

Sets 16-bit data for a channel.


#include "Ltdic.h"

L_UINT32 LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples16(pSamples, uCount)


L_INT16* pSamples

Pointer to the buffer that holds the new channel samples.

L_UINT32 uCount

Size of the buffer pointed to by pSamples.


The actual number of samples set for the channel.


This function sets the new samples for a channel. Before calling the LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples16 function, be sure to call LDicomWaveformGroup::SetSampleInterpretation to set the waveform sample interpretation.

The number of samples actually set will be less than or equal to the "Number of samples per channel" (003A, 0010) in the multiplex group that represents the parent of this channel. To get that number, call the LDicomWaveformGroup::GetNumberOfSamplesPerChannel function.

This function is intended to be used for setting the data of 16-bit channels where the "Waveform Sample Interpretation" (5400,1006) is signed 16-bit linear (DICOM_SAMPLE_INTERPRETATION_SS) or unsigned 16-bit linear (DICOM_SAMPLE_INTERPRETATION_US). To get the waveform sample interpretation, call the LDicomWaveformGroup::GetSampleInterpretation function.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




For an example, refer to LDicomWaveformChannel::SetChannelSamples8.

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