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AnnContainer Class


For a list of all members of this type, see AnnContainer members

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnContainer object.
DisableDrawObjectEvents Stops this AnnContainer from raising the BeforeDrawingObjects and AfterDrawingObjects events.
Draw Draws the container on the surface of the specified Leadtools.RasterImage object.
EnableDrawObjectEvents Enables this AnnContainer from raising the BeforeDrawingObjects and AfterDrawingObjects events.
HitTest Retrieves the object at the specified coordinates.
PopFixedState Re-enables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer.
PushFixedState Temporarily disables the fixed state of every AnnObject in the AnnContainer.
ToString Overridden. Converts the attributes of this AnnContainer to a human-readable string.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Dispose Releases all resources used by this object.
Finalize This member overrides System.Object.Finalize.
OnAfterDrawingObjects Raises the AfterDrawingObjects event.
OnBeforeDrawingObjects Raises the BeforeDrawingObjects event.
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Leadtools.Annotations Assembly
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