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AnnHatchBrush Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by AnnHatchBrush.

Public Constructors

Name Description
AnnHatchBrush Initializes a new AnnHatchBrush object with the specified hatch style, foreground color and background color.

Public Methods

Name Description
Clone Creates an exact copy of this AnnHatchBrush object.
Create Creates a new GDI+ brush object using this AnnHatchBrush.
Equals Tests whether the specified object is a AnnHatchBrush structure and is equivalent to this AnnHatchBrush structure.
GetHashCode Returns a hash code for this AnnHatchBrush structure.

Public Properties

Name Description
BackColor Gets or sets the color of the spaces between the hatch lines drawn by this AnnHatchBrush object.
BackColorXml Used internally by the LEADTOOLS framework.
ForeColor Gets or sets the color of hatch lines drawn by this AnnHatchBrush object.
ForeColorXml Used internally by the LEADTOOLS framework.
HatchStyle Gets or sets the hatch style of this AnnHatchBrush object.
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