

Adds a new Coded Concept to the specified Context Group.


#include "ltdic.h"

L_LTDIC_API pDICOMCODEDCONCEPT L_DicomInsertCodedConcept(pContextGroup, pszCodingSchemeDesignator, pszCodingSchemeVersion, pszCodeValue, pszCodeMeaning, pContextGroupLocalVersion, pszContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID, uFlags)



Pointer to a DICOMCONTEXTGROUP structure that specifies the Context Group to which the new Coded Concept is to be added.

L_TCHAR * pszCodingSchemeDesignator

Character string that contains the Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) of the new Coded Concept.

L_TCHAR * pszCodingSchemeVersion

Character string that contains the Coding Scheme Version (0008,0103) of the new Coded Concept. Set this to NULL if no Coding Scheme Version is to be defined for the new Coded Concept.

L_TCHAR * pszCodeValue

Character string that contains the Code Value (0008,0100) of the new Coded Concept.

L_TCHAR * pszCodeMeaning

Character string that contains the Code Meaning (0008,0104) of the new Coded Concept.

pVALUEDATETIME pContextGroupLocalVersion

Pointer to a VALUEDATETIME structure that specifies the Context Group Local Version (0008,0107) of the new Coded Concept. Set this to NULL if no Context Group Local Version is to be defined for the new Coded Concept.

L_TCHAR * pszContextGroupExtensionCreatorUID

Character string that contains the Context Group Extension Creator UID (0008,010D) of the new Coded Concept. Set this to NULL if no Context Group Extension Creator UID is to be defined for the new Coded Concept.

L_UINT16 uFlags

Flags that control the behavior of this function. This can be set to 0 or:

Value Meaning
DICOM_CONTEXTGROUP_DISALLOW_DUPLICATES [0x01] The function should fail if a Coded Concept with the same specified Coding Scheme Designator and Code Value already exists in the specified Context Group.


Value Meaning
!NULL Pointer to a DICOMCODEDCONCEPT structure that specifies the newly inserted Coded Concept.
NULL The function failed to allocate memory.


Please note that if the Coding Scheme Designator, the Code Value, and the Code Meaning of the new Coded Concept are not specified, the function fails and returns NULL.

If a Context Group in the Context Group Table has a corresponding Group in the internal table maintained by LEADTOOLS, then you can use the L_DicomDefaultContextGroup function to discard any changes made to the Context Group, including the additions of new Coded Concepts.

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64, Linux.

See Also




For an example, refer to L_DicomFindContextGroup.

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