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AnnGroupObject Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnGroupObject.

Protected Constructors

Name Description
AnnGroupObject This constructor is required by System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.

Public Methods

Name Description
CalculateRotateAngle The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.CalculateRotateAngle.
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnGroupObject object.
Draw Draws this AnnGroupObject object on the specified surface.
GetFixedState The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.GetFixedState.
GetGraphicsPath Returns a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath representation of this AnnGroupObject object.
GetObjectData Populates a specified System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo class object with the data needed to serialize this object.
HitTest Performs hit-testing on this AnnGroupObject object.
Lock Locks this AnnGroupObject object with the specified password.
PopFixedState The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.PopFixedState.
PushFixedState The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.PushFixedState.
ResetRotatePoints The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.ResetRotatePoints.
ResetTransform Resets the transformation matrix of this AnnGroupObject object.
RestoreOriginalLocation The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.RestoreOriginalLocation.
RestrictName Restricts the name to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container of this AnnGroupObject.
Rotate Rotates the transformation matrix of this AnnGroupObject object around a point.
SaveOriginalLocation The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.SaveOriginalLocation.
Scale Scales the transformation matrix of this AnnGroupObject object using the specified values.
SetFixedState The AnnGroupObject implementation of AnnObject.SetFixedState.
Translate Translates the transformation matrix of this AnnGroupObject object using the specified values.
Ungroup Ungroups this AnnGroupObject object.
Unlock Unlocks this AnnGroupObject object with the specified password.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Create Creates a new instance of an AnnGroupObject object.
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the resources used by this AnnGroupObject object.

Public Properties

Name Description
Acute Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to mark the inside (acute) or outside (obtuse) angle for this AnnGroupObject object.
Alignment Gets or sets a value that indicates the text alignment.
AnglePrecision Gets or sets the number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point in the angle of this AnnGroupObject object.
AngularUnit Gets or sets the unit of measure used for any angles in this group.
AngularUnitAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation to be used for the AngularUnit property value.
ArcRadius Gets or sets the arc radius of this AnnGroupObject object.
BoundingRectangle Gets the logical bounding rectangle of this AnnGroupObject object.
Brush Gets or sets the AnnBrush object associated with this AnnGroupObject object.
Container Gets or sets the AnnContainer object that contains this AnnGroupObject object.
DpiX Gets or sets the horizontal DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the horizontal distance for the ruler.
DpiY Gets or sets the vertical DPI (dots per inch) that is used to translate the vertical distance for the ruler.
EdgeMargin Gets or sets the margin between the text and the bounding rectangle.
Font Gets or sets the AnnFont object associated with this AnnGroupObject object.
FrameBackPen Gets or sets the background AnnPen uses when drawing the group outline for AnnNewGroupEditDesigner.
FrameForePen Gets or sets the background AnnPen uses when drawing the group outline for AnnNewGroupEditDesigner.
GaugeLength Gets or sets the length of the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for this AnnGroupObject object.
HasBrush Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnGroupObject object has a brush.
HasFont Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnGroupObject object has a font.
HasPen Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnGroupObject object has a pen.
Hyperlink Gets or sets a string which represents the hyperlink for this AnnObject object.
InvalidRectangle Gets the physical bounding rectangle of this AnnGroupObject object.
LineAlignment Gets or sets a value that represents the line alignment.
MeasurementUnit Gets or sets a value that represents the unit of measure for this AnnGroupObject object.
NameBackColor Gets or sets the color used to fill the background of the name of this AnnGroupObject object.
NameFont Gets or sets the font used to draw the name of this AnnGroupObject object.
NameForeColor Gets or sets the color used to draw the name of this AnnGroupObject object.
NameOffset Gets or sets the name offset relative to the upper left corner of the bounding rectangle of this AnnGroupObject object.
NameRestrict Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnGroupObject name is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the Container.
NameVisible Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to draw the name of this AnnGroupObject object.
ObjectPen Gets or sets the background AnnPen uses when drawing the group outline for AnnNewGroupEditDesigner.
Objects Gets the collection of annotation objects (of various classes derived from AnnObject) contained in this AnnGroupObject object.
Pen Gets or sets the AnnPen object associated with this AnnGroupObject object.
Precision Gets or sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point when displaying the ruler's length in this AnnGroupObject object.
ProtractorImplemented Gets a value that indicates whether any annotation object in this group object implements the IAnnProtractorObject interface. This is used internally by the annotation framework. User-defined classes that implement this interface should provide an implementation of this property that returns true.
RestrictAngle Gets or sets a value that indicate whether the angle of the protractor will always be drawn between the two lines.
RestrictLength Gets or sets a value indicating whether the text representing the length of this AnnGroupObject object is restricted to appear fully within the bounding rectangle of the container.
RulerImplemented Gets a value that indicates whether any annotation object in this group object implements the IAnnRulerObject interface. This is used internally by the annotation framework. User-defined classes that implement this interface should provide an implementation of this property that returns true.
SerializePassword Gets or sets a value indicating whether the password is saved when this AnnGroupObject object is serialized.
ShowAngle Gets or sets a value indicating whether the angle of this AnnGroupObject is visible.
ShowGauge Gets or sets a value indicating whether the gauge (the perpendicular lines at the ends of the ruler) for this AnnGroupObject object is visible.
ShowLength Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the length of rulers in this AnnGroupObject object.
ShowTickMarks Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tick marks for this AnnGroupObject object are visible.
SupportsBrush Gets a value indicating whether this AnnGroupObject object supports a brush.
SupportsFixed true if this AnnObject can be fixed; false otherwise
SupportsFont Gets a value indicating whether this AnnGroupObject object supports a font.
SupportsPen Gets a value indicating whether this AnnGroupObject object supports a pen.
Temporary Gets or sets a value that indicates whether this AnnGroupObject object is a temporary group.
Text Gets or sets the text string associated with this AnnGroupObject object.
TextColor Gets or sets the text color associated with this AnnGroupObject object.
TextImplemented Gets a value that indicates whether any annotation object in this group object implements the IAnnTextObject interface. This is used internally by the annotation framework. User-defined classes that implement this interface should provide an implementation of this property that returns true.
TextRotate Gets or sets the rotation value.
TickMarksLength Gets or sets the length of the tick marks for rulers in this AnnGroupObject object.
UnitAbbreviation Gets or sets a string value that specifies the abbreviation that corresponds to the MeasurementUnit property value used by the object.
UseBrushAsTextBackground Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the brush to fill only the text area or all of the object.
UseGenericTypographic Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not to remove the default margin when setting the EdgeMargin property to an empty margin.
Win32ObjectId For internal use.
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