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Annotation Objects - Default Values:

(Document and Medical Imaging toolkits)

LEADTOOLS supports a number of annotation types. Each annotation type has certain properties associated with it. For a brief explanation of the annotation type or tool, and a list of associated defaults, refer to the following list:

Container Annotation Object

Annotation Automation Object

Line Annotation Object

Rectangle Annotation Object

Ellipse Annotation Object

Polyline Annotation Object

Polygon Annotation Object

Pointer Annotation Object

Freehand Line Annotation Object

Highlight Annotation Object

Redaction Annotation Object

Text Annotation Object

Note Annotation Object

Stamp Annotation Object

HotSpot Annotation Object

Button Annotation Object

Audio Clip Annotation Object

Ruler Annotation Object

Video Annotation Object

PushPin Annotation Object

Protractor Annotation Object

Cross product Annotation Object

Freehand HotSpot Annotation Object

Point Annotation Object

Rubber Stamp Annotation Object

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