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AnnPoint Structure


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnPoint members

Public Methods

Name Description
- Translates an AnnPoint by the negative of a given AnnSize.
!= Tests whether two AnnPoint structures are unequal.
+ Translates an AnnPoint by a given AnnSize.
== Tests whether two AnnPoint structures are equal.
Add Translates an AnnPoint by a given AnnSize.
Convert Converts this AnnPoint to the specified unit.
ConvertedX Returns the value of the x-coordinate of this AnnPoint structure converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.
ConvertedY Returns the value of the y-coordinate of this AnnPoint structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.
ConvertTo Converts this AnnPoint with the specified unit to another AnnPoint.
Equals Specifies whether this AnnPoint contains the same coordinates as the specified Object.For more information about this method, see Object.Equals/>.
GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this AnnPoint structure.For information about this method, see System.Object.GetHashCode.
Subtract Translates an AnnPoint by the negative of a given AnnSize.
ToPointF Converts this AnnPoint to a PointF.
ToString Overridden. Converts this AnnPoint to a human-readable string.
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