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ColorResolutionCommand Class Properties


For a list of all members of this type, see ColorResolutionCommand members

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property BitsPerPixel Gets or sets the number of bits per pixel for the conversion.
Public Property Colors Gets or sets the number of colors to use in the palette
Public Property DestinationImage Gets the resulting image.
Public Property DitheringMethod The dithering options used when converted the image.
Public Property HasProgress Determines if the command object has a progress event handler set. (Inherited from RasterCommand)
Public Property InitAlpha Indicates whether to initialize the alpha channel values when converting to 32 or 64-bit images.
Public Property Mode Gets or sets the behavior of the command.
Public Property Order Gets or sets the desired color order for the conversion.
Public Property PaletteFlags Gets or sets the Palette options used when converted the image.

See Also

ColorResolutionCommand Class

Leadtools Namespace

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