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RasterImageFormat Enumeration


Indicates the image file format.


public enum RasterImageFormat 
public final class RasterImageFormat 
    extends java.lang.Enum<RasterImageFormat> 
public enum class RasterImageFormat   
class RasterImageFormat(Enum): 
   Unknown = 0 
   Pcx = 1 
   Gif = 2 
   Tif = 3 
   Tga = 4 
   Cmp = 5 
   Bmp = 6 
   Jpeg = 10 
   TifJpeg = 11 
   Os2 = 14 
   Wmf = 15 
   Eps = 16 
   TifLzw = 17 
   Jpeg411 = 21 
   TifJpeg411 = 22 
   Jpeg422 = 23 
   TifJpeg422 = 24 
   Ccitt = 25 
   Lead1Bit = 26 
   CcittGroup31Dim = 27 
   CcittGroup32Dim = 28 
   CcittGroup4 = 29 
   Abc = 32 
   Cals = 50 
   Mac = 51 
   Img = 52 
   Msp = 53 
   Wpg = 54 
   Ras = 55 
   Pct = 56 
   Pcd = 57 
   Dxf = 58 
   Dxf = 58 
   Fli = 61 
   Cgm = 62 
   EpsTiff = 63 
   EpsWmf = 64 
   FaxG31Dim = 66 
   FaxG32Dim = 67 
   FaxG4 = 68 
   WfxG31Dim = 69 
   WfxG4 = 70 
   IcaG31Dim = 71 
   IcaG32Dim = 72 
   IcaG4 = 73 
   Os22 = 74 
   Png = 75 
   Psd = 76 
   RawIcaG31Dim = 77 
   RawIcaG32Dim = 78 
   RawIcaG4 = 79 
   Fpx = 80 
   FpxSingleColor = 81 
   FpxJpeg = 82 
   FpxJpegQFactor = 83 
   BmpRle = 84 
   TifCmyk = 85 
   TifLzwCmyk = 86 
   TifPackBits = 87 
   TifPackBitsCmyk = 88 
   DicomGray = 89 
   DicomColor = 90 
   WinIco = 91 
   WinCur = 92 
   TifYcc = 93 
   TifLzwYcc = 94 
   TifPackbitsYcc = 95 
   Exif = 96 
   ExifYcc = 97 
   ExifJpeg = 98 
   ExifJpeg = 98 
   Awd = 99 
   ExifJpeg411 = 101 
   PbmAscii = 102 
   PbmBinary = 103 
   PgmAscii = 104 
   PgmBinary = 105 
   PpmAscii = 106 
   PpmBinary = 107 
   Cut = 108 
   Xpm = 109 
   Xbm = 110 
   IffIlbm = 111 
   IffCat = 112 
   Xwd = 113 
   Clp = 114 
   Jbig = 115 
   Emf = 116 
   IcaIbmMmr = 117 
   RawIcaIbmMmr = 118 
   Ani = 119 
   LaserData = 121 
   IntergraphRle = 122 
   IntergraphVector = 123 
   Dwg = 124 
   DicomRleGray = 125 
   DicomRleColor = 126 
   DicomJpegGray = 127 
   DicomJpegColor = 128 
   Cals4 = 129 
   Cals2 = 130 
   Cals3 = 131 
   Xwd10 = 132 
   Xwd11 = 133 
   Flc = 134 
   Kdc = 135 
   Drw = 136 
   Plt = 137 
   TifCmp = 138 
   TifJbig = 139 
   TifDxf = 140 
   TifUnknown = 141 
   Sgi = 142 
   SgiRle = 143 
   VectorDump = 144 
   Dwf = 145 
   RasPdf = 146 
   RasPdfG31Dim = 147 
   RasPdfG32Dim = 148 
   RasPdfG4 = 149 
   RasPdfJpeg = 150 
   RasPdfJpeg422 = 151 
   RasPdfJpeg411 = 152 
   Raw = 153 
   TifCustom = 155 
   RawRgb = 156 
   RawRle4 = 157 
   RawRle8 = 158 
   RawBitfields = 159 
   RawPackBits = 160 
   RawJpeg = 161 
   FaxG31DimNoEol = 162 
   FaxG31DimNoEol = 162 
   Jp2 = 163 
   J2k = 164 
   Cmw = 165 
   TifJ2k = 166 
   TifCmw = 167 
   Mrc = 168 
   Gerber = 169 
   Wbmp = 170 
   JpegLab = 171 
   JpegLab411 = 172 
   JpegLab422 = 173 
   GeoTiff = 174 
   TifLead1Bit = 175 
   TifMrc = 177 
   RawLzw = 178 
   RasPdfLzw = 179 
   TifAbc = 180 
   Nap = 181 
   JpegRgb = 182 
   Jbig2 = 183 
   RawIcaAbic = 184 
   Abic = 185 
   TifAbic = 186 
   TifJbig2 = 187 
