

Verifies the conformance of the Data Set.


#include "Ltdic.h"

L_BOOL LDicomDS::ConformanceDS(pfnCallback, pUserData)



Optional callback function. If you do not provide a callback function, use NULL as the value of this parameter. If you do provide a callback function, use the function pointer as the value of this parameter. The callback function must adhere to the function prototype described in CONFORMANCECALLBACK Function.

L_VOID * pUserData

Void pointer that you can use to pass one or more additional parameters that the callback function needs.

To use this feature, assign a value to a variable or create a structure that contains as many fields as you need. Then, in this parameter, pass the address of the variable or structure, casting it to L_VOID *. The callback function, which receives the address in its own pUserData parameter, can cast it to a pointer of the appropriate data type to access your variable or structure. If the additional parameters are not needed, you can pass NULL in this parameter.


Value Meaning
TRUE The Data Set conforms.
FALSE The Data Set does not conform.


This function is called to test the conformance of the Data Set to the DICOM standard. For each Data Element in the Data Set, this function calls the CONFORMANCECALLBACK function. If any inconsistency is found, nFlags should be set with the appropriate error and False returned from the callback function.

Information from the Value Representation Table, the Data Element Tag Table and the IOD Table is used when analyzing the Data Element for conformance.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




This example displays all the elements that not respect the standard.

L_BOOL EXT_CALLBACK fnCallback(pDICOMELEMENT pElement, L_UINT16 nFlags, L_VOID *pUserData) 
   CListBox *  pDlg; 
   L_TCHAR     szText[30]; 
   pDlg = (CListBox *)pUserData; 
   wsprintf(szText, TEXT("%04X:%04X"), GETGROUP(pElement->nTag), GETELEMENT(pElement->nTag)); 
   return TRUE; 
L_INT LDicomDS_ConformanceDSExample(CListBox *pDlg)  
   LDicomDS*   pDS; 
   pDS = new LDicomDS(NULL); 
   pDS->ConformanceDS(fnCallback, pDlg); 
   delete pDS; 
   return DICOM_SUCCESS; 

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