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DVDControl Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see DVDControl members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AnglesAvailable Gets the number of available angles in the current angle block.
Public Property AudioStreamsAvailable Gets the number of available audio streams.
Public Property ButtonsAvailable Gets the number of available buttons.
Public Property CurrentAngle Gets or sets the number of the currently selected angle.
Public Property CurrentAudioStream Gets or sets the number of the currently selected audio stream in the current title.
Public Property CurrentButton Gets the currently selected button.
Public Property CurrentChapter Gets the current chapter number.
Public Property CurrentDiscSide Gets the current disk side.
Public Property CurrentDomain Gets the domain in which the DVD Navigator is currently located.
Public Property CurrentSubpictureStream Gets or sets the currently selected Subpicture stream number.
Public Property CurrentTime Gets the current playback time.
Public Property CurrentTitle Gets the current title.
Public Property CurrentUOPS Gets flags indicating the disabled navigation commands for the current disc location.
Public Property CurrentVolume Gets the current DVD volume number for the root directory.
Public Property DefaultAudioLanguage Gets the default language previously set using the SelectDefaultAudioLanguage method.
Public Property DefaultAudioLanguageExt Gets the default audio language extension previously set using the DVDControl.
Public Property DefaultMenuLanguage Gets or sets the default menu language.
Public Property DefaultSubpictureLanguage Gets the default Subpicture language set using the DVDControl.
Public Property DefaultSubpictureLanguageExt Gets the default Subpicture language extension previously set using the SelectDefaultSubpictureLanguage.
Public Property DVDDirectory Gets or sets the root directory path that used by the "DVD Navigator" filter.
Public Property DVDTextNumberOfLanguages Gets the number of text languages for the current DVD or disc side.
Public Property DVDUniqueID Gets a string representing the 64-bit identification number generated for the DVD in the current DVD volume.
Public Property PlayerParentalCountry Gets the ISO 3166 country and region code settings for the DVD Navigator.
Public Property PlayerParentalLevel Gets the current parental management level for the DVD navigator.
Public Property SubpictureOn Gets or sets the Subpicture display.
Public Property SubpictureStreamsAvailable Gets the number of available Subpicture streams in the current title.
Public Property TitlesAvailable Gets the number of available titles in the volume.
Public Property TitleTimecodeFlags Gets time code flags which indicate frame rate and other frame information for the current title.
Public Property TotalTitleTime Gets the total playback time for the current title.
Public Property VolumesAvailable Gets the number of volumes in the volume set.

See Also

DVDControl Class

Leadtools.Multimedia Namespace

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