   RasPdfJbig2 = 188 
   TifZip = 189 
   IcaAbic = 190 
   AfpIcaAbic = 191 
   Postscript = 222 
   Svg = 247 
   Nitf = 248 
   Ptoca = 249 
   Sct = 250 
   Pcl = 251 
   Afp = 252 
   IcaUncompressed = 253 
   RawIcaUncompressed = 254 
   Shp = 255 
   Smp = 256 
   SmpG31Dim = 257 
   SmpG32Dim = 258 
   SmpG4 = 259 
   VectorWpg = 260 
   Cmx = 261 
   TgaRle = 262 
   Kdc120 = 263 
   Kdc40 = 264 
   Kdc50 = 265 
   Dcs = 266 
   TifxJbig = 269 
   TifxJbigT43 = 270 
   TifxJbigT43ItuLab = 271 
   TifxJbigT43Gs = 272 
   TifxFaxG4 = 273 
   TifxFaxG31D = 274 
   TifxFaxG32D = 275 
   TifxJpeg = 276 
   RasRle = 288 
   Dxf13 = 290 
   ClpRle = 291 
   Dcr = 292 
   DicomJ2kGray = 293 
   DicomJ2kColor = 294 
   Fit = 295 
   Crw = 296 
   DwfTextAsPolyline = 297 
   Cin = 298 
   EpsPostscript = 300 
   IntergraphCcittG4 = 301 
   Sff = 302 
   IffIlbmUncompressed = 303 
   IffCatUncompressed = 304 
   RtfRaster = 305 
   Wmz = 307 
   AfpIcaG31Dim = 309 
   AfpIcaG32Dim = 310 
   AfpIcaG4 = 311 
   AfpIcaUncompressed = 312 
   AfpIcaIbmMmr = 313 
   LeadMrc = 314 
   TifLeadMrc = 315 
   Txt = 316 
   PdfLeadMrc = 317 
   Hdp = 318 
   HdpGray = 319 
   HdpCmyk = 320 
   PngIco = 321 
   Xps = 322 
   Jpx = 323 
   XpsJpeg = 324 
   XpsJpeg422 = 325 
   XpsJpeg411 = 326 
   Mng = 327 
   VectorWpg1 = 328 
   MngGray = 329 
   MngJng = 330 
   MngJng411 = 331 
   MngJng422 = 332 
   RasPdfCmyk = 333 
   RasPdfLzwCmyk = 334 
   Mif = 335 
   E00 = 336 
   Tdb = 337 
   Tdb2 = 338 
   Snp = 339 
   AfpIm1 = 340 
   Xls = 341 
   Doc = 342 
   Anz = 343 
   Ppt = 344 
   PptJpeg = 345 
   PptPng = 346 
   Jpm = 347 
   Vff = 348 
   PclXl = 349 
   Docx = 350 
   Xlsx = 351 
   Pptx = 352 
   Jxr = 353 
   JxrGray = 354 
   JxrCmyk = 355 
   Jls = 356 
   Jxr422 = 357 
   Jxr420 = 358 
   DcfArw = 359 
   DcfRaf = 360 
   DcfOrf = 361 
   DcfCr2 = 362 
   DcfNef = 363 
   DcfRw2 = 364 
   DcfCasio = 365 
   DcfPentax = 366 
   JlsLine = 367 
   JlsSample = 368 
   Htm = 369 
   Mob = 370 
   Pub = 371 
   Ing = 372 
   IngRle = 373 
   IngAdaptiveRle = 374 
   IngG4 = 375 
   Dwfx = 376 
   IcaJpeg = 377 
   IcaJpeg411 = 378 
   IcaJpeg422 = 379 
   DcfDng = 380 
   RawFlate = 381 
   RawRle = 382 
   DicomJlsGray = 383 
   DicomJlsColor = 384 
   Pst = 385 
   Msg = 386 
   Eml = 387 
   RasPdfJpx = 388 
   DicomJpxGray = 389 
   DicomJpxColor = 390 
   JpegCmyk = 391 
   JpegCmyk411 = 392 
   JpegCmyk422 = 393 
   TifJpegCmyk = 394 
   TifJpegCmyk411 = 395 
   TifJpegCmyk422 = 396 
   Svgz = 397 
   X9f = 398 
   ThreeJS = 399 
   Stl = 400 
   Csv = 401 
   Heic = 402 
   Xlsb = 403 
   Webp = 404 
   WebpAni = 405 
   Avif = 406 
   Odt = 407 
   Ods = 408 
   Odp = 409 

Value Member Description
0 Unknown Unknown or RAW Data
1 Pcx ZSoft PCX
2 Gif CompuServe GIF
3 Tif TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
4 Tga Truevision TGA TARGA
5 Cmp CMP - LEAD Compressed
6 Bmp BMP - Windows Bitmap
10 Jpeg JPEG File Interchange Format - JFIF
11 TifJpeg TIFF with JPEG Compression
