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RasterCodecs Class Members


The following tables list the members exposed by RasterCodecs.

Public Constructors

Name Description
Public Constructor RasterCodecs Initializes a new instance of the RasterCodecs class.

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method CancelAsync Cancels a pending asynchronous operation.
Public Method CancelFeedGetInformation This method can be used to purposefully cancel the feed information process.
Public Method CancelFeedLoad This method can be used to purposefully cancel the FeedLoad process.
Public Method CanLoadSvg Determines whether the specified image, document or vector data in the remote URL can be loaded as SVG.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB CommentsSupported Checks whether the given file format supports comment fields.
Public Method CompactFile Compacts TIFF, PNG or Exif JPEG files with specific options.
Public Method Compress Does buffer-to-buffer JPEG or LEAD CMP compression using an unmanaged memory buffer.
Public Method Convert Converts an image file from one format to another, creating a new file in the new format.
Public Method DecodeAbic Decodes the input ABIC unmanaged memory data using the ABIC decoder and returns raw uncompressed data.
Public Method Decompress Called for each unmanaged memory buffer, strip or tile of decompressed data.
Public Method DeleteComment Deletes a comment field from a file.
Public Method DeletePage Deletes the specified page from a multipage file, if the format supports delete operations.
Public Method DeleteTag Deletes a tag from a file, if the file supports tags (TIFF, Exif or PNG).
Public Method DetachOptimizedLoadData Detaches the optimized load data from the RasterCodecs object.
Public Method EncodeAbic Encodes the input raw unmanaged memory data using the ABIC encoder.
Public Method EnumGeoKeys Enumerates all the GeoKeys in a Geo TIFF file.
Public Method EnumTags Enumerates all the tags in a file.
Public Method ExtractAttachment Extracts an attachment from an owner's file stored on disk, and saves it to an output file.
Public Method ExtractXMPMetadata Extracts all XMP metadata from the source file and saves it to the destination XML file.
Public Method FeedGetInformation Supplies unmanaged memory image data to the file information process from a buffer that you provide.
Public Method FeedLoad Supplies unmanaged memory image data to the file-load process from a buffer that you provide.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB FormatSupportsMultipageSave Gets a value that indicates whether the specified format supports multipage save operation.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GeoKeysSupported Checks whether the given file format supports TIFF GeoKey tags
Public Method GetCodecInformation Gets information about the specified codec.
Public Method GetCodecsInformation Gets information about all of the codecs.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetExtension Gets the default file extension for the specified format.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetExtensionMimeType Gets the MIME type associated with the specified file format extension.
Public Method GetFormat Gets the format of the image URI.
Public Method GetInformation Gets the specific image page information from the specified Uri.
Public Method GetInformationAsync Gets the specific image page information from the specified Uri asynchronously.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetMimeType Gets a string that represents the MIME type for the specified RasterImageFormat file format.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB GetMimeTypeExtension Gets the default extension for the specified MIME type.
Public Method GetOptimizedLoadData Gets the current optimized load data.
Public Method GetPcdResolution Examines a PhotoCD file to determine which resolutions it contains.
Public Method GetRasterPdfInfo Gets information about a page in a raster PDF file created with the PDF support available in the LEADTOOLS PDF Pro, Pro Suite, Document or Medical products.
Public Method GetTotalPages Gets the number of pages of an image URI.
Public Method IgnoreCodecs Specifies which file codecs LEADTOOLS should NEVER load, even if present.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB IsPdf Determines if the specified RasterImageFormat is a PDF file format.
Public Method IsSvg Quickly determines whether the URL contains SVG data.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB IsTiff Determines if the specified RasterImageFormat is a TIFF file format.
Public Method Load Loads the specified image URL using specified options.
Public Method LoadAsync Loads the specified image URL using default options asynchronously.
Public Method LoadCmykPlanes Loads CMYK, TIFF or JPEG files as CMYK and avoids the colorspace conversion to RGB.
Public Method LoadOptions Loads the options into this RasterCodecs from a disk file.
Public Method LoadPsdChannel Loads the specified channel from the specified PSD file.
