public virtual Stream SourceStream { get; set; }
A System.IO.Stream object for the media source stream.
Use this property to assign a Stream-derived object as the media source for the conversion process. The SourceType will be set to SourceObjectType.Stream. Assignment can raise an error exception. For more information, refer to the Error Codes. Note: When setting this property, the Play control must be in the stopped state.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Multimedia;
using LeadtoolsMultimediaExamples.Fixtures;
public bool _result = false;
public PlayCtrlForm _form = new PlayCtrlForm();
public void SourceStreamExample()
// reference the play control
PlayCtrl playctrl = _form.PlayCtrl;
// input and output file names
string inFile = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.MediaDir, "PlayCtrl_Source.avi");
// turn off auto start
playctrl.AutoStart = false;
// subscribe to the complete event to check our result
playctrl.MediaEvent += new MediaEventHandler(PlayCtrl_MediaEvent);
// set the source stream
playctrl.SourceStream = new StreamReader(inFile).BaseStream;
// set the allowed streams
playctrl.AllowedStreams = StreamFormatType.AudioVideoCC;
// play it!
catch (Exception)
_result = false;
// we'll loop on the state and pump messages for this example.
// but you should not need to if running from a Windows Forms application.
while (playctrl.State == PlayState.Running)
void PlayCtrl_MediaEvent(object sender, MediaEventArgs e)
// set the result
if (e.eventCode == MediaEventCode.EC_COMPLETE)
_result = true;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string MediaDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Media";
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