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IAnnAutomationControl Interface


For a list of all members of this type, see IAnnAutomationControl members

Public Properties

Name Description
AutomationControl Gets the System.Windows.Forms.Control to use for automation.
AutomationDpiX Gets the horizontal resolution of the control being annotated in dots per inch
AutomationDpiY Gets the vertical resolution of the control being annotated in dots per inch.
AutomationEnabled Gets a value that indicates whether the automation is enabled
AutomationImageDpiX Gets the horizontal resolution of the image being annotated in dots per inch
AutomationImageDpiY Gets the vertical resolution of the image being annotated in dots per inch.
AutomationImageHeight Gets the height of the image being annotated in pixels.
AutomationImageWidth Gets the width of the image being annotated in pixels.
AutomationRasterImage Gets the Leadtools.RasterImage instance this automation will use when the user performs actions that will change the image being annotated.
AutomationTransform Gets a System.Drawing.Drawing2D.Matrix object that represents the current transformation for the annotations objects.
AutomationUseDpi Gets a value indicating whether the automation object should pay consideration to the image and control resolution when drawing annotation objects.
ClientRectangle Gets a rectangle that represents the client area of the control.
Cursor Gets or sets the cursor to be used in the control.
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