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Deletes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.


#include "ltdic.h"

L_VOID LDicomAssociate::DelTransfer(nID, nIndex)



Presentation ID. The presentation ID provides information about both the class type of the data and the transfer syntax to use when transferring the data.

L_INT nIndex

The index of the Transfer Syntax to delete. This index is zero-based.




A DICOM Associate (Request or Accept) can have multiple Presentation Contexts. A DICOM Associate Request can have multiple Transfer Syntax entries for each Presentation Context. A Transfer Syntax can be deleted by specifying the ID for the appropriate Presentation Context and the index for the appropriate Transfer Syntax.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




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L_INT LDicomAssociate_DelTransferExample(LDicomAssociate* m_pDicomAssociate) 
   L_INT nRet; 
   long i; 
   CString cStr; 
   L_INT nTransferSyntaxCount; 
   L_UCHAR nID; 
   L_TCHAR szTransfer[PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE]; 
   //m_pDicomAssociate is a member variable declared as: 
   //    LDicomAssociate *m_pDicomAssociate; 
   //create the Associate Class as Request 
   m_pDicomAssociate = new LDicomAssociate(TRUE); 
   //set the Associate to the default 
   //display each Transfer Syntax for the first Presentation Context 
   cStr = TEXT("Transfer Syntax"); 
   nID = m_pDicomAssociate->GetPresentation(0); 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount(nID); 
   for (i = 0; i<nTransferSyntaxCount; i++) 
      m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransfer(nID, i, szTransfer, PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE); 
      cStr += TEXT("\n"); 
      cStr += szTransfer; 
   //add a transfer syntax 
   nRet = m_pDicomAssociate->AddTransfer(nID, UID_IMPLICIT_VR_LITTLE_ENDIAN); 
   if(nRet != DICOM_SUCCESS) 
      return nRet; 
   //display each Transfer Syntax for the first Presentation Context 
   cStr = TEXT("Transfer Syntax--add a transfer syntax"); 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount( nID); 
   for (i = 0; i<nTransferSyntaxCount; i++) 
      m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransfer( nID, i, szTransfer, PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE); 
      cStr += TEXT("\n"); 
      cStr += szTransfer; 
   //change them 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount( nID); 
   for (i = 0 ; i < nTransferSyntaxCount ; i++) 
      nRet = m_pDicomAssociate->SetTransfer( nID, i, UID_EXPLICIT_VR_BIG_ENDIAN); 
      if(nRet != DICOM_SUCCESS) 
         return nRet; 
   //display each Transfer Syntax for the first Presentation Context 
   cStr = TEXT("Transfer Syntax--changed"); 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount( nID); 
   for (i = 0; i<nTransferSyntaxCount; i++) 
       m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransfer( nID, i, szTransfer, PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE); 
       cStr += TEXT("\n"); 
       cStr += szTransfer;  
   //delete the last one 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount( nID); 
   m_pDicomAssociate->DelTransfer( nID, nTransferSyntaxCount - 1); 
   //display each Transfer Syntax for the first Presentation Context 
   cStr = TEXT("Transfer Syntax--delete last one"); 
   nTransferSyntaxCount = m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransferCount( nID); 
   for (i = 0; i<nTransferSyntaxCount; i++) 
      m_pDicomAssociate->GetTransfer( nID, i, szTransfer, PDU_MAX_UID_SIZE); 
        cStr += TEXT("\n"); 
        cStr += szTransfer; 
   //Free associate 
   delete m_pDicomAssociate; 
   return DICOM_SUCCESS; 
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