DVD Source for C

void SetDVDSettingsExample (void) 
   // Create the converter object 
   IltmmConvert* pConvert;  
   IUnknown* punk;  
   IltmmDVDSource* pDVDSource;  
   HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ltmmConvert, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IltmmConvert, (void**) &pConvert);  
   // Force the DVD source to be used 
   IltmmConvert_put_UseDVDSource(pConvert, VARIANT_TRUE);  
   // Set the source DVD image 
   IltmmConvert_put_SourceFile(pConvert, MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("VIDEO_TS.IFO")); 
   IltmmConvert_put_TargetFile(pConvert, MAKE_MEDIA_PATH("DVDImage.avi")); 
   // Get the DVD source interface 
   IltmmConvert_GetSubObject(pConvert, ltmmConvert_Object_SourceFilter, &punk);  
   if (punk)  
      IUnknown_QueryInterface(punk, &IID_IltmmDVDSource, (void**)&pDVDSource);  
      if (pDVDSource)  
         IltmmDVDTitle *pTitle;  
         long lCount;  
         long lVal;  
         VARIANT_BOOL vbVal;  
         double dVal;  
         BSTR strPlayList; 
         int i; 
         // Select the mian title in the dics 
         IltmmDVDSource_get_Selected (pDVDSource, &lVal); 
         if (lVal != ltmmDVDSource_Main_Selected) 
            IltmmDVDSource_put_Selected(pDVDSource, ltmmDVDSource_Main_Selected); 
         // Get the disc duration 
         IltmmDVDSource_get_TotalDuration(pDVDSource, &dVal); 
         // Do something with the value 
         // Get the selected title duration 
         IltmmDVDSource_get_SelectedDuration(pDVDSource, &dVal); 
         // Do something with the value 
         // Get the play list settings 
         IltmmDVDSource_get_PlayList(pDVDSource, &strPlayList); 
         // You can save this to a file and restore the settings later 
         // Restore the playlist settings 
         IltmmDVDSource_put_PlayList(pDVDSource, strPlayList); 
         // Free the string 
         // Get the title count in the disc 
         IltmmDVDSource_get_TitleCount(pDVDSource, &lCount); 
         for (i = 0; i < lCount; i++) 
            // Get the title interface 
            IltmmDVDSource_GetTitle(pDVDSource, i, &pTitle); 
            if (pTitle) 
               // Get the X aspect 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_AspectX(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the Y aspect 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_AspectY(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if the title is a film mode or camera mode 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_IsFilmMode(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if there is user data in line 21, field 1 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_Line21Field1InGOP(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if there is user data in line 21, field 2 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_Line21Field2InGOP(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the compression  
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_Compression(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the X source resolution 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_SourceResolutionX(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the Y source resolution 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_SourceResolutionY(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the Frame Height 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_FrameHeight(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the Frame Rate 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_FrameRate(pTitle, &lVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if the source is letter boxed 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_IsSourceLetterboxed(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if the picture can be shown as letterbox  
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_LetterboxPermitted(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get if the picture can be shown as pan-scan 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_PanscanPermitted(pTitle, &vbVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the title duration 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_TotalDuration(pTitle, &dVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Select all title chapters 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_Selected(pTitle, &lVal); 
               if (lVal != ltmmDVDSource_Selected) 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_put_Selected(pTitle, ltmmDVDSource_Selected); 
               // Get the selected chapter duration 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_SelectedDuration(pTitle, &dVal); 
               // Do something with the value 
               // Get the audio stream count in the title 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_AudioStreamCount(pTitle, &lVal); 
               if (lVal > 0) 
                  IltmmDVDAudioStream* pAudioStream; 
                  // Select the first audio stream 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_get_SelectedAudioStream(pTitle, &lVal); 
                  if (lVal == -1) 
                     IltmmDVDTitle_put_SelectedAudioStream(pTitle, 0); 
                  // Get the first audio stream 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_GetAudioStream(pTitle, 0, &pAudioStream); 
                  if (pAudioStream) 
                     // Select the audio stream 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_Selected(pAudioStream, &vbVal); 
                     if (vbVal == VARIANT_FALSE) 
                        IltmmDVDAudioStream_put_Selected(pAudioStream, VARIANT_TRUE); 
                     // Get the application mode 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_AppMode(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the application mode data 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_AppModeData(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the auido format 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_AudioFormat(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the number of channels 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_Channels(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the frequency 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_Frequency(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the language 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_Language(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the language extension 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_LanguageExtension(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the quantization 
                     IltmmDVDAudioStream_get_Quantization(pAudioStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Free the pointer 
               // Get the subpicture stream count 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_SubpictureStreamCount(pTitle, &lVal); 
               if (lVal > 0) 
                  IltmmDVDSubpictureStream* pSubpictureStream; 
                  // Select the first subpicture stream 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_get_SelectedSubpictureStream(pTitle, &lVal); 
                  if (lVal == -1) 
                     IltmmDVDTitle_put_SelectedSubpictureStream(pTitle, 0); 
                  // Get the first subpicture stream 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_GetSubpictureStream(pTitle, 0, &pSubpictureStream); 
                  if (pSubpictureStream) 
                     // Select the subpicture stream 
                     IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_get_Selected(pSubpictureStream, &vbVal); 
                     if (vbVal == VARIANT_FALSE) 
                        IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_put_Selected(pSubpictureStream, VARIANT_TRUE); 
                     // Get the coding mode 
                     IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_get_CodingMode(pSubpictureStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the langauge 
                     IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_get_Language(pSubpictureStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the language extension 
                     IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_get_LanguageExtension(pSubpictureStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Get the type 
                     IltmmDVDSubpictureStream_get_Type(pSubpictureStream, &lVal); 
                     // Do something with the value 
                     // Free the pointer 
               // Get the chapter count 
               IltmmDVDTitle_get_ChapterCount(pTitle, &lVal); 
               if (lVal > 0) 
                  // Get the first chapter 
                  IltmmDVDChapter* pChapter; 
                  IltmmDVDTitle_GetChapter(pTitle, 0, &pChapter); 
                  // Get the chapter duration 
                  IltmmDVDChapter_get_Duration(pChapter, &dVal); 
                  // Get if the chapter is selected 
                  IltmmDVDChapter_get_Selected(pChapter, &vbVal); 
                  if (vbVal == VARIANT_FALSE) 
                     IltmmDVDChapter_put_Selected(pChapter, VARIANT_TRUE); 
                  // Free the pointer 
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