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public CodecsLoadByteOrder LoadOrder { get; set; }
@property (nonatomic, assign) LTCodecsLoadByteOrder loadOrder;
public CodecsLoadByteOrder getLoadOrder()
public void setLoadOrder(CodecsLoadByteOrder value)
property CodecsLoadByteOrder LoadOrder {
CodecsLoadByteOrder get();
void set ( CodecsLoadByteOrder );
LoadOrder # get and set (CodecsStartDecompressOptions)
A RasterByteOrder that indicates the color order after a 24-bit image is loaded.
This is ignored if the image is palettized. Possible values are:
Value | Meaning |
RasterByteOrder.Rgb | Data is RGB |
RasterByteOrder.Bgr | Data is BGR |
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Color;
using Leadtools.Svg;
// This sample loads raw data from a PackBits TIF file
// PackBits.tif is a 24-bit tif packbits compressed file
// PackBits.tif has 46 strips of packbits data
// The strip information is obtained by reading the TIF tags TAG_STRIPOFFSETS and TAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS
// The strips are directly read and fed to the Compress method
void LoadRawPackbitsStrips(string packTifFile)
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
string destFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "Decompress.bmp");
CodecsImageInfo imageInfo = codecs.GetInformation(packTifFile, false);
// StartDecompress
CodecsStartDecompressOptions options = CodecsStartDecompressOptions.Empty;
options.DataType = CodecsStartDecompressDataType.Strips;
options.Format = RasterImageFormat.RawPackBits;
options.Width = imageInfo.Width;
options.Height = imageInfo.Height;
options.BitsPerPixel = imageInfo.BitsPerPixel;
options.LeastSignificantBitFirst = false;
options.Pad4 = false;
options.PlanarConfiguration = CodecsPlanarConfiguration.PlanarFormat;
options.ViewPerspective = imageInfo.ViewPerspective;
options.RawOrder = imageInfo.Order;
options.LoadOrder = CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray;
options.XResolution = imageInfo.XResolution;
options.YResolution = imageInfo.YResolution;
options.TiffPhotometricInterpretation = CodecsTiffPhotometricInterpretation.Rgb;
options.UsePalette = false;
object decompressObject = codecs.StartDecompress(options);
// Decompress
const int TAG_STRIPOFFSETS = 0x111;
const int TAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS = 0x117;
const int TAG_ROWSPERSTRIP = 0x116;
const int MAX_STRIPS = 1000;
int[] stripOffsets = new int[MAX_STRIPS];
int[] stripSizes = new int[MAX_STRIPS];
int[] rowsPerStripBuffer = new int[1];
int maxIndex = ReadTag(codecs, packTifFile, TAG_STRIPOFFSETS, stripOffsets);
ReadTag(codecs, packTifFile, TAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS, stripSizes);
ReadTag(codecs, packTifFile, TAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, rowsPerStripBuffer);
int rowsPerStrip = rowsPerStripBuffer[0];
FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(packTifFile);
const int row = 0; // Note: this parameter is ignored for strips
const int column = 0; // Column offset of tile
for (int index = 0; index < maxIndex; index++)
// seek to the first strip
fs.Seek(stripOffsets[index], SeekOrigin.Begin);
byte[] buffer = new byte[stripSizes[index]];
fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
// Calculate the height of uncompressed strip/tile
int height = rowsPerStrip;
if (index == (maxIndex - 1))
// fewer rows per strip
height = imageInfo.Height - (maxIndex - 1) * rowsPerStrip;
// StopDecompress
RasterImage image = codecs.StopDecompress(decompressObject);
// 'image' contains the uncompressed image
codecs.Save(image, destFileName, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, 24);
// Clean up
// Returns maximum index
int ReadTag(RasterCodecs codecs, string fileName, int tagId, int[] stripArray)
RasterTagMetadata tag = codecs.ReadTag(fileName, 1, tagId);
int[] data = tag.ToInt32();
data.CopyTo(stripArray, 0);
return tag.Count;
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
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