14 Os2 OS/2 Bitmap OS/2 - BMP
15 Wmf Windows Metafile - WMF
16 Eps PostScript Raster - Encapsulated PostScript
17 TifLzw TIFF with LZW Compression
21 Jpeg411 JPEG File Interchange Format 4-1-1
22 TifJpeg411 TIFF with JPEG Compression 4-1-1
23 Jpeg422 JPEG File Interchange Format 4-2-2
24 TifJpeg422 TIFF with JPEG Compression 4-2-2
26 Lead1Bit LEAD 1-bit Lossless Format
27 CcittGroup31Dim TIFF CCITT Group 3 1-Dimensional
28 CcittGroup32Dim TIFF CCITT Group 3 2-Dimensional
29 CcittGroup4 TIFF CCITT Group 4
50 Cals CALS Raster Type 1
51 Mac MAC - MacPaint
52 Img IMG - GEM Image
53 Msp MSP - Microsoft Paint
54 Wpg WPG - WordPerfect
55 Ras RAS - SUN Raster Format
56 Pct Macintosh PICT Format - PCT
57 Pcd PhotoCD - PCD
58 Dxf12 Drawing Interchange Format - DXF
58 Dxf Drawing Interchange Format - DXF
61 Fli Flic Animation - FLI
62 Cgm Computer Graphics Metafile - CGM
63 EpsTiff TIFF - Encapsulated PostScript TIFF
64 EpsWmf WMF - Encapsulated PostScript WMF
66 FaxG31Dim FAX Group 3 1-Dimensional
67 FaxG32Dim FAX Group 3 2-Dimensional
68 FaxG4 FAX Group 4
69 WfxG31Dim WinFax Group 3 1-Dimensional
70 WfxG4 WinFax Group 4
71 IcaG31Dim IOCA ICA 1-Dimensional
72 IcaG32Dim IOCA ICA 2-Dimensional
73 IcaG4 IOCA ICA Group 4
74 Os22 OS/2 Bitmap - OS/2 BMP
75 Png PNG - Portable Network Graphics
76 Psd Photoshop 3.0 - PSD
77 RawIcaG31Dim Raw IOCA ICA - Group 3 1-Dimensional
78 RawIcaG32Dim Raw IOCA ICA - Group 3 2-Dimensional
79 RawIcaG4 Raw IOCA ICA - Group 4
80 Fpx FlashPix with no compression
81 FpxSingleColor FlashPix with 'single color' Compression
82 FpxJpeg FlashPix with JPEG Compression
83 FpxJpegQFactor FlashPix with JPEG Compression and qFactor
84 BmpRle Windows Bitmap - BMP with RLE Compression
85 TifCmyk TIFF CMYK colorspace with no compression
86 TifLzwCmyk TIFF CMYK colorspace with LZW Compression
87 TifPackBits TIFF RGB colorspace with PackBits Compression
88 TifPackBitsCmyk TIFF CMYK colorspace with PackBits Compression
89 DicomGray DICOM Format - DIC, DCM grayscale with no compression
90 DicomColor DICOM Format - DIC, DCM color with no compression
91 WinIco Windows Icon - ICO
92 WinCur Windows Cursor - CUR
93 TifYcc TIFF YCbCr colorspace with no compression
94 TifLzwYcc TIFF YCbCr colorspace with LZW Compression
95 TifPackbitsYcc TIFF YCbCr colorspace with PackBits Compression
96 Exif Exif RGB colorspace with no compression
97 ExifYcc Exif YCbCr colorspace with no compression
98 ExifJpeg422 Exif with JPEG 4-2-2 Compression
98 ExifJpeg Exif with JPEG 4-2-2 Compression (same as RasterImageFormat.ExifJpeg422)
101 ExifJpeg411 Exif with JPEG 4-1-1 Compression
102 PbmAscii PBM ASCII
103 PbmBinary PBM Binary
104 PgmAscii PGM ASCII
105 PgmBinary PGM Binary
106 PpmAscii PPM ASCII
107 PpmBinary PPM Binary
108 Cut Dr. Halo
109 Xpm XPM Window PixMap
110 Xbm XWindows BitMap (XBM)
111 IffIlbm IFF - Amiga Interchange ILBM
112 IffCat IFF - Amiga Interchange CAT
113 Xwd XWD - X Window Dump
114 Clp CLP - Microsoft Windows Clipboard
115 Jbig JBIG
116 Emf EMF - Windows Enhanced Metafile
117 IcaIbmMmr IOCA ICA MMR Compressed
