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Using the ltmmCapture Object

To use the ltmmCapture Object perform the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of the ltmmCapture object, by creating an instance of the IltmmCapture interface.

  2. Set an event callback using IltmmCapture::SetNotifyWindow

  3. Set a window to serve as the frame for the video preview window by calling IltmmCapture::put_VideoWindowFrame.

  4. Select audio and video capture devices (use ShowDialog to set properties).

  5. Optionally, select audio and video compressors (use ShowDialog to set properties).

  6. Optionally, select audio and video processors (use ShowDialog to set properties).

  7. Specify the media data target (i.e. file).

  8. Specify the target format (i.e. AVI).

  9. Call IltmmCapture::StartCapture to start capturing process.

  10. Handle ltmmCapture_Notify constants messages.

  11. Call IltmmCapture::StopCapture when finished.

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