(object,WiaAcquireEventArgs) Occurs while acquiring from the WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__acquireFileEvent(object,WiaAcquireFileEventArgs) Occurs while acquiring to file from the WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__enumCapabilitiesEvent(object,WiaEnumCapabilitiesEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA capabilities of the selected WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__enumDevicesEvent(object,WiaEnumDevicesEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA devices.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__enumFormatsEvent(object,WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the supported WIA transfer formats of the selected WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__enumItemsEvent(object,WiaEnumItemsEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA child items.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise__setPropertiesEvent(object,WiaSetPropertiesEventArgs) Occurs while setting the WIA properties.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_AcquireEvent(object,WiaAcquireEventArgs) Occurs while acquiring from the WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_AcquireFileEvent(object,WiaAcquireFileEventArgs) Occurs while acquiring to file from the WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_EnumCapabilitiesEvent(object,WiaEnumCapabilitiesEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA capabilities of the selected WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_EnumDevicesEvent(object,WiaEnumDevicesEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA devices.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_EnumFormatsEvent(object,WiaEnumFormatsEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the supported WIA transfer formats of the selected WIA source.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_EnumItemsEvent(object,WiaEnumItemsEventArgs) Occurs while enumerating the WIA child items.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.raise_SetPropertiesEvent(object,WiaSetPropertiesEventArgs) Occurs while setting the WIA properties.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SelectDeviceDlg(IWin32Window,WiaDeviceType,WiaSelectSourceFlags) Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a WIA hardware device for image acquisition.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertiesEvent Occurs while setting each property inside the WiaProperties structure after calling the Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetProperties(System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaProperties) method.
Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.StartVideoPreview(IWin32Window,bool) Starts the video preview inside the window handle specified through the owner parameter.

Version Changes: 17.5 to 18

New Members

The following members have been added to the existing types:

Member Description
There are no new members added since last revision. None

For more information, refer to New in 18.

Version Changes: 17 to 17.5

Version 17.5 has not changed from Version 17. For more information, refer to New in 17.5.

Version Changes: 16.5 to 17

The following methods have been changed in LEADTOOLS for .NET v17:

Method Description

Return value changed from void to string value.


Return value changed from void to Leadtools.Wia.WiaProperties value.


Extra parameter of type Leadtools.Wia.WiaProperties has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.Object value.


Return value changed from void to System.Int32 value.


Extra parameter of type System.Int32 has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.Guid value.


Extra parameter of type System.Guid has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.String value.


Extra parameter of type System.String has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.DateTime value.


Extra parameter of type System.DateTime has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.IO.Stream value.


Extra parameter of type System.IO.Stream has been added.


Return value changed from void to System.Guid value.


Extra parameter of type System.Guid has been added.

The following properties have been removed from LEADTOOLS for .NET v17:

Property Description

Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetProperties(System.Object) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetProperties(System.Object,Leadtools.Wia.WiaProperties) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.AcquireImageFromVideo instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetRootItem(System.Object) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetPropertyLong(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertyLong(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId,System.Int32) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetPropertyGuid(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertyGuid(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId,System.Guid) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetPropertyString(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertyString(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId,System.String) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetPropertySystemTime(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertySystemTime(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId,System.DateTime) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetPropertyBuffer(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId) or the extra parameter in Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.SetPropertyBuffer(System.Object,System.String,Leadtools.Wia.WiaPropertyId,System.IO.Stream) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetCategoryGuid(Leadtools.Wia.WiaCategories) instead.


Use the return value of Leadtools.Wia.WiaSession.GetFormatGuid(Leadtools.Wia.WiaFileFormats) instead.

Version Changes: 16 to 16.5

Version 16.5 has not changed from Version 16. For more information, refer to New in 16.5.

Version Changes: 15 to 16

New Assembly

The following assembly has been added to LEADTOOLS For .NET v16:

Namespace Description
Leadtools.Wia Outline and description of enumerations, structures, and classes to support image acquisition from a wide variety of hardware devices.
Help Version 22.0.2023.7.17
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