118 RawIcaIbmMmr Raw IOCA ICA MMR Compressed
119 Ani Windows Animated Cursor (ANI)
121 LaserData LaserView LaserData CCITT Group 4
122 IntergraphRle IntergraphRLE ITG - RLE Compressed
123 IntergraphVector DGN - Intergraph Vector
124 Dwg DWG Format
125 DicomRleGray DIC, DCM - DICOM Format grayscale with RLE Compression
126 DicomRleColor DIC, DCM - DICOM Format color with RLE Compression
127 DicomJpegGray DIC, DCM - DICOM Format grayscale with JPEG Compression
128 DicomJpegColor DIC, DCM - DICOM Format color with JPEG Compression
129 Cals4 CALS - Raster Type 4
130 Cals2 CALS - Raster Type 2
131 Cals3 CALS - Raster Type 3
132 Xwd10 XWD 10 - X Window Dump
133 Xwd11 XWD 11 - X Window Dump
134 Flc Flic Animation (FLC)
135 Kdc KDC - Kodak Digital Camera Format
136 Drw DRW - DRaWing
137 Plt HPGL plotter file vector graphics PCL
138 TifCmp TIFF - LEAD CMP Compression
139 TifJbig TIFF - JBIG Compression
140 TifDxf TIFF - Embedded DXF R13
141 TifUnknown TIFF - Unknown image data
142 Sgi SGI - Silicon Graphics Image Format
143 SgiRle SGI RLE - Silicon Graphics Image Format
145 Dwf DWF Format
146 RasPdf PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with no compression
147 RasPdfG31Dim PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with group 3 1-Dimensional Compression
148 RasPdfG32Dim PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with group 3 2-Dimensional Compression
149 RasPdfG4 PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with group 4 Compression
150 RasPdfJpeg PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with JPEG 4-4-4 or grayscale Compression
151 RasPdfJpeg422 PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with JPEG 4-2-2 Compression
152 RasPdfJpeg411 PDF - Adobe Portable Document Format with JPEG 4-1-1 Compression
153 Raw Raw Image Data. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
155 TifCustom Unsupported
156 RawRgb Raw RGB Image Data with no compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
157 RawRle4 Raw 4-bit Image Data with RLE Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
158 RawRle8 Raw 8-bit Image Data with RLE Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
159 RawBitfields Raw Image Data with BitField Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
160 RawPackBits Raw Image Data with PackBits Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
161 RawJpeg Raw Image Data with JPEG Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
162 RawCcitt Raw Image Data with CCITT Compression and no EOL. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
162 FaxG31DimNoEol FAX Group 3 (1-Dimensional) with no EOL
163 Jp2 Jpeg2000 file with Lossy or Lossless Compression
164 J2k Jpeg2000 stream with Lossy or Lossless Compression
165 Cmw LEAD Wavelet CMP
166 TifJ2k TIFF with JPEG2000 Compression
167 TifCmw TIFF with LEAD Wavelet CMP Compression
168 Mrc Standard MRC T44 Format
169 Gerber GBR - Gerber Vector Format
170 Wbmp WBMP - Wireless Bitmap Format
171 JpegLab JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format CieLAB 4-4-4
