

Retrieves the burner state.


#include "ILTDVDBurner2.h"

Language Syntax
C HRESULT ILTDVDBurner_get_State(pDVDBurner, pVal)
C++ HRESULT get_State(pVal)


ILTDVDBurner *pDVDBurner

Pointer to an ILTDVDBurner interface.

long *pVal

Pointer to a variable to be updated with the burner state. Possible values are:

Value Meaning
LTDVDBurner_State_Idle [0] The burner is in the idle state. Operations and checks that require the burner to be in the idle state can be performed now.
LTDVDBurner_State_Writing [1] The burner is performing a writing operation. Certain operations and checks cannot be performed while the burner is in this state.
LTDVDBurner_State_TestWriting [2] The burner is performing a writing test. Certain operations and checks cannot be performed while the burner is in this state.
LTDVDBurner_State_Erasing [3] The burner is performing an erasing operation. Certain operations and checks cannot be performed while the burner is in this state.


Value Meaning
S_OK The function was successful.
<> S_OK An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


The following is a list of all possible operations with the required state for each operation:

Operation Required State
Write Idle
Erase Idle
Cancel Any
RefreshDriveList Idle
get_DriveCount Any
get_CurrentDrive Any
GetDriveName Any
get_InputPath Any
put_InputPath Idle
get_VolumeName Any
put_VolumeName Idle
get_LastError Any
get_State Any
GetProgress Any
EjectDisc Idle
get_AutoEject Any
put_AutoEject Idle
get_Erasable Idle
get_Writeable Idle
get_Ejectable Idle
get_ISOOutputFile Any
put_ISOOutputFile Idle
get_DiscType Any (preferred when Idle to get a fresh profile)
GetDiscTypeName Any
RefreshSpeedList Idle
get_CurrentSpeed Any
put_CurrentSpeed Idle
GetSpeedValue Any
GetSpeedName Any
get_SpeedListChanged Idle (will return VARIANT_FALSE without checking if called in a different state).
get_DiscCapacity Idle (will return zero without checking if called in a different state).
LoadDisc Idle
get_Loadable Idle (will return VARIANT_FALSE without checking if called in a different state).
get_TestWriteable Idle (will return VARIANT_FALSE without checking if called in a different state).
get_SpeedCount Any
get_SystemSupported Any
GetDriveId Any
get_ImageSize Idle (will return zero without checking if called in a different state).
GetDriveDiscTypeCount Any
GetDriveDiscType Any
GetDiscTypeWriteable Any
ResetToDefaults Idle

Required DLLs and Libraries


Win32, x64.

See Also




Language Example
C ILTDVDBurner::get_State
C++ ILTDVDBurner::get_State
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