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AnnAutomation Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnAutomation members

Public Properties

Name Description
Active Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is active.
AutomationControl Gets the automation control for this AnnAutomation.
CanApplyAllDecryptors Gets a value that indicates whether any decryptor AnnEncryptObject object in this AnnAutomation can be applied.
CanApplyAllEncryptors Gets a value that indicates whether any encryptor AnnEncryptObject object in this AnnAutomation can be applied.
CanApplyDecryptor Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited is a decryptor AnnEncryptObject and can be applied.
CanApplyEncryptor Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an encryptor AnnEncryptObject and can be applied.
CanBringToFirst Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can bring the currently selected object(s) to the top of the Z-order.
CanBringToFront Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can bring the currently selected object(s) up in the Z-order.
CanCopy Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be copied to the clipboard.
CanDelete Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be deleted.
CanFlip Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where objects can be flipped.
CanGroup Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where objects can be grouped together.
CanLock Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be locked.
CanPaste Gets a value that indicates whether the clipboard contains annotation objects that can be pasted.
CanPlayAudio Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where an AnnAudioObject can be played.
CanRealizeAllRedactions Gets a value that indicates whether all of the AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be realized.
CanRealizeRedaction Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an AnnRedactionObject and can be realized.
CanRedo Gets a value indicating whether the user can redo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.
CanResetRotatePoints Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the selected AnnObject is able to have its rotate control points reset to the default location.
CanRestoreAllRedactions Gets a value that indicates whether one or more AnnRedactionObject objects in this AnnAutomation can be restored.
CanRestoreRedaction Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) is an AnnRedactionObject and can be restored.
CanRotate Gets a value indicating whether the AnnEditDesigner Rotate property can be used at this time.
CanSelectAll Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where all objects can be selected.
CanSelectNone Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where it can deselect objects.
CanSendToBack Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can send the currently selected object(s) down in the Z-order.
CanSendToLast Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation can send the currently selected object(s) to the bottom of the Z-order.
CanShowObjectContextMenu Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the object context menu can be displayed.
CanShowObjectPropertiesDialog Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where the object properties dialog can be displayed.
CanShowTextObjectEditWindow Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnAutomation is currently in a state where a text window can be displayed over the text object.
CanUndo Gets a value indicating whether the user can undo the previous operation performed in this AnnAutomation.
CanUngroup Gets a value indicating whether this AnnAutomation is in a state where objects can be ungrouped.
CanUnlock Gets a value that indicates whether the object currently being edited (selected) can be unlocked.
ClipboardObjectFormat Returns the clipboard format name used when copying or pasting annotation objects.
Container Gets the annotation container of this AnnAutomation.
CurrentDesigner Gets the current working designer.
CurrentEditObject Gets the current AnnObject being edited.
EnableSnapToGrid Gets or sets a value to determine whether snapping to grid is enabled for this AnnAutomation.
ImageDirty Gets or sets a value indicating whether the image in the automation control has been changed.
Manager Returns the automation manager to which this AnnAutomation belongs.
ObjectsDirty Gets or sets a value to determine whether one or more objects in this AnnAutomation have been changed.
Rotate Gets a value indicating whether the current AnnEditDesigner is in rotate mode.
UndoCapacity Gets or sets a value that specifies the capacity of the undo/redo buffer.
Viewer Gets the raster viewer for this AnnAutomation.
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Leadtools.Annotations Assembly
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