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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects Enumerations


Overview and description of Leadtools ImageProcessing SpecialEffects enumerations.

Enumeration Description
AgingCommandFlags Flags that indicate the distortion type and the distortion color.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
BendCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle peripherally exposed areas, how to handle centrally exposed areas and the type of bending.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
BricksTextureCommandFlags Flags that determine the type of brick edge to use, and which mortar style to use.
CanvasCommandFlags Flags that identify how to distribute the canvas image with respect to the image and how to handle resizing.
CloudsCommandType This enumeration contains all the flags that are needed by the CloudsCommand and specifies how to apply the clouds effect to an image.
ColoredBallsCommandFlags Flags that indicate the background color , shade (or gradient) type, ball type and ball color type.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
ColoredPencilExtendedCommandFlags This enumeration specifies the different types of coloring methods.
CylinderCommandType A value that indicates the cylinder shape.
DiceEffectCommandFlags This enumeration indicates how to apply the Dice effect to an image.
DrawStarCommandFlags Flags that indicate the direction of the rays.
FreeHandShearCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas, and the direction of the shear wave.
FreeHandWaveCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas and the type of information contained in WaveLength property or waveLength parameter.
FreePlaneBendCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas and the plane along which to stretch the pixels.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
FreeRadialBendCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle peripherally exposed areas and areas exposed inside the surface.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
FunctionalLightCommandFlags Enumeration used to determine which function will be applied to the image, FreeHandLight, Free Light, or Trigonometry Light.
GlassEffectCommandFlags Enumeration that indicates what type of data is in the CellWidth and CellHeight properties or the cellWidth and cellHeight parameters.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
LensFlareCommandType Enumeration that indicates the lens type
LightCommandType Enumeration that determines the light source type.
MosaicTilesCommandFlags This enumeration contains all flags that are needed by the MosaicTilesCommand. It indicates whether to use arc-shaped or rectangular-shaped tiles, and what type of shadowing to use, if any.
NoiseLayoutType Flags that indicate how to apply the effect, and which layout pattern to use for the noise.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
PerspectiveCommandType This enumeration will contains all types needed to indicate which background is selected.
PixelateCommandFlags Enumerated values that indicate the values used to fill the cells, the shape of the cells, and what type of data is in the CellWidth and CellHeight properties of PixelateCommand class or the cellWidth and cellHeight parameters of the Constructor of the PixelateCommand class .
PlaneCommandFlags Enumeration that indicates the background color and the planes to be shown. You can use a bit wise OR ( ¦ ) to specify one flag from each group.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
PlasmaCommandFlags Enumeration that indicates the type of plasma effect, and the color pattern to use.
PointillistCommandFlags Flags that indicate the background color and dots type.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
PolarCommandFlags This enumeration indicates how to handle exposed areas and the type of conversion.
PunchCommandFlags Enumeration that indicates how to handle exposed areas, both centrally and peripherally.
PuzzleEffectCommandFlags This enumeration indicates how to apply the puzzle effect to an image.
RadialWaveCommandFlags Enumeration that indicates how to handle exposed areas, the type of information in the WaveLength property or waveLength parameter if you are using the appropriate Constructor, and the wave type.
RingEffectCommandFlags This enumeration controls the RingEffectCommand behavior. These values can be OR-ed together, unless otherwise specified
RippleCommandType This enumeration indicates how to handle exposed areas.
RomanMosaicCommandFlags This enumeration contains all flags that are needed by the RomanMosaicCommand. It is indicate the values used to select the shape of the tiles and the type of shadow.
ShadowCommandAngle Enumerated value indicating the direction of the light source producing the shadow.
ShadowCommandType Enumerated values that indicate the type of the shadow.
SphereCommandFlags This enumeration indicates how to handle exposed areas outside the sphere and inside the sphere.
TunnelCommandFlags Flags that indicate the background color and which image dimension extends along the Z-axis.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
VignnetCommandFlags This enumeration contains all flags that are needed by the VignnetCommand. It includes values used to select the shape of the vignette object and the type of color filling.
WaveCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas, the type of information in the WaveLength property of the WaveCommand class, or the waveLength parameter of the appropriate WaveCommand Constructor, and the wave type.
ZigZagCommandFlags Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas, and the wave radiation type.This enumeration has a System.FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.
ZoomWaveCommandType Flags that indicate how to handle exposed areas
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Leadtools.ImageProcessing.SpecialEffects Assembly
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