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CodecsLoadOptions Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by CodecsLoadOptions.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method Reset Resets this instance of CodecsLoadOptions to the default values.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AllocateImage Enables or disables allocating memory for storing image data.
Public Property AllPages Gets or sets a value that indicates whether RasterCodecs should try to load all the pages of a file by default.
Public Property AutoDetectAlpha This property is no longer supported.
Public Property AutoFixImageResolution Enables automatic resolution conversion of digital photos in LEADTOOLS.
Public Property Comments Gets or sets a value that indicates whether any comment fields found in the file should be automatically loaded.
Public Property Compressed Enables or disables keeping the loaded image data compressed in memory.
Public Property Decrypt Provides options for loading any encrypted file.
Public Property DiskMemory Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use disk memory when loading an image.
Public Property FixedPalette Enables or disables loading the image to the LEAD fixed palette.
Public Property Format Gets or sets the load format.
Public Property GeoKeys Gets or sets a value that indicates whether any TIFF Geo key tags found in the file should be automatically loaded.
Public Property IgnoreEmbeddedIccProfile Ignores the ICC profile embedded in the file.
Public Property InitAlpha Indicates whether to initialize the alpha channel when loading images as 32 or 64-bit.
Public Property LoadCorrupted Indicates whether to load corrupted files without throwing an exception.
Public Property Markers Enables or disables loading metadata markers during image file load.
Public Property Name Indicates the optional name of the file to use as a hint when loading image data from memory streams.
Public Property NoDiskMemory Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow disk memory when loading an image.
Public Property NoImageDataConversion Gets or sets a value indicating whether image data is automatically converted during load.
Public Property NoInterlace Enables or disables loading files as interlaced.
Public Property NoTiledMemory Gets or sets a value indicating whether to allow tiled images.
Public Property Passes Gets or sets the number of passes (scans through the image) when loading a progressive image (JPEG mainly).
Public Property PreferVector If this is set to true, SVG will be treated as Vector.
Public Property PremultiplyAlpha Indicates whether LEADTOOLS should premultiply the alpha values when loading the image data.
Public Property Resolution Gets or sets the resolution (DPI).
Public Property Rotated Indicates whether to load files without rotating them.
Public Property Signed Indicates whether to load the image with negative pixel values.
Public Property StoreDataInImage Enables or disables the automatic storage of the image data into the RasterImage during a file load process.
Public Property SuperCompressed Enables or disables keeping the loaded image data compressed in memory.
Public Property Tags Gets or sets a value that indicates whether any tags found in the file should be automatically loaded.
Public Property TiledMemory Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use tiled memory when loading an image.
Public Property UseNativeLoad This property is no longer supported.
Public Property UseWriteableBitmap This property is no longer supported.
Public Property XResolution Gets or sets the horizontal resolution (DPI).
Public Property YResolution Gets or sets the vertical resolution (DPI).

See Also

CodecsLoadOptions Class

Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

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