public double Pan { get; set; }
-1.0 to 1.0 | -1.0 indicates full left, 0.0 indicates center, and 1.0 indicates full right. |
Pan is the signal distribution from left to right for stereo inputs. For more information, refer to the Microsoft documentation for IAMAudioInputMixer.get_Pan.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public CaptureCtrlForm _form = new CaptureCtrlForm();
public void AudioInputsExample()
string txtInfo = string.Empty;
// reference the capture control
CaptureCtrl capturectrl = _form.CaptureCtrl;
// select an audio device. use your device's name here instead of USB
if (capturectrl.AudioDevices["USB"] == null)
throw new Exception("No USB audio device available");
capturectrl.AudioDevices["USB"].Selected = true;
// get the audio inputs object
AudioInputs audioinputs = capturectrl.AudioInputs;
// get the master values
txtInfo = string.Format("Enable state {0}\n" +
"Loudness state {1}\n" +
"Mixlevel value {2}\n" +
"Mono state {3}\n" +
"Pan value {4}\n" +
"Bass value {5}\n" +
"Bass range value {6}\n" +
"Treble value {7}\n" +
"Treble range value {8}\n\n" +
"Are these values correct?",
audioinputs.Enable, audioinputs.Loudness, audioinputs.MixLevel.ToString(), audioinputs.Mono,
audioinputs.Pan.ToString(), audioinputs.Bass, audioinputs.BassRange, audioinputs.Treble, audioinputs.TrebleRange);
// display the named audio input properties
_result = (MessageBox.Show(_form, txtInfo, "Test Verify", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes);
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (capturectrl.State == CaptureState.Running)
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