Public Method LoadPsdLayer Loads the specified layer from the specified PSD file.
Public Method LoadSvg Loads a page from an image, document or vector file as SVG.
Public Method LoadSvgAsync Loads a page from a URI containing an image, document or vector file as SVG asynchronously.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB MarkersSupported Checks whether the given file format supports markers.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB MetadataItemsSupported Checks whether the specified file format supports metadata.
Public Method PreloadCodecs Specifies the file format codecs to be loaded.
Public Method ReadAttachments Reads the properties of the attachments embedded in the specified file.
Public Method ReadComment Gets a comment field from a file.
Public Method ReadComments Gets all the comment fields stored in a file.
Public Method ReadExtensions Loads extensions from the specified EXIF file.
Public Method ReadGeoKey Gets the specified GeoKey data from a TIFF file.
Public Method ReadGeoKeys Reads all the GeoKey data found in a TIFF file.
Public Method ReadLoadResolutions Examines a page in a file to determine which resolutions it contains.
Public Method ReadMarkers Reads all the metadata markers (COM and APPn) from a file.
Public Method ReadMetadataItems Reads metadata from the specified file.
Public Method ReadStamp Reads a thumbnail image stored in the image file.
Public Method ReadTag Gets the specified tagged data from a TIFF file.
Public Method ReadTags Reads all the tags stored in a TIFF file.
Public Method ReadTagsWithOffsets Reads all the tags stored in a TIFF file, along with the offsets for each tag.
Public Method ReadThumbnail Creates a thumbnail from the specified image file.
Public Method Save Saves one or more pages of a RasterImage to a remote URL in any of the supported compressed or uncompressed formats.
Public Method SaveAsync Saves a RasterImage to a remote URL in any of the supported compressed or uncompressed formats asynchronously.
Public Method SaveCmykPlanes Saves the pages of an image as a CMYK TIFF or JPEG file.
Public Method SaveOptions Saves the options of this RasterCodecs to a disk file.
Public Method SavePsdWithLayers Saves an image to a PSD file, along with the specified layers.
Public Method SaveStamp Saves a stamp in an existing file with specific options.
Public Method SaveXMPMetadata Saves all XMP metadata from the source XML file to the destination image file.
Public Method SetCodecInformation Sets information about the specified codec.
Public Method SetCodecsInformation Sets the information about all of the codecs.
Public Method StartCompress Initializes the unmanaged memory buffered compression engine.
Public Method StartDecompress Initializes the buffered decompression engine.
Public Method StartFeedGetInformation Initializes a file information process in which you control the input stream.
Public Method StartFeedLoad Initializes a file-load process in which you control the input stream with specific number of pages.
Public Method StartOptimizedLoad Continues speeding up the loading of pages from the same source image file or document in this RasterCodecs object.
Public Method StartOverlay Indicates which method should be called when an overlay is detected inside a file.
Public Method StartRedirecting Starts file I/O redirection.
Public Method StopCompress Cleans up all data variables and buffers allocated by the JPEG or LEAD CMP compression engine.
Public Method StopDecompress Ends the decompression process and cleans up all the variables and buffers allocated.
Public Method StopFeedGetInformation Ends a file information process in which you control the input stream.
Public Method StopFeedLoad Ends a file-load process in which you control the input stream.
Public Method StopOptimizedLoad Stops optimized page loading for the same source image file or document in this RasterCodecs object.
Public Method StopOverlay Restores the previous overlay callback.
Public Method StopRedirecting Stops file I/O redirection and resets the I/O methods back to their defaults.
Public Method static  | Shared in VB TagsSupported Checks whether the given file format supports tags.
Public Method Transform Performs a lossless transformation for certain formats.
Public Method UseAsync Creates the WebClient object used for asynchronous operations.
Public Method WriteComment Writes a comment to an existing file.
Public Method WriteComments Writes one or more comments to an existing file.
Public Method WriteGeoKey Writes or changes a GeoKey to an existing file.
Public Method WriteGeoKeys Writes or changes one or more GeoKeys to an existing file.
Public Method WriteMarker Writes a marker to an existing file.
Public Method WriteMarkers Writes one or more markers to an existing file.
Public Method WriteTag Writes or changes a tag to an existing file.
Public Method WriteTags Writes or changes one or more tags to an existing file.
Public Method WriteTransformMarker Controls how the transform markers are used when performing a lossless transformation for certain formats.

