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TimeCreated Property


Time the attachment file was created.

public DateTime TimeCreated {get; set;} 
   property DateTime^ TimeCreated 
      DateTime^ get() 
      void set(DateTime^ value) 
TimeCreated # get and set (CodecsAttachment) 

Property Value

The optional time the attachment file was created. The default value is a DateTime object: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
using Leadtools.Svg; 
private static void ReadAttachmentsExample(string fileName, string outputDir) 
   using (RasterCodecs rasterCodecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
      int attachmentCount; 
      // Get information on the owner file 
      // This step is optional if we are not interested in determining whether the owner file format 
      // or whether it is a PDF portfolio. 
      using (CodecsImageInfo imageInfo = rasterCodecs.GetInformation(fileName, true)) 
         Debug.WriteLine("Format:" + imageInfo.Format); 
         // If PDF, check if it is portfolio 
         if (imageInfo.Format == RasterImageFormat.RasPdf) 
            Debug.WriteLine("IsPortfolio:" + imageInfo.IsPortfolio); 
         attachmentCount = imageInfo.AttachmentCount; 
         Debug.WriteLine("Attachments:" + imageInfo.AttachmentCount); 
      // Read the properties of the attachments embedded in this file 
      CodecsAttachments attachments = rasterCodecs.ReadAttachments(fileName);  
      if (attachments == null) 
         // The format either: 
         // - Does not support attachments 
         // - LEADTOOLS does not support reading its attachments 
         Debug.WriteLine("Attachments is not supported for this file format"); 
      // Sanity check 
      Debug.Assert(attachments.Count == attachmentCount); 
      Debug.Assert(attachments.OriginalFormat == RasterImageFormat.Unknown); 
      if (attachments.Count == 0) 
         Debug.WriteLine("No attachments to extract"); 
      // Create the output directory if it does not exist 
      if (!Directory.Exists(outputDir)) 
      // Extract the attachments 
      foreach (CodecsAttachment attachment in attachments) 
         // Get the output file name 
         string outputFileName = Path.Combine(outputDir, attachment.FileName); 
         var description = attachment.Description; 
         var displayName = attachment.DisplayName; 
         var fileLength = attachment.FileLength; 
         var metaData = attachment.Metadata; 
         var timeCreated = attachment.TimeCreated; 
         var timeModified = attachment.TimeModified; 
         Debug.WriteLine("Extracting attachment to output file: " + outputFileName); 
         rasterCodecs.ExtractAttachment(fileName, attachment.AttachmentNumber, outputFileName); 
         // Show information on this attachment 
            using (CodecsImageInfo imageInfo = rasterCodecs.GetInformation(outputFileName, true)) 
               Debug.WriteLine($" attachment format is {imageInfo.Format} and has {imageInfo.TotalPages} pages"); 
         catch (Exception ex) 
            Debug.WriteLine($" attachment format could not be obtained, error {ex.Message}"); 

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