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MinResolution Property


Specifies the minimum resolution acceptable for digital photos.

public int MinResolution { get; set; } 
public int getMinResolution(); 
public void setMinResolution( 
   int intValue 
   property Int32 MinResolution 
      Int32 get() 
      void set(Int32 value) 
MinResolution # get and set (AutoFixImageResolutionOptions) 

Property Value

The minimum resolution acceptable for digital photos. The default value is 96.


This is the setting that determines whether an image originated as a digital photo. Any photo or image with a resolution less than MinResolution will be automatically converted. Images with a resolution equal to or greater than this value will not be converted.

Most digital cameras seem to set the resolution to 72, so 96 is a good value for MinResolution. The default value is 96, which means "automatically convert the resolution in images with XResolution < 96 and YResolution < 96".

Setting MinResolution to 0 means that no images or photos will have their resolution converted.

For more information, refer to AutoFixImageResolutionOptions.

using Leadtools; 
using Leadtools.Codecs; 
public static void AutoFixImageResolutionOptions_Example() 
	// Simulate a digital camera image 
	string fileName = Path.Combine(LEAD_VARS.ImagesDir, "digital-camera.jpg"); 
	int pixelWidth = 3042; 
	int pixelHeight = 4032; 
	int resolution = 72; 
	using (var rasterImage = RasterImage.Create(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 24, resolution, RasterColor.White)) 
		using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
			codecs.Save(rasterImage, fileName, RasterImageFormat.ExifJpeg411, 24); 
	// Load it using the default values, it should be the original size 
	using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
		using (var rasterImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 1)) 
			Console.WriteLine("image size {0} by {1} pixels at {2} DPI", rasterImage.Width, rasterImage.Height, rasterImage.XResolution); 
			// Show its size in inches 
			double inchesWidth = (double)rasterImage.Width / rasterImage.XResolution; 
			double inchesHeight = (double)rasterImage.Height / rasterImage.YResolution; 
			Console.WriteLine("size in inches {0} by {1}", inchesWidth, inchesHeight); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Width == pixelWidth); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Height == pixelHeight); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.XResolution == resolution); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.YResolution == resolution); 
	Console.WriteLine("Fixing the resolution"); 
	// Automatically fix its resolution next time we load it 
	AutoFixImageResolutionOptions options = RasterDefaults.GetAutoFixImageResolutionOptions(); 
	options.PageWidth = 8.5; 
	options.PageHeight = 11; 
	options.Unit = AutoFixImageResolutionUnit.Inch; 
	options.MinResolution = 96; 
	using (var codecs = new RasterCodecs()) 
		// Use the option with this RasterCodecs 
		codecs.Options.Load.AutoFixImageResolution = true; 
		using (var rasterImage = codecs.Load(fileName, 1)) 
			Console.WriteLine("image size {0} by {1} pixels at {2} DPI", rasterImage.Width, rasterImage.Height, rasterImage.XResolution); 
			// Show its size in inches 
			double inchesWidth = (double)rasterImage.Width / rasterImage.XResolution; 
			double inchesHeight = (double)rasterImage.Height / rasterImage.YResolution; 
			Console.WriteLine("size in inches {0} by {1}", inchesWidth, inchesHeight); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Width == pixelWidth); 
			Debug.Assert(rasterImage.Height == pixelHeight); 
			Debug.Assert((int)inchesWidth <= 8.5); 
			Debug.Assert((int)inchesHeight <= 11); 
static class LEAD_VARS 
   public const string ImagesDir = @"C:\LEADTOOLS23\Resources\Images"; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.nio.file.Files; 
import java.nio.file.Path; 
import java.nio.file.Paths; 
import org.junit.*; 
import org.junit.Test; 
import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; 
import org.junit.runner.Result; 
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; 
import static org.junit.Assert.*; 
import leadtools.*; 
import leadtools.codecs.*; 
public void rasterDefaultsAutoFixImageResolutionOptionsExample() { 
   // Simulate a digital camera image 
   final String LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR = "C:\\LEADTOOLS23\\Resources\\Images"; 
   String fileName = combine(LEAD_VARS_IMAGES_DIR, "digital-camera.jpg"); 
   int pixelWidth = 3042; 
   int pixelHeight = 4032; 
   int resolution = 72; 
   RasterImage rasterImage = RasterImage.create(pixelWidth, pixelHeight, 24, resolution, RasterColor.WHITE); 
   RasterCodecs codecs = new RasterCodecs(); 
   codecs.save(rasterImage, fileName, RasterImageFormat.EXIF_JPEG_411, 24); 
   // Load it using the default values, it should be the original size 
   RasterImage rasterImage2 = codecs.load(fileName, 1); 
   System.out.printf("image size %d by %d pixels at %d DPI\n", rasterImage2.getWidth(), rasterImage2.getHeight(), 
   // Show its size in inches 
   double inchesWidth = (double) rasterImage2.getWidth() / rasterImage2.getXResolution(); 
   double inchesHeight = (double) rasterImage2.getHeight() / rasterImage2.getYResolution(); 
   System.out.printf("size in inches %f by %f", inchesWidth, inchesHeight); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage2.getWidth() == pixelWidth); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage2.getHeight() == pixelHeight); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage2.getXResolution() == resolution); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage2.getYResolution() == resolution); 
   System.out.println("Fixing the resolution"); 
   // Automatically fix its resolution next time we load it 
   AutoFixImageResolutionOptions options = RasterDefaults.getAutoFixImageResolutionOptions(); 
   // Use the option with this RasterCodecs 
   RasterImage rasterImage3 = codecs.load(fileName, 1); 
   System.out.printf("image size %d by %d pixels at %d DPI", rasterImage3.getWidth(), rasterImage3.getHeight(), 
   // Show its size in inches 
   double inchesWidth2 = (double) rasterImage3.getWidth() / rasterImage3.getXResolution(); 
   double inchesHeight2 = (double) rasterImage3.getHeight() / rasterImage3.getYResolution(); 
   System.out.printf("size in inches %f by %f", inchesWidth, inchesHeight); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage3.getWidth() == pixelWidth); 
   assertTrue(rasterImage3.getHeight() == pixelHeight); 
   assertTrue((int) inchesWidth2 <= 8.5); 
   assertTrue((int) inchesHeight2 <= 11); 

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