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WMProfile Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by WMProfile.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor WMProfile Initializes a new instance of the WMProfile class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AddMutualExclusion Adds a mutual exclusion object to the profile.
Public Method AddStream Adds a stream to the profile.
Public Method CreateNewMutualExclusion Creates a mutual exclusion object.
Public Method CreateNewStream Creates a new stream configuration object that can be used to describe a media stream in the profile.
Public Method Dispose Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public Method GetMutualExclusion Gets the specified mutual exclusion object in the profile.
Public Method GetStream Gets the stream at the specified index from the profile.
Public Method GetStreamByNumber Gets the stream with the specified number in the profile.
Public Method ReconfigStream Reconfigures a stream in the profile, based on the stream configuration information in the specified WMStreamConfig object.
Public Method RemoveMutualExclusion Removes the specified mutual exclusion object from the profile.
Public Method RemoveStream Removes the specified stream from the profile.
Public Method RemoveStreamByNumber Removes the stream having the specified number from the profile.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property Description Gets or sets a character string that contains the profile's description.
Public Property MutualExclusionCount Gets the total number of mutual exclusion objects in the profile.
Public Property Name Gets or sets a character string that represents the name of the profile.
Public Property StreamCount Gets the number of streams in the profile.
Public Property Version Gets the version number of the media format SDK used to create the profile.

See Also

WMProfile Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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