public enum CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode) {
LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeNone = 0,
LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFit = 1,
LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitAlways = 2,
LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeFitWidth = 3,
LTCodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeModeStretch = 4
public enum CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode
public enum class CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode
class CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode(Enum):
None = 0
Fit = 1
FitAlways = 2
FitWidth = 3
Stretch = 4
Value | Member | Description |
0 | None |
Use the original document width and height. No transformation will be performed and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight are not used. The final RasterImage will have a width or height value equals to the original document size. |
1 | Fit |
Fit the resulting raster image into CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight while maintaining the aspect ratio. If the original document size is smaller than the requested page size, no transformation is performed. The final RasterImage will have a width or height equal to or less than the requested page width or height but not greater. |
2 | FitAlways |
Always fit the resulting raster image into CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight while maintaining the aspect ratio. If the original document size is smaller than the requested page size, then the result image is scaled up. The final RasterImage will have a width or height equal to the requested page width or height. Not less and not greater. |
3 | FitWidth |
Fit the resulting raster image width into CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth while maintaining the aspect ratio. The image height will be calculated based on the transformation and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight is not used. The final RasterImage will have a width equal to the requested page width. The height depends on the original document height. |
4 | Stretch |
The resulting raster image width and height will be exactly equal to CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight. Aspect ratio might be different than the original document. The final RasterImage will have a width and height equal to the requested page width and height. |
The CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode enumeration type is used as the value for CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.SizeMode property.
LEADTOOLS provides support for loading a document as a raster image. Document formats such as PDF, XPS, DOCX/DOC, PPTX/PPT, XLSS/XLS, RTF and Text do not contain physical width, height or resolution. It is up to the loader (in this case, the RasterCodecs object) to specify the transformation from logical coordinates to physical pixels through a process called rasterization. For more information, refer to CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.
You can use the CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.SizeMode property to control how to use CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageWidth and CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions.PageHeight to control the final raster image size. LEADTOOLS will determine the original document size (a value that can be obtained in CodecsDocumentImageInfo.PageWidth and CodecsDocumentImageInfo.PageHeight and then apply the transformation from this value to determine the final RasterImage width and height.
using Leadtools;
using Leadtools.Codecs;
using Leadtools.ImageProcessing.Core;
public void CodecsPdfOptionsExample()
RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs();
string srcFileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "PDFSegmentation.pdf");
string destFileName1 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "PdfOptions.pdf");
string destFileName2 = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "PdfOptions.bmp");
CodecsImageInfo info = codecs.GetInformation(srcFileName, true);
codecs.Options.Pdf.InitialPath = @"C:\MyApp\Bin";
info = codecs.GetInformation(srcFileName, true);
Debug.WriteLine("Information for: {0}", srcFileName);
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.Document)); // CodecsDocumentImageInfo reference
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.Document.IsDocumentFile));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.Document.PageHeight));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.Document.PageWidth));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.Document.Unit));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Document: {0}", info.IsGray8Alpha));
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Palette: {0}", info.GetPalette()));
// Check if the PDF engine is installed then get the load and save options of the PDF files.
if (codecs.Options.Pdf.IsEngineInstalled)
// Resulting image pixel depth.
// CodecsPdfOptions & CodecsPdfLoadOptions reference
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.DisplayDepth = 24;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.GraphicsAlpha = 4;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.DisableCieColors = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.DisableCropping = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.EnableInterpolate = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.Password = "";
// Type of font anti-aliasing to use.
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.TextAlpha = 1;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Load.UseLibFonts = true;
// Horizontal,vertical display resolution in dots per inch.
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.XResolution = 150;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.YResolution = 150;
// CodecsRasterizeDocumentOptions & CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions reference
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.BottomMargin = 0.1;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.LeftMargin = 0.1;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.PageHeight = 11;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.PageWidth = 8.5;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Resolution = 150;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.RightMargin = 1.25;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.SizeMode = CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode.None; // CodecsRasterizeDocumentSizeMode Enumeration reference
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.TopMargin = 1.0;
codecs.Options.RasterizeDocument.Load.Unit = CodecsRasterizeDocumentUnit.Pixel; // CodecsRasterizeDocumentUnit Enumeration reference
using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(srcFileName, 0, CodecsLoadByteOrder.BgrOrGray, 1, 1))
// Set access rights for the user when he\she opens the file we create
// CodecsPdfSaveOptions reference
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.AssembleDocument = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.ExtractText = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.ExtractTextGraphics = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.PrintDocument = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.FillForm = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.ModifyAnnotation = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.ModifyDocument = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.OwnerPassword = "LEAD Technologies";
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.PrintFaithful = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.TextEncoding = CodecsPdfTextEncoding.Hex;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.Use128BitEncryption = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.UserPassword = "LEAD";
// Set the PDF version to be v1.4
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.Version = CodecsRasterPdfVersion.V14;
// Save it as linearized (optimized for web view)
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.Linearized = true;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.LowMemoryUsage = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfA = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfv13 = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfv14 = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfv15 = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfv16 = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.SavePdfv17 = false;
codecs.Options.Pdf.Save.UseImageResolution = true;
// Save the image back as PDF
codecs.Save(image, destFileName1, RasterImageFormat.RasPdf, 24);
// And load it back before saving it as BMP
using (RasterImage image = codecs.Load(destFileName1))
codecs.Save(image, destFileName2, RasterImageFormat.Bmp, image.BitsPerPixel);
Debug.WriteLine("PDF Engine is not found!");
// Clean up
static class LEAD_VARS
public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS22\Resources\Images";
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Raster .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
Document .NET | C API | C++ Class Library | HTML5 JavaScript
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Imaging, Medical, and Document