172 JpegLab411 JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format CieLAB 4-1-1
173 JpegLab422 JFIF - JPEG File Interchange Format CieLAB 4-2-2
174 GeoTiff GeoTIFF - TIFF format
175 TifLead1Bit TIFF with LEAD 1-bit Compression
177 TifMrc TIFF with standard MRC Compression
178 RawLzw Raw Image Data with LZW Compression. LEADTOOLS can load and save raw compressed or uncompressed data
179 RasPdfLzw PDF LZW - Adobe Portable Document Format with LZW Compression
181 Nap NAP - NAPLPS Format
182 JpegRgb JPEG RGB File Interchange Format JFIF RGB 4-4-4
183 Jbig2 JB2 - JBIG2 format
184 RawIcaAbic Raw IOCA ABIC
185 Abic ABIC - Raw ABIC Format
186 TifAbic TIFF with ABIC Compression
187 TifJbig2 TIFF with JBIG2 Compression
188 RasPdfJbig2 PDF JBIG2 - Adobe Portable Document Format with JBIG2 Compression
189 TifZip TIFF with ZIP Compression
190 IcaAbic IOCA ICA with ABIC Compression
191 AfpIcaAbic MO:DCA IOCA files with AFP prefix and ABIC Compression
222 Postscript PS - PostScript Document Format
247 Svg SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics Format
249 Ptoca PTOCA Format
250 Sct SCT - Scitex Continuous Tone Format
251 Pcl PCL- Printer Command Language Format
252 Afp AFP - AFP Format
253 IcaUncompressed IOCA ICA with no compression
254 RawIcaUncompressed Raw IOCA ICA with no compression
255 Shp ESRI Shape Format (SHP)
256 Smp SMP Format
257 SmpG31Dim SMP Format - CCITT Group 3, 1-Dimensional
258 SmpG32Dim SMP Format - CCITT Group 3, 2-Dimensional
259 SmpG4 SMP Format - CCITT Group 4
261 Cmx CMX - Corel Presentation Exchange Format
262 TgaRle TGA - Truevision TARGA with RLE Compression
263 Kdc120 KDC 120 - Kodak Digital Camera Format)
264 Kdc40 KDC 40 - Kodak Digital Camera Format)
265 Kdc50 KDC 50 - Kodak Digital Camera Format)
266 Dcs DCS - Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format
269 TifxJbig Xerox Internet Fax File Format with JBIG Compression
270 TifxJbigT43 Xerox Internet Fax File Format with JBIG Compression
271 TifxJbigT43ItuLab Xerox Internet Fax File Format with JBIG Compression
272 TifxJbigT43Gs Xerox Internet Fax File Format with JBIG Compression
273 TifxFaxG4 Xerox Internet Fax File Format with CCITT Group 4 Compression
274 TifxFaxG31D Xerox Internet Fax File Format with CCITT Group 3, 1-Dimensional Compression
275 TifxFaxG32D Xerox Internet Fax File Format with CCITT Group 3, 2-Dimensional Compression
276 TifxJpeg Xerox Internet Fax File Format with JPEG Compression
288 RasRle RAS - SUN Raster Format with RLE Compression
290 Dxf13 DXF - Drawing Interchange Format
291 ClpRle CLP - Microsoft Windows Clipboard with RLE Compression
292 Dcr DCR - Kodak Professional Digital Camera System Format
293 DicomJ2kGray DIC, DCM - DICOM Format grayscale with JPEG 2000 Compression
294 DicomJ2kColor DIC, DCM - DICOM Format color with JPEG 2000 Compression
295 Fit FIT Format
296 Crw AFP Format - with IOCA MMR Compression
297 DwfTextAsPolyline DWF Format
298 Cin CIN - Cineon Format
300 EpsPostscript PostScript Raster - Encapsulated PostScript
