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TagFound Event

Occurs during the TIFF tag enumerated by the EnumTags method.
public event EventHandler<CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs> TagFound 
synchronized public void addTagFoundListener(CodecsTagFoundListener listener) 
synchronized public void removeTagFoundListener(CodecsTagFoundListener listener) 
event EventHandler<CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs^>^ TagFound 
def TagFound(sender,e): # sender: RasterCodecs e: CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs 
Event Data

The event handler receives an argument of type CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs containing data related to this event. The following CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs properties provide information specific to this event.

Cancel A value which allows the user to abort the enumeration process.

This event will fire for each tag found in the file as a result of calling EnumTags.

Do not attempt to use DeleteTag to delete tags from inside this event. If you want to delete tags that you enumerate, use this event to add the tags to a list. Upon returning from EnumTags, you can delete all the tags from the list.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing; 
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color; 
using Leadtools.Svg; 
string tagsFileName; 
IList<RasterTagMetadata> myTags; 
void EnumTagsExample(string srcFileName, string destFileName) 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   tagsFileName = srcFileName; 
   myTags = new List<RasterTagMetadata>(); 
   codecs.TagFound += new EventHandler<CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs>(codecs_TagFound); 
   codecs.EnumTags(srcFileName, 1); 
   codecs.TagFound -= new EventHandler<CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs>(codecs_TagFound); 
   // We read all the tags now, save them to the file 
   Debug.WriteLine("{0} tags read, saving them to the destination file", myTags.Count); 
   codecs.WriteTags(destFileName, 1, myTags); 
   // Clean up 
void codecs_TagFound(object sender, CodecsEnumTagsEventArgs e) 
   Debug.WriteLine("Tag: Id={0}, Count={1}, Type={2}, Cancel={3}", e.Id, e.Count, e.MetadataType, e.Cancel); 
   // Read this tag from the file and add it to our collection 
   RasterCodecs codecs = sender as RasterCodecs; 
   RasterTagMetadata tag = codecs.ReadTag(tagsFileName, 1, e.Id); 

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