DVDError Enumeration

The DVDError enumeration values specify DVD error conditions.
public enum DVDError   
public enum class DVDError   
1Unexpected Something unexpected happened; perhaps the content was incorrectly authored.
2CopyProtectFail Key exchange for DVD copy protection failed.
3InvalidDVD1_0Disc DVD-Video disc is incorrectly authored for v1.
4InvalidDiscRegion The Disc cannot be played because the disc is not authored to play in the system region.
5LowParentalLevel The Player parental level is lower than the lowest parental level available in the DVD content.
6MacrovisionFail Macrovision Distribution Failed.
7IncompatibleSystemAndDecoderRegions No discs can be played because the system region does not match the decoder.
8IncompatibleDiscAndDecoderRegions The disc cannot be played because the disc is not authored to be played in the decoder's region.

Target Platforms

See Also


Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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