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Allocates memory for the network structure and sets the site of the temporary files. This function is available in the PACS Imaging Toolkit.


#include "ltdic.h"

L_VOID LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath, nMode)

L_VOID LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath, nMode, bReserved)


L_TCHAR * pszPath

Character string containing the location of the temporary files. DICOM uses temporary files during the course of creating a file. If this parameter is NULL, the DICOM temporary files are kept in the directory Windows places its own temporary files. If this parameter is not NULL, the temporary files are placed in the specified directory.

L_INT32 nMode

Flag that indicates the security mode to use when initializing the network structure. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
DICOM_SECURE_NONE No security mode.
DICOM_SECURE_ISCL Integrated Secure Communication Layer security mode.
DICOM_SECURE_TLS Transport Layer Security security mode.

L_BOOL bReserved

Reserved for future use. Pass 0.




LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath,nMode) Free any allocated memory by calling LDicomNet::~LDicomNet.

To initialize the LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL, call LDicomNet::StartUp.

The LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL must be initialized before using any of the Network operation functions.

If an incorrect value is passed for the nMode parameter, the object will be initialized without using a security mode.

LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath,nMode,bReserved) Use this version of the LDicomNet constructor to modify the default security settings, or to use non-default security settings. As with LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath,nMode), free any allocated memory by calling LDicomNet::~LDicomNet, and initialize the LEADTOOLS DICOM DLL by calling LDicomNet::StartUp. If an incorrect value is passed for the nMode parameter, the object will be initialized without using a security mode. In addition, when using LDicomNet::LDicomNet(pszPath,nMode,bReserved) it is also necessary to call LDicomNet::Initialize. For more information, refer to LDicomNet::Initialize. Note that the following uses of the LDicomNet constructors are functionally equivalent:


Copied to clipboard
LDicomNet \*pNet = new LDicomNet(pszPath, nMode); 


Copied to clipboard
LDicomNet \*pNet = new LDicomNet(pszPath, nMode, 0);   
If (pNet)   
   pNet->Initialize(pszPath, nMode, NULL); 

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64

See Also




For an example, refer to LDicomNet::SendCEchoRequest.

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