301 IntergraphCcittG4 ITG - IntergraphRLE with CCITT Group 4 Compression
302 Sff SFF - Structured Fax File Format
303 IffIlbmUncompressed IFF - Amiga Interchange ILBM with no compression
304 IffCatUncompressed IFF - Amiga Interchange CAT with no compression
305 RtfRaster RTF - Rich Text Format
307 Wmz WMZ - Compressed Windows Metafile Format
309 AfpIcaG31Dim MO:DCA IOCA - Files with AFP prefix and Fax G3 1D Compression
310 AfpIcaG32Dim MO:DCA IOCA - Files with AFP prefix and Fax G3 2D Compression
311 AfpIcaG4 MO:DCA IOCA - Files with AFP prefix and Fax G4 Compression
312 AfpIcaUncompressed MO:DCA IOCA - Files with AFP prefix and no Compression
313 AfpIcaIbmMmr MO:DCA IOCA - Files with AFP prefix and Fax G3 1D IBM MMR modified Compression (no EOL)
314 LeadMrc LEAD MRC Format
315 TifLeadMrc TIFF with LEAD MRC Compression
316 Txt Text Format LEADTOOLS can load ASCII and Unicode text files as raster or SVG images. Refer to CodecsTxtLoadOptions.
317 PdfLeadMrc PDF Format with image segmentation using LEAD MRC
318 Hdp JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format
319 HdpGray JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format
320 HdpCmyk JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format
321 PngIco ICO - Windows Icon with PNG Compression
322 Xps XPS - Microsoft XML Paper Specification
323 Jpx JPX - JPEG2000 extension part 2
324 XpsJpeg XPS - XML Paper Specification with JPEG (4-4-4) Compression
325 XpsJpeg422 XPS - XML Paper Specification with JPEG (4-2-2) Compression
326 XpsJpeg411 XPS - XML Paper Specification with JPEG (4-1-1) Compression
327 Mng MNG - Multiple Network Graphics
329 MngGray MNG - Multiple Network Graphics Gray
330 MngJng MNG - Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-4-4
331 MngJng411 MNG - Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-1-1
332 MngJng422 MNG - Multiple Network Graphics YUV 4-2-2
333 RasPdfCmyk PDF CMYK data - Adobe Portable Document Format with no compression
334 RasPdfLzwCmyk PDF CMYK data - Adobe Portable Document Format with LZW Compression
335 Mif MIF - MapInfo Interchange File Format
336 E00 E00 - ArcInfo Interchange File Format
337 Tdb Windows XP Thumbnail Cache
338 Tdb2 Windows Vista Thumbnail Cache
339 Snp MS Access Report Snapshots Format
340 AfpIm1 AFP Format (AFP) with IOCA MMR Compression
341 Xls XLS - Microsoft Excel 97-2003 File Format
342 Doc DOC - Microsoft Word 97-2003 File Format
343 Anz Analyze File Format
344 Ppt PPT - Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 File Format
345 PptJpeg Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 File Format with JPEG Compression
346 PptPng Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 File Format with PNG Compression
347 Jpm JPEG2000 JPM File Format
348 Vff Sun TAAC Bitmap File Format
349 PclXl PCLXL - PCL6 Vector Format
350 Docx DOCX - Microsoft Office Word File Format
351 Xlsx XLSX - Microsoft Office Excel File Format
352 Pptx PPTX - Microsoft Office PowerPoint File Format
353 Jxr JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format
