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ONVIF Source URL Syntax

The format of the string for ONVIF streaming is as follows (optional components are enclosed in square brackets):



The following table describes the parameters of the string for ONVIF streaming:

Component Description
ip_address or uuid (Mandatory) The server's IP address or universally unique identifier. Typically, ONVIF servers use DHCP to obtain an IP address automatically. The servers usually provide a utility for detecting the server's IP address. This can be in the usual IPv4 format (xx.xx.xx.xx), or it can be a valid host address accepted by the standard inet_addr function. For example, localhost is equivalent to This is usually the IP address of the sending (server) computer.
It is also possible for a device to be accessed through a UUID. This is a special URL which uniquely identifies the ONVIF API endpoint of a device. The advantage of this method is that it is not IP-address-specific, and can connect to a device after a DHCP IP address change.
The IP address for the server should be unicast. Even when requesting a multicast connection to an ONVIF server, use a unicast connection to the server. In multicast connections, the server will open separate multicast connections for broadcasting the data. But when connecting to the server, connect to a unicast address.
username (Optional) For servers that use authentication, a username must be passed as part of the connection string.
password (Optional) For servers that use authentication, a password must be passed as part of the connection string.
server_URL The server's web service endpoint. The standard server URL is "/onvif/device_service", but not all devices follow the standard. In such cases, consult the server's manual to obtain it.
paramN=valN (Optional) Extra parameters used to modify the filter's or server's behavior. Parameters can be filter parameters (for example, G726Reversed=1), or server parameters (for example, ONVIFProfile=MyProfile).
The parameters used by the filter are listed below. Any parameters not listed below are considered server-dependent and are passed along to the server:
• ONVIFProfile - (Optional) This parameter is a string that sets which ONVIF profile to use. The first available profile is used by default.
• G726Reversed - (Optional) This parameter indicates whether the G726 data is reverse-encoded. The default value is 0. Set to 1 to enable.
• EnableSecurityUI - (Optional) This parameter indicates whether to show or hide the username/password UI for ONVIF servers requiring a username and password.
• 0 - Hides the username/password UI. This is the default value.
• 1 - Shows the username/password UI.
If set to 0, the RTSP source will fail to stream from RTSP servers using security, unless the correct username/password are entered in the URL. If the RTSP server requires a username/password and the URL does not contain the correct username/password, the filter will fail load or play the stream with the LTMM_E_RTSP_UNAUTHORIZED (0x80050037) error code.
To set this value programmatically, call the ILMONVIFSrc::EnableSecurityUI property.

This protocol prefix supports standard non-secure connections, secure connections using SSL, and WS-discovery endpoint connections.


onvif://username:password@address:port/server_URL - An unencrypted connection to the ONVIF device (typical)

onvifs://username:password@address:port/server_URL - An encrypted connection to the ONVIF device

onvifu://username:password@uuid - A special URL used to browse (broadcast search) for a device using a unique identifier to get its endpoint


Examples of valid strings

onvif://admin:admin@ - Connect to an ONVIF device running on with both the username and password "admin".

onvifs://admin:admin@ - Connect securely to an ONVIF device running on with both the username and password "admin". The stream sent should conform to the profile named "Profile2".

onvifu://admin:admin@4519e6f6-692c-431f-ecfc-b0c55400b099?ONVIFProfile=MyProfile - Connect to an ONVIF device using its unique identifier using a custom profile.

Note: The UUID of a device can be obtained using the search mechanism in the ONVIF Source Filter Property. See the LEAD ONVIF Source User Interface topic for more information.

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