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Dispose Releases all the resources used by this RasterCodecs.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property AsyncWebClient Gets the WebClient object used for asynchronous operations.
Public Property CachedPreloadCodecs Gets the current setting for the cached preload codecs count.
Public Property FastFileInfo Enables or disables fast file info processing.
Public Property FixedPreloadCodecs Gets the current setting for the fixed preload codecs count.
Public Property IgnoreCodecsList Gets the current ignore codecs list.
Public Property IsAsyncBusy Gets a value that determines whether this RasterCodecs object is currently busy with an asynchronous operation on a URL.
Public Property IsFeedLoadDone Determines if the feed-load process is done.
Public Property LoadStatus Gets a value that allows detection of whether the image was loaded with errors.
Public Property LoadThenResize A value that determines whether this RasterCodecs object should load the image entirely before resizing.
Public Property Options Gets or sets the load and save options for this RasterCodecs.
Public Property PreloadCodecsList Gets the current preload codecs list.
Public Property ThrowExceptionsOnInvalidImages A value indicating whether to throw an exception instead of returning a null reference on certain methods of this RasterCodecs object.
Public Property UriOperationBufferSize Gets or sets the size of the buffer used in URI-based load or information operations.
Public Property UriOperationCredentials Gets or sets authentication information used with URI-based operations.
Public Property UriOperationProxy Gets or sets proxy information used with URI-based operations.

Public Events

Name Description
Public Event DecryptPassword Event used to provide the password for loading encrypted files.
Public Event FilterHeartbeat Event for tracking and aborting long-running operations.
Public Event GeoKeyFound Occurs once for each GeoKey enumerated by the EnumGeoKeys method.
Public Event GetInformationAsyncCompleted Indicates that an asynchronous get information operation has been completed.
Public Event LoadAsyncCompleted Indicates that an asynchronous load operation has been completed.
Public Event LoadImage Occurs during the file load process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring a progress status.
Public Event LoadInformation Occurs during loading of a file for which LEADTOOLS cannot recognize the format.
Public Event LoadPage Occurs multiple times for each page loaded from an image file.
Public Event LoadSvgAsyncCompleted Indicates that an asynchronous load SVG operation has been completed.
Public Event RedirectClose Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS method for closing a file.
Public Event RedirectOpen Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS method for opening a file.
Public Event RedirectRead Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS method for reading from a file.
Public Event RedirectSeek Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS method for seeking into a file.
Public Event RedirectWrite Replaces the normal LEADTOOLS method for writing to a file.
Public Event SaveAsyncCompleted Indicates that an asynchronous save operation has been completed.
Public Event SaveImage Occurs during the file save process to provide functionality for manually handling the output image data or monitoring a progress status.
Public Event SavePage Occurs once for each page saved to an image file.
Public Event TagFound Occurs during the TIFF tag enumerated by the EnumTags method.

Public Fields

Name Description
Public Field FileMetadataKeyAuthor The author (file creator) metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyCreateDate The file creation date (in local time) metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyKeywords The keywords metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyLastSavedBy The last saved by metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyMofifiedDate The file modification date (in local time) metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyRevisionNumber The revision number metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeySubject The subject metadata key.
Public Field FileMetadataKeyTitle The title metadata key.
Public Field GetFormatAsync Gets the format of the image in a stream.
Public Field GetTotalPagesAsync Gets the number of pages in a stream.

See Also

RasterCodecs Class

Leadtools.Codecs Namespace

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Leadtools.Codecs Assembly
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