354 JxrGray JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format - Grayscale
355 JxrCmyk JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format - CMYK
356 Jls JPEG LS File Format
357 Jxr422 JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format - YUV 4-2-2
358 Jxr420 JPEG XR - Microsoft HD Photo File Format - YUV 4-2-0
359 DcfArw DCF - Sony Digital Camera Format
360 DcfRaf DCF - Fujifilm Digital Camera Format
361 DcfOrf DCF - Olympus Digital Camera Format
362 DcfCr2 DCF - Canon Digital Camera Format
363 DcfNef DCF - Nikon Digital Camera Format
364 DcfRw2 DCF - Panasonic Digital Camera Format
365 DcfCasio DCF - Casio Digital Camera Format
366 DcfPentax DCF - Pentax Digital Camera Format
367 JlsLine JPEG LS Line interleaved File Format
368 JlsSample JPEG LS Sample interleaved File Format
369 Htm HyperText Markup Language
370 Mob MOBI Format for e-book readers such as the Kindle
371 Pub ePub Format
372 Ing INGR File Format COT, color or gray, with no compression
373 IngRle INGR File Format, 1 or 8 BPP, with RLE Compression
374 IngAdaptiveRle INGR File Format, 24 or 8 BPP, with Adaptive RLE Compression
375 IngG4 INGR File Format with CCITT Group 4 Compression
376 Dwfx DWFX - DWF XPS Document
377 IcaJpeg IOCA with MO:DCA wrapper - Multipage JPEG Compression
378 IcaJpeg411 IOCA with MO:DCA wrapper - Multipage JPEG 4-1-1 Compression
379 IcaJpeg422 IOCA with MO:DCA wrapper - Multipage JPEG 4-2-2 Compression
380 DcfDng DCF, ARW, SR2, SRF, DNG, CR2, RAF, NEF, NRW, ORF, RW2, RAW - Digital File Formats
381 RawFlate Raw Image Data with Flate Compression
382 RawRle Raw Image Data with RLE Compression
383 DicomJlsGray DIC, DCM - DICOM Format grayscale with JPEG-LS Compression
384 DicomJlsColor DIC, DCM - DICOM Format color with JPEG-LS Compression
385 Pst PST - Outlook Format
386 Msg MSG - Outlook Format
387 Eml EML - Outlook Format
388 RasPdfJpx PDF, JPX - Portable Document Format
389 DicomJpxGray DIC, DCM - DICOM Format grayscale with JPEG2000 part 2 JPX Compression
390 DicomJpxColor DIC, DCM - DICOM Format color with JPEG2000 part 2 JPX Compression
391 JpegCmyk JPEG File Interchange Format CMYK 4-4-4
392 JpegCmyk411 JPEG File Interchange Format CMYK 4-1-1
393 JpegCmyk422 JPEG File Interchange Format CMYK 4-2-2
394 TifJpegCmyk TIFF with JPEG Compression CMYK 4-4-4
395 TifJpegCmyk411 TIFF with JPEG Compression CMYK 4-1-1
396 TifJpegCmyk422 TIFF with JPEG Compression CMYK 4-2-2
397 Svgz SVG GZIP - Compressed Scalable Vector Graphics Format
398 X9f X9 - Image Cash Letter
399 ThreeJS 3JS - Three.js 3D model JSON Geometry Format
400 Stl STL - STereoLithography Format
401 Csv CSV Format. LEADTOOLS can load CSV files as raster or SVG images. Refer to CodecsCsvLoadOptions
402 Heic HEIC - High Efficiency File Format
403 Xlsb XLSB - Excel Binary File Format
404 Webp Single page WebP File Format
405 WebpAni Animated WebP File Format
406 Avif AV1 File Format
407 Odt Odt File Format
408 Ods Ods File Format
409 Odp Odp File Format


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