Receiving Messages

LEADTOOLS provides high-level and low-level functions for receiving messages and handling the associated data. The high-level functions take the received message and data and parse the required information, making it readily available to you. The low-level functions let you receive the raw data and process that data as you wish.

There are two low-level functions provided by LEADTOOLS, RECEIVECALLBACK and RECEIVEDATACALLBACK. A call to the RECEIVECALLBACK function is generated prior to the generation of all the RECEIVExxxCALLBACK functions provided. A call to the RECEIVEDATACALLBACK function is generated prior to the RECEIVECxxxCALLBACK and RECEIVENxxxCALLBACK functions.

For example, when an SCU calls L_DicomSendCStoreRequest, calls to RECEIVECALLBACK, RECEIVEDATACALLBACK, and RECEIVECSTOREREQUESTCALLBACK are all generated on the SCP. The RECEIVECSTOREREQUESTCALLBACK function parses the received data into readily useable form. The RECEIVECALLBACK and RECEIVEDATACALLBACK provide the message and data in raw form so you can process the information yourself.

When an SCU calls L_DicomSendReleaseRequest, only calls to RECEIVECALLBACK and RECEIVERELEASEREQUESTCALLBACK are generated (A call to RECEIVEDATACALLBACK is not generated.) since there is no data being sent.

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