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CaptureCtrl Class Methods


For a list of all members of this type, see CaptureCtrl members

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method AllocTarget Pre-allocates the capture target to the specified size.
Public Method CanSaveObjectSettings Determines whether the specified settings can be saved.
Public Method CaptureFrame Captures a single frame during a CaptureMode.ManualFrames mode capture.
Public Method CaptureHDIB Captures a device independent bitmap.
Public Method CaptureImage Captures a video image to a System.Drawing.Image object.
Public Method CopyTarget Copies the valid media data from the target to the specified file.
Public Method EditGraph Registers the current graph and runs the DirectShow GraphEdit utility.
Public Method EnterEdit Enters editing mode by preventing the capture object from rebuilding the graph while devices are being selected.
Public Method EstimateOutputBitRate Gets the estimated capture output bit rate, in bits per second.
Public Method EstimateOutputSize Gets the estimated capturing output size for the specified duration, in bytes.
Public Method GetPreferredFilter Retrieves the preferred filter's Display Name set using the SetPreferredFilter method.
Public Method GetStillHDIB Gets a device independent bitmap (DIB) during a CaptureMode.Still capture.
Public Method GetStillImage Gets a System.Drawing.Image object during a CaptureMode.Still capture.
Public Method GetSubObject Gets the specified graph sub-object.
Public Method HasDialog Checks whether the specified property dialog is available.
Public Method IsModeAvailable Specifies whether the specified capture mode is available.
Public Method IsPreviewTapSupported Determines whether a specific preview tap for the preview source is available.
Public Method LeaveEdit Leaves editing mode.
Public Method LoadSettingsFromFile Loads settings from a file.
Public Method LoadSettingsFromStream Loads settings from a stream.
Public Method PauseCapture Pauses the capture control.
Public Method ReadyCapture Prepares the capture graph for running.
Public Method ResetTarget Resets the media target.
Public Method RunCapture Runs the capture graph.
Public Method SaveSettingsToFile Saves some or all of the capture object settings to a file. SaveSettingsToFile provides a convenient mechanism to save settings that can be retrieved at a later time.
Public Method SaveSettingsToStream Saves some or all of the capture object settings to a stream.
Public Method SaveStillBitmap Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a bitmap.
Public Method SaveStillDIB Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file as a device-independent bitmap(DIB).
Public Method SetPreferredFilter Sets a preferred filter (decoder or demultiplexer).
Public Method SetVideoWindowPos Sets the position and size of the video window.
Public Method ShowDialog Shows a specified property dialog.
Public Method StartCapture Starts capturing data.
Public Method StopCapture Stops capturing data.
Public Method ToggleClosedCaptioning Switches the state of the close captioning mode on or off.
Public Method ToggleFullScreenMode Switches the state of the full screen mode on or off.
Public Method TogglePreview Switches the state of the preview mode on or off.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method AttachInterfaces Internal method to attach interfaces to the underlying control object.
Protected Method CreateSink Internal method to create the event sink for the underlying control object.
Protected Method DetachSink Internal method to detach the event sink for the underlying control object.
Protected Method Dispose Releases internal control object and related object references.

See Also

CaptureCtrl Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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