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Version 21 of this C API has changed from version 20 as follows:
L_BlankPageDetectorBitmap - Removed 2 parameters.
DOCWRTALTOXMLOPTIONS - Takes 2 new members.
FILEINFO - Takes one new member.
LOADFILEOPTION - Takes one new member.
Define | Value | Description |
ANNCALIBRATE_EXISTING | [0x0002] | Calibrates the hObject Ruler, and calibrates all other rulers and polyrulers in the container to have a matching calibration. |
ANNCALIBRATE_NEW | [0x0004] | Any new ruler and polyruler created through automation will have a matching calibration to hObject Ruler. |
ANNCALIBRATE_THIS | [0x0001] | Calibrates the hObject Ruler to be dCalibrateLength and uCalibrateUnit. All existing and new rulers are unaffected. |
DOCWRT_ALTOXML_PlainText | [0x00000002] | If set, the font information will be discarded and all the text will use the same font. |
DOCWRT_ALTOXML_ShowGlyphInfo | [0x00000004] | If set, extra information is displayed for each glyph (position, bounding rectangle). |
DOCWRT_ALTOXML_ShowGlyphVariants | [0x00000008] | If set, text from OCR will display variants for some glyphs. |
DOCWRT_ALTOXML_Sort | [0x00000001] | If set, the text will be sorted. |
ELO2_IGNORE_EMBEDDED_ICC_PROFILE | [0x00000020] | Ignore the ICC profile embedded in the file (if any) - useful mainly for loading TIFF/JPEG CMYK/LAB files. |
ESO2_PDF_LINEARIZED | [0x00080000] | Linearize the PDF file after save. |
EXOBJ_8_CONNECTIVITY | [0x0001] | Pass to enable 8-way connectivity (diagonals), otherwise 4-way (only NSEW). |
EXOBJ_CHECK_CONTAINER_SUBCHILDREN | [0x0080] | (Requires _IGNORE_CONTAINERS) Check the number of children in a container by recursing to lower objects (not just immediate children). |
EXOBJ_CHECK_FOR_TABLES | [0x0100] | (Requires _CHECK_CONTAINER_SUBCHILDREN) When filtering out a container, attempt to preserve the cell containers as children (refer to dTableMaxBorderPercent). |
EXOBJ_CONTENTBOUND_OPTIMIZED_FOR_REPETITION | [0x1] | Cache certain calculations from this iteration for use in consecutive calls. |
EXOBJ_DETECT_CHILDREN | [0x0004] | Detect the children for each object, and output as a tree of nested objects. |
EXOBJ_DIRECTION_EAST | [0] | The next outline point is to the right |
EXOBJ_DIRECTION_NORTH | [1] | The next outline point is above |
EXOBJ_DIRECTION_SOUTH | [3] | The next outline point is below |
EXOBJ_DIRECTION_WEST | [2] | The next outline point is to the left |
EXOBJ_FILTER_INVERT_RANGE | [0x2] | Invert the range (min <= filtered out <= max [instead of: filtered out < min or max < filtered out]). |
EXOBJ_FILTER_REPORT_REMOVED_OBJECTS | [0x1] | Return a new list containing the filtered out objects (refer to pRemoved). |
EXOBJ_FLATTEN | [0x0800] | (Requires _DETECT_CHILDREN) Flatten the final lists to store the children of an object immediately after the parent, rather than in a tree structure. Note: Using _SORT_TOPLEFT is applied after the flattening and will remove the parent-child ordering. |
EXOBJ_IGNORE_CONTAINERS | [0x0040] | (Requires _DETECT_CHILDREN) Ignore containers during extraction (refer to uContainerMinCount). |
EXOBJ_IGNORE_LARGE_NOISE | [0x0020] | Ignore large noise during extraction (refer to nLargeNoiseThreshold). |
EXOBJ_IGNORE_SMALL_NOISE | [0x0010] | Ignore small noise during extraction (refer to nSmallNoiseThreshold). |
EXOBJ_LOCATION_AFTER | [0] | Add pObject to pTargetList after pObjectNeighbor. |
EXOBJ_LOCATION_BEFORE | [1] | Add pObject to pTargetList before pObjectNeighbor. |
EXOBJ_LOCATION_CHILD | [2] | Add pObject to the end of pObjectNeighbor->pChildren. |
EXOBJ_LOCATION_SIBLING | [3] | Add pObject to the end of pObjectNeighbor->pSiblings. |
EXOBJ_OUTLINE | [0x0002] | Extract pixels along each object's outline. |
EXOBJ_REGION_HORIZONTAL | [0x1] | Extract the region as horizontal segments. |
EXOBJ_REGION_VERTICAL | [0x2] | Extract the region as vertical segments. |
EXOBJ_REPORT_IGNORED | [0x0008] | Return ignored noise/containers in their respective lists. |
EXOBJ_SORT_TOPLEFT | [0x0400] | Sort the object lists in each EXOBJ_RESULT structure (sub-lists not sorted). |
EXOBJ_USE_MULTICOLORS | [0x0200] | Extract objects for each specified color level (instead of just 1 BPP). |
FILEINFO_GRAY8_ALPHA | [0x00400000] | This file contains 8-bit grayscale data + alpha. |
FILEINFO_PALETTE8_ALPHA | [0x00800000] | This file contains 8-bit color palette data + alpha. |
FILEINFO_PORTFOLIO | [0x01000000] | This file is portfolio (such as a PDF with collection schema). |
MSE_DONTUSE_MULTITHREADING | [0x0040] | Do not use multi-threading (Use this with single-core CPUs). |
PDF_ENHANCE_THIN_LINES | [0x00000004] | If set, enhance thin lines (this is the default). If not set, thin lines are not enhanced. |
XLS_FLAGS_SHOWGRIDLINES | [0x00000040] | When set, the sheet's grid lines will be rendered. |
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